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Is it over for me bros?

This seems to have happened very rapidly within just a few months, as far as I can tell anyway. It's all I can fucking notice when I look in the mirror and honestly, I'm getting so depressed. I'm an ugly dude but my hair has always been my best feature.

But I've also had an itchy scalp that comes and goes, alongside a burning sensation and pus-filled scabs. In fact you can even see some pink dots in the temples. So maybe it's some condition I need to get on top of now rather than later?

I just feel sick bros.
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Some more pics
Yeah, youre in late stages of hairloss. Better hop on min and fin and start saving $20k for a hair transplant
You’re fine, try fin, if it happened recently it will probably come back.
You've got that white man hairline, if your are in your early 20s you are probably experiencing explosive hairloss. You might go completely bald before 2025. Sorry but it's probably over for you.
I turned 29 today, as it goes.
getting on anti hairloss medication might save you a lot of money down the road. why were you not already doing this? hurry now.
Because I've only started noticing it in the last couple months. Seems to have happened rapidly. Going to see the GP for the itchy scalp/scabs thing and then ask about fin I guess.
how is your crown looking? you are rapidly approaching a norwood 2.5-3 as far as the hairline goes which is not the end of the world if you can maintain that with fin. what you don't want is a bald spot on the back.
The back of my hair is nice and thick, no problems or thin spots.
If you take fin NOW this very second you'll save it if you procrastinate it's over.
that's good at least you don't have the diffuse thinning type of MPB. the fact that you are balding at your temples indicates that you have MPB and not some sort of autoimmune condition. you would be balding in areas not typical to the classic pattern if that were the case. you can get on finasteride or just accept having to shave your head by your mid 30s. good luck op
The itchy sensation is also pretty typical of MPB. I've heard it theorized that the itch is basically the follicle "sizzling out" followed by scar tissue forever covering up that follicle
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But it also very likely might not be. OP, go see a doctor and get a proper opinion. And if he confirms it's just balding and natural, then consider meds.
how do you only notice that now? this is why bros start taking pictures of your crown and hairline every few days so that ANY weird change you can nip that shit in the bud asap instead of leaving it like this dude
if you get on fin and min it'll probably grow back ngl OP, it doesn't seem as bad as it could have and dont fall for the fin bogeyman of your dick not working, thats less than 1 in 1000 people and that is also reversible, its worth a shot
Get fin and try Nizkor shampoo for the itch
Is Min worth it if it's just my hairline? I heard it does nothing for hairlines.
hair loss is not the same thing as MPB. OP is only balding at the hairline. you lose hair on the side of your head, the back, the beard, the eyebrows, etc when you have alopecia.
well fin will stop everything altogether so you should probably hop on that, idk what country youre in but in the UK Id have to contact a pharmacist and they'd talk to me over the phone and prescribe it to me, not too expensive. Min I've heard will regrow those hair follicles and if you apply it topically as a foam over time it may work, people say to dermarole as well but if you get on the fin you can work out the rest of this shit later but as of now you say you have rapid hairloss so you need to freeze it asap.
nigga the follicles are all red and inflamed
go see a doctor before they permanently die, it looks like a skin condition
Shave your head.

Post-finasteride syndrome is very real and is not worth the risk. There are fates worse than death.
shut up /fit/
Take fin. Sides are overblown. Been taking for months, my density has gone up and my temporal peaks are regrowing. I have more small hairs where I was bald. No depression, no issues with dick, no changes other than improved hair and skin. You're a fucking retard if you're scared and waiting until you're NW4.
Your hair looks fucking stupid bro. Idk why you'd even care with that turd on your head.
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Your receding hairline can easily be covered up dude, genuinely don't worry about it. Just do a variarion of the moptop or center part bangs.
Receeding hairlines aren't that big of a deal if you're just a norwood 1 or 2, hell you're fine even if you're a norwood 3 if you style your hair right... men have being using breadbowls, bangs and moptops since ancient times to cover up front recession.
Maybe even throw on an oversized sweater with some round sunglasses (perhaps oversized sunglasses if you're face is wide) then top it off with a good cleanshave and you're as good as gold
>That sounds like gay fag shit
You're right but if you as a man care this much about your appearance (especially hairloss) you're kind of a gigafaggot ngl. Men as a whole are a lot more neurotic and faggy these days. Hairloss is only really a problem if you're afriad and unwilling to look your age
shut up baldy
Thing is OP's losing density all over. You can cover up a NW2 but only if you have the density.
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Accept it.
either shave your head or get a hairstyle that fits your new hairline.
I have had a massive widows peak ever since i was 18, but i cut my hair in a mohawk to compensate and it werks, otherwise i look like vegeta.
he said here >>18186532 it isn't
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Get on the fin min brother.
that has to be fake
It's not. I have a friend who jumped on fin and he regrew the hair on the back of his head (from almost completely bald) and his normal hairline came back.

It did take 6 months to see the change, but 2 years in and he has the hair I knew him in college with.
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Anyone know difference between oral tablets and topical treatments? I would rather just take a pill every day, having to put stuff in my hair twice a day seems like a pain in the ass
i take oral fin & min & at the least my hair seems to have stopped receding. I've always had thin & fine hair, but I look a lot better than my dad & grandpa at my age in the hair dept. It's at least given me more years with it.
with topical I felt the same way. I know there's not a chance in hell of me changing my morning routine to rub shit on my noggin.
are people still doing minoxidil and dermaroller? ive been out of the hair loss world for a while
its believable for 2 years
topical goes systemic the same as oral. if you are a non-responder to topical or just lazy then you should try oral. results will be better potentially but your risk of heart related side effects goes way up. i've been on both and found oral spikes my heart rate

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