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what’s the final verdict?
To me it’s the absolute pinnacle of NPC. I can’t think of a more braindead shoe out there.
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looks shit on guys. if you are a young women you can pull them off
Servis cheetahs are cheaper and better quality lol
Any kind of all white shoes look shit on guys. Clean white shoes is a really feminine look. If you're a man and your shoes don't have dirt and dust on them, then you'll look like a weak little girly boy who is afraid of stepping out of the house.
Any adidas
These are only for mexican chicks. White chicks should have tretorns or something less trashy
was about to get black ones for the memes, but it's just plastic shit, felt cheap as fuck to the touch.
>just got word from brown, yellow is moving in on black territory, this clash with purple purple is gonna blow back on the club...I'm sorry brothers, this is on me...
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The only good black AF1s I’ve ever seen on the suede ones with gum sole desu
these look alright ngl
I like the fit and the look no matter how overplayed they are. I am wearing blacks right now.
they are based
Never understood the hype. Orthopedic looking shoes.
>Orthopedic looking shoes.
kek, thanks anon. You’ve ruined the way I see AF1s now
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Can you guys dump so AF1s Inspo?
This. I laugh everytime I see anyone wear this shit, and I see it a lot.
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I just bought a pair, and I’m 31yrs old… I’m a fag?
looks bad if ur short, they end up looking like platform shoes. get airmax 90, dunks, aj1 low etc

aj1 low all white/white variations or dunks look good
white shoes are the best for summer btw, best paired with other light color garments but black also works

if you wear leather boots in hot summer or hot countries, you look like tryhard retard cringe reddit malefashionadvice
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just got done watch the departed like an hour ago too.
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Nice, that movie gets better every time I re-watch it.
i remember when i was in school kids would get bullied for wearing af1s
>recommends more garbage tier nike slop.
get shoes that aren't made of plastic fake leather. even the hypebeasts don't care about jordans anymore. wack ass shoes.
air maxes are peak FOB immigrant or tourist from asia-core.
don't listen to this retard. any nike shoe with a leather upper is trash tier garbage. dunks and aj1 lows are sitting on shelves at the outlet store even hypebeasts aren't buying them anymore. nike makes the shoes out of plastic, calling it leather should be illegal its not. its splits grade suede sprayed in vinyl. that's why nikes crease and look like shit.
says on their website
that their shoes
are only meant to last
2 months their tip for removing creases is
buy new shoes every 2 months
unironically its on their website
ONLY EVER buy suede, nylon, and knit uppers from nike never buy ANY "leather" shoe from them unless you want to overpay for a shoe that looks good for 30 wears max.

nobody cares about high end quality shit that last 1000 years beside autists on malefashionadvice and 4chan who have autism obsessive personality disorder
only those retards buy leather boots that look super formal gay af and yet not formal at the same time looking like a retard tryhard and u buy it for $1000 because ur not stupid enough to buy nikes that look 10 times better and more like u dgaf for $70
kek, do you know where you’re at?
Because they are nigger shoes. But they're okay to wear now because America and all of the western world is thoroughly negrified.
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>nobody cares about high end quality shit
hypebeasts literally put stiffeners in their sneakers to stop the plastic from creasing.
and they collect shoes they are afraid to wear.
nike literally says their shit lasts 2 months: https://www.nike.com/a/how-to-uncrease-shoes

>that last 1000 yearsmalefashionadvice and 4chan who have autism obsessive personality disorder
you are genuinely socially retarded if you're unaware how young men collect plastic sneakers they're afraid to wear because the quality is so low.

>only those retards buy leather boots that look super formal gay af and yet not formal at the same time looking like a retard tryhard and u buy it for $1000 because ur not stupid enough to buy nikes that look 10 times better and more like u dgaf for $70
look up hender scheme, y-3, etc you broke zero bitches bitch.
every hypebeast influencer has a video on how to avoid or prevent creases because the plastic their shoes are made of crease easily and look bad when they crease:

and its a well known thing you can see on every college campus how some of them unironically CHANGE THEIR GAIT and walk differently to avoid the creases.
Anon, that Nike link does not say that you should replace your shoes every two months. I've read it repeatedly, Ctrl+F'd, and it's just not there. Can you show it?
lmaooo they edited it out
waybackmachine that shit
>Popular Ways to Prevent Sneaker Creases
>Buy new shoes. At risk of stating the obvious, one way to avoid the problem of creased shoes is to buy new ones!
it used to say every 2 months on this part. you can search archives and see me posting it and anon's reactions to reading it if wayback doesn't have it. very recent edit.
Thanks anon, I've tried Wayback and I can't find it back to when it was published in 2021. I'm having an error with it though so will check again and see if it's visible. If you or anyone else finds it I'd love it as a screenshot for posterity because 2 months out of a pair of (overpriced, plastic) Jordans is lunacy.
just get airmax plus's
swear half of the reason they are popular is cause they give you like 1.25 inches in height

the height obsessed culture is why shoes like converse became unpopular
kek, ignorantly wrong.
What other shoes would increase height like af1's?
any sneakers?
Ultimate NPC shoes

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