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Discontinued: >>18182876

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The Fragrance Groups 101 chart
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The Fragrance Flowchart for Beginners
do we really need to be opening threads with lorealslop now?
garbage as always
Cool Water or Drakkar Noir today?
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someone’s stuck in 2015 apparently
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You don't need more.
fantastic as always
indian as always
I watched Curly's videos on Tiktok. She sure loves Arab fragrances. She must be into Arab guys especially Emiratis lol.
>Sons of Anarchy tattoo
She must be into bikers too
SOTD Xerjoff Fiero
I heard Jeremy's grandparents were Holocaust survivors. Is this true?
He polish, my man.
I thought he was German. Nazis killed Christians too?
Her accent is so funny
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Why do we hate it again?
It's JPG
So that's why /pol/ is 40% white
>mogged by Legend Spirit in your path
Anyone know if Mugler Come Together cologne will ever be restocked. Mugler claim it hasn't been officially discontinued as it's still on their website. But it reads like it has been out of stock for years now.

Any recommendations on similar fragrances?
I can get it in my cunt but I assume not for long as mugler only cares about alien the og angel and the new mugler for men
Arabs giver her money to promote their shit. She's a lesbian who loves BBC.
I can get it as in one site has a tester and another maybe has a bottle (no idea if they are legit though)
>he lives in a shitty one bedroom apartment now

what the fuck happened to him
I got the last bottle on FragranceX. Think you're probably right. Since L'Oreal bought them out I heard they severed ties with the manufacturer. Is Alien made in France still?
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I haven't bought any perfumes since I was 15-16. so I'm interested in getting one again. I had picrel which is no longer sold outside of some weird websites, which I thought smelled nice-OK. it's also one of my few reference points to go off of.
I hope someone here who know a wide variety of perfumes could recommend or point me to perfumes that would be similar to picrel you think I might like, but not necessarily identical. Maybe something that shares most of the base notes and includes some of the other ones, idk.
don't bring that unfunny reddit shit here
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I'm going to shill this one once again, really cool frag.
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Why did they kill it?
Sotd Cool Water
Tobacco Vanille clone?
Apparently it's close to Mystery Tobacco and Red Tobacco, I havent smelled Tobacco Vanille, but it seems to be it's own thing, judging with what fragrantica says, I havn't tried the other ones, so I cannot tell you exactly.
I have that Oud Wood clone by Alhambra that have some kind of similitude but with tobacco and other things, but there is something similar.
Sounds a bit like terre d'Hermes from the notes, but notes aren't actually often accurate or useful, so it's hard to say
Got a wifferino of scandal absolu yesterday and it smells almost the same as the scandals. What's up with these flankers that all smell the same
Anyone spray fragrance in the car? If so which ones? I'm trying to go for 80s-90s vibe. I'd do egoiste platinum, but it's probably a bad idea. Too expensive and overkill.
Try sung homme if you really want that miami vice reek. I'm just warning you because that's what you're looking for but it may not be for you.
my ex gf used to spray her car with black opium. she was also using sweet cherry car refreshener at the same time
thank god i dumped her
Interesting, I've heard about this one. New or vintage? I want the most authentic experience.
New is fine, vintage anything isn't worth going for unless it's literally a different frag like Fahrenheit or Kouros
notorious sales flop. last time i spoke to caron they were supposedly going to bring it back, but that hasn’t happened yet.
Why did they kill it?
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Just blind bought this what am I in for?
Smelling like a family funeral, down to the lily.
Top 3 loves of my life

