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Is the new Carhartt Detroit jacket shit? If so what are some good alternatives?

I'm looking for something tough and with good mobility. Filson jacket looks good but are more than 3 times the price of a Carhartt.
If you're looking for functionality and a reasonable price tag there really isn't anything out there better than Carhartt.
Why are you cosplaying as a farmhand
I unload trucks in Detroit
At the kohls
Up hill in the snow both ways
>Is the new Carhartt Detroit jacket shit?
yeah pretty shit now my buddy bought one after his now-considered-vintage one got stolen.
all the main like carhartt products got nerfed as their way to shift gears to becoming a fashion brand and steer sales towards wip.
most/all blue collar guys i know are just waiting for another workwear brand to jump ship to cause of that but they still make good overpriced clothes under the WIP line.

>If so what are some good alternatives?
Red Tornado makes vintage carhartt reproductions. They're not shitty knockoff they're quality. Most faithful to the old ones and cheapest good option:

Carhartt still sells a good detriot jacket under the WIP line but its overpriced and not quite as good as the old ones.

I'd say Vintage Carhartt > Red Tornado = Carhartt WIP >>>> Current Carhartt Mainline
I like the Red Tornado one better than WIP its more like the vintage ones which is the one I grew up with.
>Filson jacket looks good
ive owned 3 of them over the years. used to swear by filson. they're outsourced now and ruined their brand. their vintage tin cloth jackets and the old levi's collab jacket are some of the best jackets ever made of all time ever.

im telling you this as a filson collector and former employee.. if youre gonna spend the buku bucks these days go vintage or get a jacket from one of these guys:
dude in washington who decided to start his own filson when they started outsourcing. everything's made by hand in washington and they sell it for the same price filson charges:

or get a jacket from this guy who's kinda the texas equivalent, also handmade in texas:

ciano also does custom stuff and he has more patterns than are on his website so it never hurts to ask. he'll more or less make any jacket you send him the pattern for as well if he doesn't have it and you happen to have one.
Vintage carhartt is so hot
Ngl I didn't realize Red Tornado made a detroit jacket clone. Nice spread of colors too. Might pick one up myself for the fall.
they make all kinds of carhartt repro i think they're like the only guys doing that actually. red tornado is cool as fuck people sleep on them because they're chinese.
i'm debating copping their 60s lee storm rider jacket repro at some point. either theirs or tcb's.
Filson isn’t worth the price anymore anyway. The tin cloth and the mackinaw wool is still pretty good but it’s just too expensive. Everything else is crap and expensive.
looks like anon found them but here's a seller with more colors of the red tornado detriot jacket:
i've used this dearyling or w/e seller a whole bunch too, known legit.
I've heard good things about their selvedge jeans. I just didn't ever think to check out their jackets.
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I got this Japanese tobi jacket and it's pretty sick
So you are some dumb slave labor bitchboy lol? Sucks to suck. Can't belive people openly admit to being losers online nowadays
Is modern Filson that bad?
the imported filson stuff isn't bad or that different if its an old design. but being handmade in seattle with a semi open production floor was a big part of the appeal. now its same or higher prices and imported.
if tinduckdenim and ciano didn't exist filson would still have the best canvas jacket in the game even though its imported. but they do exist and cost the same as filson so... its just not what it used to be & you can get what filson used to be from other places. vintage stuff is some of the best jackets/bags/shirts/etc ever made.
my opinion is don't skip the imported stuff at the thrift store but don't pay full price for it.
Check out Round House. They're pretty comparable to Carhartt
forgot about roundhouse. seconded. over 100 year old brand with a lot of history too.

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