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For me, it's any tattoo.

They're cringe and don't increase your /fa/ness level.
For me it’s placement. Anything on the face, neck, biceps are not attractive to me. I don’t really have a set “you’ve gone too far” I know it when I see it. Of course, the design is also a factor
She looks like she has hepatitis absolutely filthy trash
On a woman it's too much if theres anything above 1 tiny tattoo that is always hidden below clothes.
On men its too much if its more than one arm sleeve, but even that takes a certain kind of guy to pull off, and for how long until they get old enough to no longer pull off a muscular badboy look.
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When you get too old you just graduate into the el camino, bowling shirt, thumb ring, me and my wife go to swingers parties and I smoke weed with her kids look
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If you're gonna get a tattoo, don't. If you have a tattoo, get more than one surrounding that region.

Either way none is ideal.
As long as she's pretty it's fine
I don't have a single tattoo, basically out of principle at this point.

But, it has become a detriment to my personal life. I'm literally a music producer with my own style and very niche interests - my entire life revolves around art. Everybody else with similar interests looks at me and assumes I'm a total normie with zero edge.

I'm exactly what big titty goth girls or art hoes want once they get to know me, but it's impossible to get my foot in the door.
Damn you're really interesting and should just get out there and talk about yourself more often.
Thanks bro I will
Christ almighty I would do unspeakable things
Reminder that hating tattoos is kike propaganda.
Any opinion on them that's more emotionally charged than general ambivalence makes you look like a spastic faggot to anyone of value.
You sound kinda mad
Imagine defiling your body. It promotes for a degenerate society. tattoos are garbage. Like you.
No, disliking tattoos is not 'kike propaganda' you genuinely mentally ill freak.

Stop posting AI vomit.

I spent most of my 20s messing around girls like her. 10/10 would do again.
Degenerate sex, right?
Glow much?
Correct and it was worth it. I'm glad I got it out of my system before I was 25.
They actually subtract attractiveness and add trashiness.
Good thing no one of value has visible tattoos
i want her to kill me
>I'm exactly what big titty goth girls or art hoes want once they get to know me
No, you are not. They want a guy who will emotionally abuse them. Oh, and you’re literally a “music producer”
>”The sound design of this song is so…”
Nerd shit. You couldn’t dry up their pussies faster.

>I don't have a single tattoo, basically out of principle at this point
So you’re one of those “conservatism in the new punk” types? Pathetic.
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I question the logic and reasoning capabilities of anyone in western society who has tattoos
>As long as she's pretty it's fine
Picrel unrelated?
Contrary to popular belief, people are not rational and logical. We are creatures of habit. The vast majority of the things we do (or think) are a result of the habits we got into in the past. Which is why it's important to have good parenting and upbringing (and grow up surrounded with a good cultural), so that they drill good habits and values into you, using their experience and the thinks that their parents and ancestors taught them, so that you instinctively and habitually stay clear of making stupid decisions. You don't have a life long enough to make mistakes on your own and correct them later, some of which are irreversible.
Your image made me feel queasy...
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Is this any better?
I think people get tattoos because they are trying to look cool, and trying to look cool is gay.
tattoos help 7s stand out of the crowd and look like 8s to the immature guys these women wanna date.
it's the same as dudes who roid out or buy stupidly expensive cars or keep posting pics in clubs - it's a signaller.
easy shit test if you're dating a girl like this is asking her to get a visible tattoo of your name. if she does then she's a ride or die keeper. otherwise just pump and dump
>easy shit test if you're dating a girl like this is asking her to get a visible tattoo of your name
now that's life advice I can get along with. what if she asks the same of you?
>she does then she's a ride or die keeper
that's how I base all of my relationships, the "tattoo my name on yourself test". really proves that there is a solid future between us.
no thing as too many, as long as theyre nicely done like these
I could puke
>if this were a man tattooing "pussy slayer"... would you still react the same way?

That would also be pretty cringe, although in a different way. Huge ego vs lack of self-esteem/respect, but I suppose those two can be closely related depending on how you deal with it. Either way, both are cringe. One in a juvenile egoistic way, and the other in a lack of self-respect. There's a big difference between "I am willing to sleep with anyone" and "I am capable of sleeping with anyone

It really doesn't help that she's a whale. At least if a fat guy got "pussy slayer" tattooed more people would think it was a joke/ironic than not.
I'm with you, one tattoo is too many. If a girl has a tattoo, she's a whore. If a guy has one, he's a faggot.
but i didn't have to look at the tattoos to determine that. if you see that bpd billie eilish hair bullshit run for the hills. never a good idea.
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i thought it was shemale porn for a second...
only uggos need tattoos
The one and only correct take from the ugly negroidic middle aged tranny. Bravo.
wow i didn't even notice vieo posted this. good take vieo.
tattoos are fucking disgusting
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>western society
these are your ancestors, dumbass
its not even remotely agreed upon that the celts practiced tattooing and there's no physical evidence for it.
since its safe to assume you're the same sperg as always: the last time you made this post about a different european culture tattoing themselves i showed you the paintings were made by a guy advertising his flower business and how the objects tattooed on the people would not have been familiar to said people with said supposed tattoos on them as it was a species of flower that didn't exist until it was brought to europe by the guy who painted it.
>implying i have celtic ancestry
not that there's anything wrong about it but i'm just anonymous words on the internet to you. wrong guess.
truer words have never been spoken
I hate men with tattoos more than women. Literally unstable and faggots.
Gotta love the chudster
Painted, not tattooed. Also fuck ancestors.
Extremely fucking gay on men, no exception. If you are a man and have just one tattoo, then you are a homosexual (keep coping tough dicksmoker). With women it depends if they are skinny/muscular and attractive.

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