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What are some casually acceptable mens wrist accessories? Does it ultimately come down to just watches? What am I supposed to do, wear a gay wristband?
Dis nigga thinks he’s Sub-Zero
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I'm gay and I would wear a gay wristband if I owned one

But I don't, so I sometimes wear nautical rope bracelets, one or two, on the same wrist. They look cool, manly, and aren't flashy

Also your pic is super gay, and that's saying something coming from me
You can wear whatever you want casually. Watches are the safest option by far, but you probably look like a complete faggot already so why bother limiting yourself?
I do custom leather craft as a hobby and have made some pretty gay wrist bands, which I wear occasionally despite being hetero. Stop being such an insecure bore.
>What are some casually acceptable mens wrist accessories?
normies are not gonna accept anything except a rolex or an apple watch on your arm.
if you think like this you can never be /fa/
Normies are not going to even notice anything beyond the big mac in front of their faces.
Nice try, but no straight guy in the history of the world ever called another guy a "bore."
What the fuck is a "gay wristband"
Stop being insecure and boring.
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Gotta wonder where they get fucking halberds for their photoshoots.

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