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I want to make a punk style leather jacket
any pointers? Will probably use a "vegan" leather since I don't want to ruin an actual leather jacket
pic related is inspo but I think too over done
wear do you get, make band patches?
>"vegan" leather
Use a black denim jacket instead, vegan leather will flake and peel and fall apart quickly.
>wear do you get, make band patches?
Etsy, concerts, band's merch websites, buy white fabric a permanent marker and needle and thread, learn how to sew. Im sure there is a detailed guide on how to do this shit online you would have found if you looked at all
>Im sure there is a detailed guide on how to do this shit online you would have found if you looked at all
>vegan leather
nigger get cancer and die
did you stop reading, nigga
I have no problem with leather, I just don't want to fuck up actual leather, that shit is expensive
>vegan leather
dude if you wanna play woke (no meme) use an old leather jacket, that shit is less damaging to the planet
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>wearing clothes made of forever chemicals and plastic
topJEJ may as well donate your paycheck to marathon petroleum. really sticking it to the man, eh?
Punk is really just an improv comedy bit that gets funnier the older the actor gets
Do not use a vegan leather (plastic) jacket to do this. It will not hold up to the stress of the alterations you want to do, will look horrendously cheap, and will disintegrate in a year making all your effort pointless. An important element of the punk aesthetic comes from the use of durable materials (leather, denim, canvas, etc). When cheap poly/plastic materials are used it looks inauthentic and consumerist. You'll look like a gay poser.

Listen to >>18185642 and >>18187047. Use a denim jacket (any color) or hunt thrift shops for a $20 leather jacket.
wax a black denim jacket if you want to emulate the vibe of leather cheaply. probably too sweaty for shows unless its a vest tho.
I used to make these when I was a kid. As others have said, unlined denim is the easiest material to work with, and a good place to start with. You can get all the studs, spikes, grommets, and buckles or whatever you want on ebay. It's also a good place to look for inexpensive used leather jackets. A few tips: you can use the tip of a dart to poke holes for studs, and a coin to help press in the prongs. Anthing with a thick lining is a total bitch to work with, your best option is really just to cut it out before you start. Also, I've never tried to use artificial leather myself, but I've seen a lot of them as shows and they all look terrible. The stuff does not hold up at all, and always flakes and rips around the hardware. Something that used to be very cool but seems to have become less common lately was studded camouflage jackets, maybe consider going that route too. Finally, you'll probably be tempted to just go nuts with it at first because its fun, but slow down. Subtlety is an often overlooked virtue in alt fashion.
>You can get all the studs, spikes, grommets, and buckles or whatever you want on ebay.
denim's also an easy fabric to work with if you want to do it right and rivet all the hardware on instead of using the much shittier screw-on style attachment. the tools you need are cheap on amazon and ebay these days.
Get the merchant & mills “foreman” pattern. (I have posted the one I am making in the neofolk thread).

Make leather jacket.

The inside is only lined on the bit you can fold out as a lapel so there will be a raw edge but that’s fine because you can use bias and sew that on.

Try some simpler projects first and get very good at hand sewing or get good on a machine that can see leather.

My first project was a shirt and it was abysmal. You need to practice on simple things first.


This. Use the pattern I mentioned and wax it afterwords of you really want to make a jacket straight away.
I'm pretty sure OP meant "make" as in decorate an existing jacket.

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