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File: crystal.jpg (167 KB, 2000x2000)
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Ever use this stuff? Just got some in the mail.
What the fuck does this mean? You "got some in the mail"? Someone just randomly mailed you some fucking deodorant? You mean to say you ORDERED some deodorant and it just got delivered. Fucking moron. Why don't you use it and you tell us how it is. It's deodorant. Put it on and go grocery shopping or whatever and you tell us. Retard.
Dude you're a retard lol. What difference does it make? Does my syntax bother you? In the mail, ordered some in the mail. What difference does it even make, to you?

lol 4chan amirite?
Ya I use it and it rocks. It really does have zero fragrance and I get zero b/o smell even after 24hrs of wear and lots of sweating (this does not prevent sweating, just smell). I have sensitive skin and allergy issues and this stuff causes no problems. I'm never using conventional deodorant again.

Here's some tips:
>It will eventually fall out of the plastic casing and if you don't catch it, it will shatter.
It's better to just get it out of the plastic to begin with and use the case as just the holder when not in use. I drilled 2 holes in the bottom of the case to let air flow in so the crystal dries more easily after use. Don't ask me how to get it out, I don't have tips mine just fell out, but it appears to be attached only at the bottom.

>Wet a washcloth and rub it under your arms to dampen them, then get the crystal wet and apply liberally
Be sure to apply it slightly up your arm, slightly below your armpit, and around the perimeter of your pits. Don't just apply directly to the pits. After applying, let everything air dry like normal.

>Don't use it directly after shaving.
If you shaved at night, wait till morning to apply. It stings otherwise.

I've been using that exact one since march and I have no smell at all, even on the hottest days sweating like a pig. I leave my armpits wet after taking a shower, then apply where my arms come into contact with my sides, not just right in the pit. then the next morning I wet the crystal and apply it again as the first thing in my morning routine.
I'm hoping it will be smell less for the summer and let me sweat normally, where as normal antiperspirant stops sweat at the site but then makes you sweat more in other areas (my forehead)
Unfortunately fa has been raided by redditors a long time ago, they all talk like this
Unscented deodorant is worthless
I’ve used this but not the same brand. Didn’t work for me.
You have to be over 18 to post.
This way it doesn't clash with my cologne.
good shit, i miss their old packaging though
Newfag detected
It does work but I'm usually stinky by the next day so I kinda went back to cancer causing anti perso
Why would you need it to last more than a day?
works, but not for nearly as long as antiperspirant. on hot days I end up applying it a second time
I don't shower daily
deodorant is a jewish scam
Day two, no smell. Going strong.
Fpbp. Fuck the low IQ trash summer fags and reddit tourists shitting up this site.
ur dum
it works well but it actually mainlines aluminum/alum into your bloodstream way more efficiently than any regular antiperspirant could lmao
don't believe the broscience about "muh alum particles too big to pass thru the skin barrier"
not your safespace
What is this called anyhow? I use a non-aluminium based deo since whenever I don't my lymph nodes in my armpits get swollen.

I thought the whole point of this was that it didn't contain alum/aluminium.

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