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File: American Communist Party.jpg (1.19 MB, 2048x1596)
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Rate these outfits. Who's doing it right? Who's cringe?
The second from the left looks pretty cool. But he also seems like he leans into his shtick way too hard.
1 and 10 everyone else looks like shit.
>Haz still won't reveal his name despite funding a 'party' while everyone else does
Why are they at a park
None of their suits fit.

Pants too long, too short, only one has the correct length and he pulled them up over his belly button

Same for the arms. Too long, too short.

And wtf at their shoulders

Do american people really not know how a suit is supposed to fit?
Most of these look like shit because they're not tailored. Not even an attempt. Look at the state of some of these trousers. There's no point wearing a suit if you're dragging your hems on the floor. Looks ridiculous.

Honestly, the two casual fit guys without blazers look the best.
>only one has the correct length
And he forgot his iron
far left and 2nd from right look like they're gonna be the first ones to their cars when this shit's over
i think the dude in the tan pants elastic cuffs won by not trying in the first place
Trousers fit horribly
Looks okay
Not a fan on slim fit pants on muscular guys but whatever
Crotch sits weird
Not a fan of cuffed chinos but the colors look nice together
I hope gladio 2.0 puts holes in these guys knees with an industrial drill
Pants are unkempt and way too long, he's got really long arms though, so he probably picked off of jacket size. The suit looks cheap but it's really not horrible overall.
Easily the best put together guy. Everything fits perfectly. I'm not 100% behind some of the fabric and color choices, some of this depends on the event though. He's got an eye for the details, or the budget to pay someone who does.
/fit/ dude who wants to show off. Nothing wrong with that in many settings, I hope this isn't a funeral though given the mostly dark clothing, would like to see a more traditional shirt and tie in that case. The shirt is fine, the pants look very cheap, and he'd really benefit from ironing them.
Looks like another /fit/ bro. I like his outfit generally, he's got a good handle on the basics, but the pants really need to be ironed. Again, it's hard to tell how appropriate certain things are because I don't know how formal this event is.
Blissful ignorance. Work shirt and joggers, sadly he portrays confidence like he thinks he's well dressed. Might not know the difference between "khakis" and chinos so he just thinks any khaki colored trousers are "nice pants"
Ukrainian Orthodox monk. Simple, basic clothing because he wants to be seen as poor.
The trousers don't fit at all, way too low rise, which makes his tie look comically long, simultaneously the inseam on the pants is too short. Otherwise it's really not too bad and he's one of the better dressed guys here.
Strong contender for best dressed, his outfit actually looks the nicest IMO, but his trousers need to be ironed and the suit is about an inch too long in both the jacket and pants.
Jacket clearly doesn't fit right, pants look very cheap. He put a little effort into it though.
Looks like he cares the least but is somehow better put together than some of the people who do care. The suit clearly needs an iron, and the jacket's a size too small.
To watch the kids play.
While I wouldn't say anyone in this picture looks altogether horrid, there are only a few who have their principles in order. From left to right, commenting only on men with solid dress principles:

2 has good style over all. I'm not an expert, but as I understand it, his pants are a bit too long, and his suit and shirt are not quite aligned, but I'm nitpicking.

4 looks a bit too, I'm not sure what to call it, for my tastes—it's not preppy, exactly, but it's something similar. In any case, I don't see anything awfully wrong here. His pants look a bit high, but I can't tell if that's due to his body shape or if they're ill-fitting.

8 looks respectably stodgy. He's riding the line well between stodgy and dapper. I think that's nice. He needs to show just a little sleeve, but otherwise the cut of his suit seems to fit very well.
They can't afford event space.
Can’t even see the shoes which IMO are 50% of the outfit, especially with a suit.
a bunch of non-whites just make me uncomfortable
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welcome to DEI each one of those brown people represents a white guy who was better qualified and worked harder than them his whole life who didn't get the job because brown people know they're inferior to us and have to make special rules to get ahead.
Those people are all self employed retard

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