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Last one 404'd
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These threads probably consist of reposts for the most part.
Post the template, retard.
>le grid thread
>no template
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Here you are friends, sorry for any inconvenience!
does anyone have any other similar grid templates in the /fa/ vein?
wrong grid you fucking chimp
That's the gay grid.
Post the straight one.
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If you need anything more than this as a straight, non-negrified man, you're a woman.
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Here you go, sirs.
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SHARPS are fucking loser faggots. Go kneel to your black monkeys
Where did you cop your Henley?
I don't see any emergency candies in there. Be better.
I cop mine at the local mall. It's a henley. It doesn't matter, as long as it's 100% cotton.
Lyle and Scott is for NS, SHARPS wear fred perry.
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I'm on my phone so I had to draw em in sorry about that
You're a pretty good drawer. Getting the perspective right even when doodling is not bad at all.
Thank you but don't compare me to furniture again
All grids can be posted in a grid thread
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No way you carry that much shit.
Cry about it.
>No way you carry that much shit.
I have a bag for the cams and the book
You know I needs my cash and keys yo
>Cry about it.
go back to fucking Instagram zoomer...

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