1. My daughter
2. Chanel Allure Homme
3. my wife
I too also love your wife
i dont love any of those things
I haven't been up to speed with frags for some time now. Up until about 1 month, EVERY SINGLE person in ny city would smell like sausage or any other burnt sugar clone, however, for the past couple of weeks I have noticed several times some kind of peppery/dry makeup note floating around. I know it is not Dior Homme tho. Is there a new slop everyone is using?
More like ultra gay
yeah Givenchy Gentlemen has a lot of Iris based fragrances, also Prada L'Homme but not its peppery
Need to make room for wanted by night elixir
3 key ingredients in the OG Aventus were banned in 2015
No she’s pure
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I've just tried pic related and although it smells similar to Bogart Signature, Quorum performed better on my skin and I also liked the drydown a bit more.
By "just tried" I mean I wore it today to work.
sneak peak for a new Tom fag
four more scents in production
don’t know which products we’ll cull
Thoughts of Costa Azzurra Parfum (gold bottle) from Tom Ford?
>getting excited at paying $500 for 50ml of lorealslop
fucking kek they spelt licqour wrong hahaha
all 4 will be bad
fite me!
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I've been testing this baddie for the past 2-3 days and I gotta say, there's something poopy about it, as in straight up feces. I am confusion.
Will bitches love Sauvage?
lol this nigga goin round smelling like doo doo
Smelling like feces and piss is based as it filters normies. When they recoil in repulsion around you you know you just won and are a patrician with superior taste and higher iq
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Ultra Indian
can’t wait to trash it
tom ford is lauderslop not lorealslop
all the people who wear it are bitches, that’s for sure
Indians don't wear jpg
this thread proves otherwise
indians wear whatever i dont like
simple as
>I am confusion
So am I, because it doesn't smell like anything that comes from a body, animal or human. I can only assume you're a robot that shits tar .
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What fragrances give off a Scarface vibe? Not necessarily the violence and shooting but the 80s rich Miami guy.
you can sift through the Reminds me Of section
I ordered a sample of Jazz Club. How soon should I expect my pole to get waxed?
you can expect for your asshole to be blown out asap by loreal
Thanks.Ill try to get a sniff of EdT, EdP, Intense Vetiver and Givree, with the knowledge that it they might perform better on skin and after they have sat for a little while.

Ah it scrolls down quite far on there I didn't know, thanks.
I was disappointed in this and og rien. All I can smell is a strange rose smell. I didn't hate it though. Fat electrician I really didn't care for.
Eau Sauvage
Chanel Pour Monsieur
Armani Eau Pour Homme
there is nothing flashy and trashy and pour monsieur, it obviously doesn’t belong with the other 2
In the bathroom scene you can see a bottle of Lagerfeld, but I've never smelled that one so I can't put my finger on it. Maybe Drakkar Noir, Sung Homme (though it was released much later) or Quorum, something on that vein.
Come on now, I've seen some people compare it with kouros precisely because of its animalic character, though I haven't seen people call it specifically fecal
I am not sure how I feel about it to be honest, not getting anything rose-y or floral in there, to my nose there's something industrial about it, with a strange nutty sweetness and, as mentioned, that poopy thing. I find it interesting but also somewhat repugnant.
drakkar noir and azzaro pour homme definitely belong, but not eau sauvage. brut might be relevant if we were closer to the anglosphere, but otherwise nah.
Bitches love Sauvage, the dream girl love aromatic aquatics like Cool Water or Kenzo Pour Homme.
This is what midlife crisis looks like
>some people compare it with kouros precisely because of its animalic character
They are retards, Rien Intense Incense is not nearly as animalic as Kouros and smells closer to Antaeus than Kouros because it smells like a leather chypre. The poopy thing you smell is probably the leather mixed with the incense, but to me the incense is too overpowering for it to get animalic.
Interesting to note that Lagerfeld was released just a couple years prior to the film, so it's safe to assume that if the movie took place nowadays he'd wear some shit like Aventus or One Million. I think last thread there was a guy saying that the point of reference to classify a frag as old school is a matter of when you are in time.
Those are way too classy, Scarface is sleaze.
if scarface took place today, the characters would dress differently, talk differently, act differently, and have different motivations. we associate perfumes with the era and culture they came out in, but no one is ever going to confuse the era that sauvage came out in with the eras that drakkar noir or eau sauvage came out in, even in another 100 years. they all landmark different points in perfume culture and fashion culture.
According to /fa/ that's what women want and the best way to dress. Just work out and wear a t-shirt and jeans bro!
Looking to simplify, I don’t really want to do this as a hobby, at this point.
What thoughts do you guys have for a basic 2-3 bottle collection, all I really want to do is smell good to tomboy gym chicks, and something I can wear at work.
Currently have around 10 bottles, I like retro scents, but idk if those are really the move these days.
The milfs and old ladies at work love it when I wear Drakkar or Jovan Musk, but that’s probably not gonna play quite as well with the sporty zoomettes.
Granted, one of the hottest gym girls in the game wears Tom Ford Oud Wood as a signature scent, so maybe smelling hardcore macho is the play.
Can post my overall collection list, but I don’t want to clog up the thread with a lot of bullshit
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Hey bros is tom ford tubereuse nue based or gay
>It's a perfume has cumin as a note episode
Why the fuck does anybody want to smell like a dirty Indian?
Voyage is better
tom ford is gay yes
may as well ask why any perfume contains musks and animalics period.
Cumin is based you dumb cuck
what smells like pre de provence sea salt bar soap?
Recommendations that smell like cappuccino?
While for the most part I agree with you, on the other hand there are situations in which some things don’t change much with time, I guess. I think for the most part black tie events have remained more or less the same since Scarface’s time. I guess most people here would agree that a mor mature scent would fit best this kind of situation, but also that’s probably some frag autistic take on the matter, because most people attending to such situations would probably just wear whatever Aventus is currently popular.
>tom ford is gay yes
i hate voyage. i smelled nautica blue on some mexican and i really liked it. scared to waste 18 dollars though
black tie today is in fucking shambles, have you been to an opera house or a ballet in recent memory? between men no longer wearing opera pumps or patent oxfords or even shined captoe oxfords, or men no longer wearing, cummerbunds, swapping out bowties for ugly black neckties, or even not having jackets with faced lapels, black tie has never been in a worse state. i’ve seen people wear birkenstocks with dinner suits for fuck’s sake.
>that’s probably some frag autistic take on the matter
not really. it’s completely reasonable to believe that someone dressed like the 70s is going to smell like the 70s too.
>Ford married Richard Buckley in 2014, a journalist and former editor in chief of Vogue Hommes International; they had been in a relationship since meeting in 1986.[75] The couple have a son[27] who was born in September 2012 via gestational surrogate.
Worst notes according to /frag/
>fruit: apple
>flower: iris
>wood: oud because sandalwood is better lol
>resin: amber
>animal: civet
Anything else?
no one agreed to this retarded list
Please stay away from this website, Rakesh
what a retard LOL
Yesterday I watched Jeremy's video of how to spray your fragrance. It was very helpful because I made a mistake by spraying on my chest.
what’s he going to do, whine about indians and get banned again for spamming his selfie over and over again? LMFAO
That was your selfie, not him
i can assure you that i don’t own bvlgari aqua, nor do i own anything from tom ford.
Post collection
Sandalwood is for basic bitches and oud is based
afraid not.
I knew it
you don’t know as much as you think you do apparently
It was replaced with ‘The Most Wanted’ line. Same reason why ‘Wanted Tonic’ didn’t last, they already had the Azzaro Chrome line.

