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Is it stylish or cringe?
It depends
It can look either really onions or really good
Here again things like physique and genetics matter more than your hair color
Chad is gonna be chad even with pink hair
>not worth eating
but they're one of the groups that i want to vore the most

It's a subconscious sexual tell. 100% of women with crazy colored hair and sexual freaks and will do anal the first night. Most have some sort of daddy issue. Most will also lean left politically.
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I'm not sure how I feel about it IRL, but it looks amazing on my waifu.
I think the problem with it is that it went from being a quirky thing with cool angsty/sensitive subcultural connotations to a normie thing. Quirked up gothic/emo-adjacent cuties with coloured hair are awesome and rock the look well eg with winged eyeliner and spiky clothes but you have to be the right kind of person for it, don't do it if you're not inclined that way because then it's just clashing with everything and making you seem like a judgy leftist office worker or something
If it can make you feel better, its veery common in korea to have dyed hair. Even for guys
Based yakuza 8 enjoyer
It’s not stylish, but tacky. You don’t see this on the runway for a reason
I need to learn Korean, then.
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It's cringe libtards ruined it
It's fine as long as it's kept up. You dye your hair and a week later it's faded and the roots are growing out
You gotta keep up with it and that's where most people get too lazy and fail
i have a bro who's a gigachad who got the 2015 lgbt version of the hitler youth hair for some fucking reason then dyed it blue and it was grim. tanked his SMV till he got rid of it. i think his gf broke up with him over it.
just don't live in the west. simple
Denotes mental illness.
Hot on attractive chicks.
Repulsive x10 on ugly bitches.
Based off how this post is written I can tell this is an internet addicted virgin >>18190733

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