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What haircut would suit me? I feel like no matter what I am ugly.
Grow a little hair (if you can). I can imagine you looking great with long hair. Don't lose hope!
1. Grow it out and get it cut into a style that works for your face. A good barber will know.
2. Get better specs my man, those frames are doing absolutely nothing for your face.
3. Honestly, lose a bit of weight. It'll define your face a bit more.
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Protip: get nicer glasses made of metal.
And get a fade from the ghettoest barber you can find in the Phillipines
skin whitening niggalips surgery and weight loss
I think you have decently good potential with your looks if you take the right steps; just change out those square glasses because they don't fit you.

Grow out your hair; anything will be better than this flat lawngrass haircut because it just makes you look under maintenance (in a bad way). I'd suggest growing out your hair and allow it to grow a more thicker; you'll honestly need to experiment. Anything would be better than what you've got going on right now.

Talking about beards, I think you already look relatively good clean shaven; it's really just a hair thing.
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get a fade
he lives in mojave in a winnebago
his name is bobby, he looks like a potato
Wipe off that lip stick faggot

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