The Most Wanted Parfum is the best anyway.

I tried it for the first time a month or two ago and it’s pretty fantastic. Planning on getting a bunch more of old cheapies to try eventually. Zino was good too, cleaner and sweeter by comparison, but I preferred Quorum.
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this is overhated
it’s really underhated, what a terrible line.
It smells like citrus room spray that you would buy at target
>Zino was good too
I also got a sample of Zino, but didn't try it yet. Will be wearing it tomorrow then, I guess.
bianco latte
it's simple but sometimes less is more
simply shit, yes
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Is the DRAKKAR Noire The BOMB?
Synthetic Citrus-ambrox shit, smells like hairspray
What fragrance best gives off pleasure dom vibes.
sounds gay so i’m going to say le male
What would he wear?
>pleasure dom
I'm pretty much a pleasure dom, being intimate with a women and only getting the star fish treatment completely ruins the whole situation for me. So i'm pleased when the women gets off by my performance.
Would say Cool Water, Drakkar Noir, Aventus.
Office One.
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What I am in for?
>In the bathroom scene you can see a bottle of Lagerfeld
that's really fitting actually
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I don't get it
JPG Le Male line vs Paco Rabanne 1Million line?
A mix of a couple bretty gud frags, a bunch of mediocre/okay ones, and prob 1-3 terrible frags.

While trying not to be -too- oversimplified, you’ll get experience, which is rarely a bad thing.

Then why did you get it?
Would you rather be gay or gaudy?
Only in the first 30 minutes, the slap you across the face smell dies down after that.
If they bring back Desert Thunderstorm is it worth buying?
Has anyone tried it?
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Damn, >>18187040 was right, Zino smells awesome. Can’t speak for the performance yet but I’m loving this stuff, though I didn’t find it similar to Quorum at all.
Sorry, yes, I meant more in the sense of they’re both “old man fragrances” that are pretty cheap to pick up and stank good of the 80’s.

