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Tattoos and women that get tattoos are based. there i said it
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thats actually fairly reminiscent of fucking on acid
They look like (even more) shit once you turn 30
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meh at 106 she still looks pretty good imo
Every woman looks shit after she turns 30
Agreed, women with tattoos look cool, although insect is rather questionable choice.
It's the bad cosmetic surgery that makes them look bad
I'd say nice, tasteful tattoos are fine. But they're rare.

Most chicks get an assortment of various chiché, low cost small tattoos and they end up looking like children with a bunch of stupid doodles all over their body.

I do not approve.
Idk what it is but these post wall aged out coke roasties who delude themselves into dressing 15-20 years younger than their actual age is hot as fuck.

I of course am a disgusting individual in the bottom dregs of society, so Im the only type of guy that theyre attracting therefore invalidating their cope.
I like this style. It adds cool aesthetics

Women getting tattoos of roses and butterflies are so ugly
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i generally don't like tattoos and don't find them attractive but its not a total deal breaker.
i've long term dated girls with full body suits. my standard is its fine if its all cohesive and good art. i won't date girls with random doodles and scribbles from random meth artists all over them. i won't date girls with any coverups. and if there's a single bad tattoo on you i'm not interested.
if that standard can be met idc.
generally any face tats are a deal breaker if it crosses the chin i'm not into it, but i made an exception and dated a girl with face tats for a bit. went how you'd expect it to. cool person though. hey i wonder if she's still around she used to post on here.

agree women age fine with tattoos i have a few inked up grandma's in my family.
men don't. looks bad when they get old. only looks cool if they're old military tattoos with a story attached or something.
also if you have tats its probably just gonna be a fuck buddy thing you gotta work harder to get to gf level and prove yourself. if the tats show planning and long term thought put into the whole thing cohesively that's not really a red flag but impulsive shit all over their bodies = mental illness.
They are always with 100% certainty mentally ill
All tattoos are cringe.
All scribbleskins are pathetic.
All female scribbleskins are doubly pathetic.
is this loss?
Depends on where you are. If you're in the middle of nowhere Appalachia or the shit-dust Midwest, tattoos (especially heavy tattoos) are almost always a sign that a person is a degenerate or addict or someone from whom to stay away. In a big city, though, there are places where it's just part of the local culture. I'm from Chicago and there are neighborhoods (e.g. Bucktown, Logan Square, etc.) where tattoos are pretty ubiquitous, to the point that more than 50% of people have them, and the majority of the tattooed people that I know have steady, well-paying careers (a lot of architects and tech types along with a few business owners) and most of them have seemingly happy families.
I used to live in the suburbs, though, and the only people I saw with tattoos were bikers, bar trolls, and beggars/addicts.
The women where I am, now, are all pretty hot. Times are changing and tattoos aren't just the domain of sailors and outlaws, anymore. Get over it, friends.
Keep them off of the face, though.
I'm mentally ill and I don't have tattoos.
Holy fucking shit that tiger has to be fake. There's no way dude
Not even a big fan of them but anons who obsessively seethe over even the smallest of tattoos are the most obvious crossboarding newfags possible.
its a pretty accurate red flag for mental illness in portland, seattle, la, sf etc in my experience.
but you go off the quality and content of the tattoos not "does this person have tattoos or not"
you can tell someone who's gainfully employed with tats from someone who isn't just looking at the quality of the ink and the level of planning/composition put into their shit people who spend 5-30k for each tat don't have impulsive shit on them.
its still a red flag -- that they're NPC's / bots / turbo normalfags. it doesn't mean they're an addict or criminal. but it does mean you should never take that person too seriously right off the gate. red flag for mental illness (which is rampant in normie, corporate, status climbing types its in the first paragraph for narcissism on wikipedia) and low self esteem still. etc.
>builds entire personality on 4chan memes
>calls other people NPCs
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Tattoos have become the norm which actually makes them not cool at all anymore
Women with tattoos basically give me this vibe now
it actually is
lol, no
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>Tattoos have become the norm
humans have been tattooing themselves for hundreds of thousands of years
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notice when people make this argument they only show traditional tattoos never modern doodle bullshit.
because the guy posting it knows his own argument is a disingenuous lie and/or he's coping.
hey bro, how are these tattoos gonna age?
no, i just dont associate with white-trash like you. all of my friends have beautiful well thought out artwork adorning their bodies many of it referencing deep cultural ties and tradition. sorry you have no culture living in bumfuck arkansas. cope and seethe
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>today i live in a flyover state in the midwest, i guess?
sick doodles you're so proud of you won't even post, schizophrenic-bro.
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theres nothing funnier than the people who pay over 5k for a piece and find out the "artist" traced it or stole it from deviantart. i watched a compilation video of middle aged women on tiktok losing their shit over finding out their $20,000 ink was clipart.
>I was watching tiktok
So this is the kind of person anon is - underage or Chinese. Thanks for clearing up why your pathetic little brain turns the way it does, and why I should disregard any further posting done by you.
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>short form platform
thinking sure ain't this one's strong suit eh?

today i am
>shuffles hat full of folded up bits of paper
>draws card
surely, an underage chinaman!
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if tattoos are so cool why are there always cope threads trying to convince us they're not lame, gay, and for losers on the catalog?
surely one who makes these threads has no regrets.
because you polchuds are SO EASY and predictable to trigger
okay except the equivalent of the "Normie" stopped getting tattoos from ad 1000 until the counter-cultural revolution
you're still watching tik tok even if filtered through a different source, fag. Then you're attempting to pass this anecdote off as anything worth reading. Sorry for the racism, I was just trying to pop the boys.
Not really, women with tattoos are a dime a dozen in most urban areas.
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wasn't the chud face a drawing of a half jewish mischling kid? lmao.
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cluster b dunning-kreuger-machivellian types like you are even more predictable and easy to troll. puppet master pulling ur stringz!!! wow i haven't heard that before! very original character archetype you have there!
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It's disgusting.
what a retarded myopic euro-centric viewpoint. read a proper academic literature rather than regurtitating half-truths from wikipedia
I don't care about shitskins though
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>tatoos are for scumbags
more like, faggots
except it's other way round
>t. german
Are eastern religious symbols the new trampstamp? or is it cleavage tats?
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It's really not, Bayern, Baden-Württemberg, West-Berlin are more traditional christian up to date, also more traditional in male and female relation.
While east germany was always progressive, socialistic if you will, women were similar as male in the work place thus very masculine, east germans are more atheistic, also less educated, etc. etc.
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reading about your vibrant and rich cultures right now
(this anon read the jpeg and seethed so hard they reported my post instead of replying LOLOLO)
if you would not fuck the left one then i am sorry but you are gay
>what a retarded myopic euro-centric viewpoint

>omgz a guy defined a normie as what is normal in his own sphere.
lel, fucking psood.

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