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What different styles should I go for as a man to get a girl of each of these different subcultures?
The most import thing to getting a girl is height, followed by her thinking you could kill any man she has ever met, then your ability is acquire resources and in last place is the clothes you wear. The answer is the same for all of them: ocbd and chinos or suit when leaving the house and sweats and a tshirt at home
Latinas are the only effay choice among these six.
Girls don't give a shit about your style. Just be tall , have a nice face and have hair
All whores in 2024. The femcel and trad probably would have the lowest i suspect. I can go outside and find femcels and trads with low bodycount. Latina culture is sexualized so they bang a lotta dudes. The other girls if i saw them irl i assume are onlyfans girls with high bodycounts a drug addiction.
I don't even know that guys go out and pick up chicks anymore - pretty sure it's all done online like everything else in the world? I play music in a lot of big bars and clubs and maybe 1% of girls don't leave with the friends they came with? Used to be 50% of the crowd would at least be making out and grinding but maybe social autism or hypergamy killed that? Idk mane I just don't see the point of dressing to pick up chicks because it's all done online now
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seek sunlight incels
How the fuck do I find femcels
Why are the Latinas called out as copy paste? All of them except the femcels, and perhaps the trad girls, belong to fairly homogenous styles.
the pic's caption is kinda useless. guys, what do these types say about the dude who's attracted to them?
What did he mean by this?
doomer- super long straight hair or mid length fluffy hair
trad girls- any short clean haircuts, if you decide to have facial hair keep it well groomed
femcels- I think any hair that enhances your features
cp latinas- buzz cuts or Edgar cuts
weeb-e girls- not too sure, anything that makes you good looking ig lmao
scene girls- same as doomers

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