Glad you’re enjoying it though.
Says unisex but is it really? I get the impression a lot of coffee fragrances that aren't masculine leather and smoke are floral and sweet for women.
Why are fragrances becoming so damn expensive even at discounters? Yes, I get it, inflation and all, but still.
Interestingly enough, Zino doesn’t smell dated as Quorum does. Probably it wasn’t very influential in my country, unlike the really woody classics which probably inspired many local fragrance houses to make frags in that same vein.
Can men wear YSL Libre?
yes, but why on earth would you ever want to?
I'm curious because Fragrantica said it smells like cheap men's cologne
This is my first time visiting. What do you all think of Nuit D'Issey by Issey Miyake? What are some colognes with similar properties?
so you want to pay how much exactly to sound like shitty cheap cologne when you could just buy something that actually smells good to begin with?
>What do you all think of Nuit D'Issey by Issey Miyake?
it's good date/general night frag
>What are some colognes with similar properties?
check on fragrantica
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Anybody smelled this? Theres only one review on YT and its by some bodybuilder chad.
Discontinued and getting quite expensive online to blind buy
Thank you, certainly.
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Are there any better sandalwood fragrances than ORIGINAL Santal?
you realize that original santal doesn’t even smell anything like actual sandalwood right? it’s basically a reorchestration of the same intensely sweet orange blossom and violet notes in pierre bourdon’s joop homme and montblanc individuel.
I came.
Can't think of any
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Which one for everyday use in uni (32 yo)
never tried perfume so i know nothing, which one do i pick as an south east asian?
Maison Margiela replica lazy sunday morning edt
DIOR sauvage edt
bleu de chanel
why are people on here saying that chanel allure homme sport (or eau extreme idk) is the asexual fragrance?
walk into your local sephora and buy the first thing you see with a blue bottle
because nothing could be less sexy than the allure line
why though? i smelled it once in a department store, not really a date scent or something but a lot of other popular fragrances like bdc or aventus smell more asexual imo
and it's not like most women are gonna find niche animalic oud fragrances or whatever /fa/ wears sexy
so if this isn't which fragrances are in your opinion?
genuinely asking
I have a bottle of this. Maybe it's just me, but I can barely smell it.
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While i was gooning to tiktok, i got an advert telling me dr squatch is now making eau de toilettes.

Whats the verdict on these?
looks like an ayy
because the allure line sucks ass. as do bdc and amogus, but you didn’t mention those to begin with.
quite frankly, i’m in no position to say what perfumes smell sexy, because my gf says literally everything i wear smells good, from grey flannel to l’envol to mitsouko. all i can say is that you’re probably better off buying a (good) perfume that matches your dress and personality and the bitches will follow.
>star fish treatment
The fuck is that? Is it when you spit out your stomach at your partner and wait for your limbs to regrow?
A fun exploration of a well-priced niche brand with some unique wacky scents
I'm surprised hermann something something didn't take off as a big meme, it's got that Bisch trademark novel use of huge doses of aromachems that people seem to love, very punchy
Santal Royal
Now I'm trying Oud Wood, to be honest it smells a little artificial to me, with that plastic note that I perceive in many commercial fragrances.
I'd rather smell animalic or musky than like an indian
Has anybody tried or own fragrances from Dries Van Noten? Would you say they're worth the price? I've been eyeing rock the myrrh from them.
It's true, Legend Spirit is better in every single way.
well, why would you want to smell like a dirty barnyard or like literal human shit? comparatively speaking, the smell of human sweat seems a lot less “offensive” to the nose than either of those.
great fashion designer, lovely flacons but quite expensive frags
I'll take Germanique No. 3, just to the left, s'il vous plaît.
>sniffs deeply
So how much should a novice expect to spend trying to figure out what scents to wear? This seems like it can get very expensive very quickly.
Not necessarily *that* much if you start smart and spend time with decants before buying any big bottles. It’s easy to get too excited about new scents before knowing what you feally like, and if you buy a bottle based on one testing, you might get bored of it later even if you initially liked it.

But if you first use up a 2 - 5 ml decant and still like it, then you can be pretty sure that it’s not a failbuy.
don't reply to the coomer mutt
*taking a light bow* If I can't even choose them well in my fantasies, it bodes woe to the future of my actual life.

