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I am moving into a fully furnished apartment and I would like to make the living room a little more homely - presently it is quite bland. Ideally, I would prefer to avoid hanging things on the wall as I don't want to worry about losing my damage deposit or plastering/painting to cover the holes.

My first impression is that adding an area rug to the floor and some sort of small bookcase (small because I only have 15 books) left of the TV will make the area slightly more cozy. Given I am a student, I would prefer to decorate frugally, but I am certainly open to spending some money as well.

What would you do to the space?
and that door pictured leads to a patio, it is not a front door of the house.
>I would prefer to avoid hanging things on the wall as I don't want to worry about losing my damage deposit or plastering/painting to cover the holes.
as a landlord myself, i can tell you the landlord is usually on the hook for normal minimal wear and tear like that. 3M plastic wall hooks come with an adhesive back and don't damage walls at all, you'd never even know they were there. As for your other ideas, yes i'd get an area rug to frame in what you have and get a decent looking bookshelf. You can add some life to the furniture with better throw pillows. Maybe also add some low maintenance plants and some small poufs for footrests.
if you have the budget, some large potted plants on either side of the TV. area rug. put up some art or pictures on the wall.
Thanks for the tips. Any idea how one would go about selecting appropriate art for a living room? Random abstract pieces that are cheap and I happen to like looking at? I haven’t developed any taste in artwork at this point, so I am unsure where to start with selecting/buying such things
Three words: (I just see a) big empty room.
>What would you do to the space?
Move into a smaller apartment instead of paying extra space that I am never going to use.
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Potted plants, a dozen of them. Women love that shit and it instantly looks like you know what you're doing. You can get around hanging stuff on the wall by just leaning framed art against the wall. Get a large coffee table book about something sophisticated and a slab of hardwood with candles and you WILL fuck any girl you bring back home.
jesus christ get some high wattage lighting into that cave it's too dark bro
Wow, there is something about that leaning art aesthetic that looks great. My question is, how do I select the framed piece of art? Ideally if somebody asked me why I selected a piece of art I would be able to offer some sort of elaboration to feign sophistication, rather than shrugging my shoulders and saying it looked pretty neat for $80
>how do I select the framed piece of art?
my god, buy something you like, you will have to look at it every day
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This screams mental illness.
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This was my inspo
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In case you're being sincere I'll give some thoughts.
>nice rug
>the couch looks like it came out of a mobile home
>coffee table too small and too ugly
>random office chair and TV on the floor make you look like a lunatic (just mount the TV and buy an actual accent chair or buy a media console)
>what is up with the chairs by the window?
>book shelves appear to have no books and are too small for the room
those bar height chairs are seated around a 32" round glass table. It's my dining area. I drink coffee and look outside
> Ideally if somebody asked me why I selected a piece of art I would be able to offer some sort of elaboration to feign sophistication
Why not just learn about art? You don't need to go to art school or something, but look up how art is made(watercolor, oil paint, pastel, etc), how prints are made(There is a big difference between a poster from Walmart and a high quality reproduction print. Learn about this.) You can go to art shows and see them in person and maybe even get an original work, but the "research" you do before will help you know what you're saying. Also look up art styles and what you like, for example do you like Cubism or Classical portraits or are you a fan of dadaism or impressionists like Monet? Get a broad and general view, you don't need to know every artist or style, but just know broad elements.

Having an authentic appreciation of art or at least knowledge of it will make you well rounded and "cultured" and then you don't need to feign anything which is the saddest thing ever and pathetic. I'd have more respect for some weeb showing me his anime waifu pillow covering that he's passionate about rather than some phony telling me how he loves Monet's Blue period but he clearly just bought some garbage print from Amazon that's pixelated to hell. Also visit art museums local to you, most have a day that's discounted every month. Don't feign being cultured, develop your culture
Maybe start off with one or two plants, an apartment filled with dead plants and bugs is a big no-go
Piggybacking off of this, who sells bed frames that are worth a fuck? I hear IKEA ones blow.
By worth a fuck I mean not squeaky or creaky.
Does anyone have any thoughts on “coffee table books”? What sort of book are you meant to place on your coffee table, something for a guest to peruse (magazine/photography book of some sort) OR literature you are reading - sort of presenting a piece of your personality/interest on the coffee table.
Did you google "Coffee Table Book"?
DO NOT GET IKEA. To be perfectly honest, if you can;'t blow a lot on a solid BRASS bedframe, get one from a habitat for humanity, antique place or etsy. Older the better. Then you can just refinish it. it'll last you forever. You literally get what you pay for. Anything new under like $800 min is literal garbage
>You can go to art shows and see them in person and maybe even get an original work
This is a good idea. Lots of cities have first friday events where local artists show their stuff, could probably snag something cheap from an unknown there.
Coffee table books are a specific type of book. Something with a compelling theme, emphasis on photos but with descriptions or brief stories/essays as well, easy to jump in & out of. Magazines and photography books are separate categories but can fulfill the same purpose.
Just buy a fucking table for the TV man.
Also, dont you get glare from it being directly across from the window?
you need some wall tapestries STAT
buy some frames and then find some prints.
google your way into finding a genre you like and then narrow it down and then browse. photos or paintings? time era? medium? and so on and so on. you don't need to explain it to like it. just "i like paintings of old cities" is enough or whatever.
I was thinking of getting those Japanese Futons for my new apartment. I’ve never liked being so high up while I sleep. Any thoughts?
If you get a Japanese futon, almost everyday you have to lift it up and hang it somewhere to air out or it will mold. Would you put it on tatami or just on the floor?
Yeah I get glare but it's an extremely bright TV. Glare reminds me to leave me house.
i have pic related and it always a good one

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