How many scents do you sophisticates generally keep? I've only ever used one, but I've been thinking of trying to maintain a coterie and have each scent veil me like a cloud from heaven.
Is that you, you racist mongrel? How'd your leash reach this far anyhow?
depends, spend time on things like fragrantica and explore what is out there, understand what frags and scents (You) like, do not go out and buy a 3 figure bottle asap, if you live somewhere near one a place that has testers in store, or online decant sites and manufacturer sample kits will be your friend, try before you buy and before you buy wear it for a little while and make sure you like it before you put down money
can these things be expensive? Yes. But as long as you play it smart you will be fine
this >>18187756 all applies as well
find good shops and try the frags. depending on where you live lots of them are even happy to give you 1ml decants. never blind buy
We're all racist here.
The righteous quads have spoken. Blind buying is the devil's trap.

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This is my SOTD pimpin
yea i agree with you then
was just confused because i've seen like 5 posts now about allure specically being THE asexual fragrance when it doesn't stand out to me in that way
> grey flannel
> smells good

Your gf nose is broken
don’t reply to the coomer mutt, retard
not really no, you’re just a retard
>go to store
>spray testers
0$ in total
or if you prefer samples, about three fiddy
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i like it
didnt know if i would
But he is my favorite poster
Reminder that Indians don't smell like spices, they smell like jasmine and sandalwood.
t. live in a country full of Indians (not Canada)
Sounds like a perfect match for the coomer mutt
she doesn’t have a cock so unlikely
I don't take orders from you, lowlife.
You are such a filthy liar. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so cringe.
ironic coming from someone stupid enough to reply to the coomer mutt
It's true though. My neighbors are Indians.
>My neighbors are Indians.
That's awful, I'm sorry
is there such a thing as complementing your gfs scent?
I want to buy one male and one unisex fragrances so much anons.....
But the shop is too far.....
a pity we live in the prehistoric era and the internet and online shopping haven’t been invented yet
Really nice - basically the same as normal Costa Azzurra tho, just a little more intense.
what are the others?
shit, crap, turd and caca
Shut up pajeet you smell like feces and spices
Guys, I'm a certified "cringe or based" specialist. Ask me about any fragrance and I'll tell you whether it's cringe or based
t. curry-smelling Rajesh
I'm from Malaysia, the place where Jimmy Choo was born. Indians don't have pic related, right?
YSL L'homme's performance is not worth the cost of the juice. The performance is staggeringly bad. The scent itself is excellent. It's fun and lively; still not worth it. YSL L'homme EdP is my 2nd worst performing fragrance out of any that I own, only behind Mugler Hot Cologne.
And here are my collections with timestamp. I love Arab fragrances because they are cheap and affordable.
t. brainlet who has no original thoughts

Imagine judging fragrances by the brand they're manufactured by, not on their own merits
If you notice the filenames, those are iPhone filenames. Indians use Android, not iPhone.
i’m judging tom ford by their art direction, which has been universally terrible from the getgo and shows no signs of letting up. why should i believe that this time it will magically be different?
Tom Ford Noir layered with Acqua di Gio is too spicy for me
has any of you bought fragrances from Mercari? found a seller that is verified, has a couple of sales and good reviews but is selling expensive fragrances really cheap.
Those new bottles will probably be pretty average, but good ol Costa Azzurra is thankfully good. A lot of their newer stuff is pretty insipid and trashy, especially at their current price points, but there were some excellent pre-2010 era bottles (Italian Cypress, For Men Extreme, Black Violet, etc) followed by a couple standouts since then. I can get behind dunking on modern TF but not the ~10 year old stuff
That's not irony, moron.
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Don't reply to indian jannies, anon. It's tiresome.
Sotd Bvlgari Aqva Marine
Thoughts on Superz Morocco?
Why is she always talk about sex? She's like the opposite of Jeremy.
been thinking about buying margiela when the rain stops, any reason i shouldn't? cant smell it in person but hear it smells good from people who's noses i trust
It's kind of bland and made by L'Oreal, so the performance might be shit as they like to randomly water stuff down. I have a sample.
Try something like Hermann by Etat Libre d'Orange instead, similar "rain and roses" idea but much better done IMO.
Also, the OG Kenzo Pour Homme EDT is similar and cheaper
turkslop sold as overpriced hunslop, just don't
i kinda like it. what does that say about me?
you're short and don't shower
>what does that say about me?
you hate black people
I like it as a quick after shower spritz that doesn't last very long. Not something you can expect to wear out but refreshing at home.
I use it as an aftershave. It has the right effect and the bouquet is a nice floral+citrus mix.
What's a less synthetic smelling alternative?
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The OG Kenzo Homme is indeed the best
Nice taste anon
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How did I do?
I already told you earlier in the thread.
the new bottles will probably be shit and costa azzura is also shit, and likewise with all the tired old gimmicky shit like black orchid, noir, and all the other crap the rest of us have forgotten. there, i fixed it.
it is. i can’t think of anyone more a lowlife than the coomer mutt and the people who reply to him.
When I was first getting into frags I blind bought a bunch of shit on discounters and thankfully was able to resell them for most of my cost when I realized I hated them or would never wear them. The best advice I can give is to buy several decants so you can wear it a few times to make sure you like it. I thought I loved Pegasus after using up one decant and on my second I realized I hate it for regular use, same with Toy Boy and a few others. I just sold 12 almost full bottles of misc frags and I'm down to just Kouros for everyday wear and 4711, which I use as aftershave.
Is this a good fall/winter coffee fragrance for men?
Yes. It's one of the few coffee fragrances that aren't trying to smell like a super sweet starbucks drink
couldn't've done better
What are your perceptions of men who wear this?
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all men wearing perfume are gay

>SOTD: Guerlain Homme EDP
(no homo)
Black Sacra EDP by Heyoka Frankincense on etsy is pretty much what I've been looking for. Good job whoever makes this stuff.
lives in europe and bought the least bad thing they sell at sephora there
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I didn't read that post but yeah I myself like sung homme and think it fits pretty well that vibe, though as it was said, it was released later than Scarface. I also have no idea what Miami Vice is about.
a touch zesty
lagerfeld classic is featured in the movie and it also it fits tony's character fantastically
Interesting why Europe? I'm pretty sure its available globally
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So are they a meme?
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This shit is fucking ebin.
How is it so cheap?
Smelled this today at the airport.
Really nice, but not great longevity.
I like this edp and the extreme flanker the best of the line.
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I just bought this. What did I think?
they don’t carry guerlain in sephora outside of europe.
what does it smell like?
this and zino are on the list
hard to explain. musky barbershop vibe with sweet honey comb
Like having two cocks in your mouth sideways and they're crossing each other forming an X...but in your nose.
animalic honey with fruits and masculineness overload
it's fantastic
Sounds gay as fuck
what's a doug heffernan type fragrance?
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I need a good stick deodorant
Tell me why I shouldn't use this, I've looked and tried some natural/cheap alternatives and they have mixed reviews or don't really smell that good
Native is trash
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How did I do brehs
Also just got this in the mail

I tried the real BR540 at a Nordstrom in Chicago and it smells like a 1:1 to my untrained nose

Also for what it’s worth it’s the only cologne my gf has ever liked. She hates Sauvage and threw out my Dakar cause she thought it was so bad.
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> forgot pic
some of the most embarrassing shit i’ve ever seen
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Just finished my bottle of this, is there anything similar or close to this? Been really fucking with woody / incense scents
Why do you think Native is trash?
Holy cope enjoy spending $300 on a bottle when you can get a dupe that is indistinguishable for 1/10th the price

You realize for all the big brands is costs like $5 to make they don’t even have any special ingredients it’s all just marketing
Do you get bigger or smaller bottles? The difference in price is insane but you have to drop so much on one fragrance.
poor people really are something else, buying an even shittier version of something that’s already dogshit and then sperging out on an anonymous imageboard about how they’ve totally gamed the system.
well i only tried charcoal and it doesnt really smell that good at all, like a weird high pitch smell if that makes sense and i dont think it lasts very long
i have both the body wash and deodorant. not very impressed with either
if you think theres another fragrance by native that mogs it tell me but im v discouraged
expecting a deodorant to do the heavy lifting for your scent is like wanting a ringtone to be an entertaining song. just use unscented deodorant and let your perfume do the talking.
im not talking about a scent that im trying to get compliments on, but actually just making you not smell like BO
the actual deodorant quality of it on a hot summer day isnt really there
i use native’s unscented deodorant and have never had issues. it lasts all day for me.
Weird. Maybe I'm just confusing the smell I don't like with smelling bad
I'll try unscented then, also worth noting I like in a hot as fuck place and I'm very active
summers where i live can be nasty but i’m not a very active guy so YMMV
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Is this close enough to Stronger With You?

Aesop Hwyl
"I should have bought Drakkar Noir"
I like the 90s take of blue fragrance, but want something new besides Cool Water, Jacomo Deep Blue, Old Spice White Water.
Can someone redpill me on MB Ultra blue and CK Escape?
MB Ultra Blue seem to lack everything i despise from modern blues, the apple, candied grapefruit/vetiver.
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SOTD: Nicolai Vetyver
Me on the right
the solution is buying decants
how can you dislike apple when it’s one of the most important notes in cool water
*mint and lavender, apple shit makes it smell like Greenley/Bleu de Chanel/Y YSL
Nice collection
rien intense
mostly bigger but on expensive niche smaller ones
to me this smells like if guerlain vetiver is for an old man nicolai vetyver is for a young man
I also prefer the guerlain as the nicolai is a bit sweet for me and citrussy while the guerlain is very earthy which I like
Zagorsk is my preferred incensy scent nice cold northern pine forest, Unum Lavs is the best incense fragrance so far.
>everything I don't like is slop
Really, Rakesh?
So the nicolai vetiver scent is sweet as fuck too? And i thought it was bad with NYI.
It's like dipping Bois du Portugal into caramel.
where did I say it's "sweet as fuck" I just said that to me it's sweeter than guerlain vetiver
also NYI is good
>Bois du Portugal
oh you're stupid nvm
>shilling for turkish/hungarian dupe slop on a mongolian basket-weaving forum
lol, lmao, rofl even

i see your point, but i kinda disagree
imo the Guerlain is tobacco/citrusy vetiver for older men and Vetyver is spicy/flowery (but not sweet) vetiver for younger (30ish) men, both of them are great

>So the nicolai vetiver scent is sweet as fuck too?
no, it isn't
>And i thought it was bad with NYI.
i will never get this complaint but whatever
maybe check out New York (EDT) if the Intense version is too intense for you

there is one guy (or maybe a few?) here who is malding about NYI having too much vanilla and being and old lady scent
sucks to be him/them, i guess
>>Bois du Portugal
>oh you're stupid nvm
it's not a bad comparison, they're similar
I do not agree that it's too sweet though
What is the ultimate panty dropper?
Can someone post the Dior Homme Intense copypasta?
Tom Ford Neroli Portofino. You should spray every half hour.
Between Y Edp and Sauvage Edp, which one is better as an everyday event?
Both are traumatic events I would rather not relive everyday
I if was forced to wear a blue frag ot would be bleu de chanel edt
I found it a bit generic
Original person that asked why you dislike Native - basically what >>18189015 said. You should never expect a deodorant or body wash to be what smells good about you.

I’ve only used their unscented deodorant and body wash as well, it usually lasts all day if I’m not very active, might wear off a little if I’m working out.

Regardless, don’t wear any brand for their scent.
YSL for freshness
Sauvage for some spice
Take your pick
Prada Carbon.
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unironically GOATed and underrated
inconsistent quality tho, some bottles smell like ass while others are ok
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Shill me your top five fragrances—balanced for every occasion and season preferred.

Lalique Lion - anytime
Guerlain Vetiver - warm weather
Terre d'Hermes - anytime
Fat Electrician - cold weather
Dior Homme Parfum - dates, parties
Cool Water, Moschino Forever Sailing, Cedrat Boise - anytime
Aventus, Neroli Canvas - warm weather
Executive Shaving Lomond - cold weather
Aventus - dates, parties

>Universal Frag

Cerrruti 1881

>Warm weather

L’eau Dissey Blue D’Issey

>Springtime, Rainy Weather

The Dreamer

>Cool Weather, Dressed Up

Oscar De La Renta Pour Lui

>Cool Weather, When Wanting to be Animal in Musky Heat

Bogart Furyo
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daily driver
>ELDO Remarkable People
summer outdoors
>Bogue Mem
>Tauer ACDD
>Nicolai New York Intense
formal event (concert hall, theater, etc.)

Anything decent on here?
>everything TDH
>Montblanc Individuel
>L'Eau d'Issey Pour Homme
>L'Eau Bleue d'Issey Pour Homme
>Apple Tabac
there is no fucking mint in cool water dude, what the fuck are you smoking. cool water is crabapple, dihydromyercenol, lavender, and violet leaf.
bleu noir extreme - daily
bleu noir edt/edp - colder evenings/nights or all year
l'eau mixte, adg edt, bergamote 22 - hot weather
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rate the drip bros

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