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It's fucking impossible to find a proper fitting suit in a brick and mortar store

Lose weight or learn to be happy with your weight.
>buying a suit
Fucking poorfg. Suits are meant to be tailor made for your proportions. If you buy a suit like it's a some t-shirt or jeasn, then you deserve it.
Get a bespoke suit you retarded pajeet
I'm 6ft, 190lbs muscular male. I already have 2 bespoke suits and a dozen or so bespoke jackets and trousers. I just wanted a linen suit in a pinch for a wedding in August. It should not be THIS FUCKING HARD for an average sized man to get a fucking suit that does not fit like Peewee Herman's
>linen suit
Nobody wears that. Suits themselves are rare and out of fashion these days, let alone linmeme suits. Just wear your old suits and jackets. Nobody will care.
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>just wear a grey flannel suit in August bro
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Don't be fat, or get actual shoulders, idk.
that's cool, would you mind posting a picture of your wardrobe, or at least a few of your bespoke or made to measure suits?
go to suitsupply, buy the best fitting thing they have off the rack and have them adjust it in the following 10 to 30 minutes
it stands to reason that you need to have an average body to fit in an average suit
This sounds like the fakest cope around. At least tell the truth that you are a 5 foot pajeet. GOOD MORNING SAAR.
Pajeets are the ones wearing slim fit you dumb fuck. Drape is a white man's game
a lot of the bespoke and mtm high end suitmakers cater towards a more traditional fit and style. get a suit made. some of the best suits out there are rtw sure but you're telling me rtw suit problems go bespoke. one or two good summer suits will last you forever if physique stays the same.
I have several what are you talking about?
Linen is king in hot climates and you'll need several to cycle if dress code requires you wear a suit.
look outside the poojeet tier with suiting. styleforum reddit and fedoralounge has guys who dress that way.
You are indian
I agreed with you somewhat until you said “linmeme.” I grew up in Britain where you have to wear a shirt and blazer everyday for school. Not a bad thing in and off itself but the blazer was always made of polyester and you had to ask a teacher whenever you wanted to take it off and put it back on again for the next less unless the head teacher issued a literal standing order saying that students could walk around with their blazers off.
My school years would have been a lot more comfortable if I was wearing linen blazers or even just if we could wear linen shirts instead of the polyester ones. Materials matter.

Btw the uniforms were polyester because telling the underclass to behave like human beings and buy suitable clothes that cost more than £6 is apparently out of vogue.

Personally I’d just abolish the uniform and enforce a dress code but in situations where there is a uniform or dress code you should wear things of suitable materials instead of a flannel or tweed suit (you could wear a thinner Shetland tweed in the summer but I’d only do it for the trousers and waistcoat by themselves).
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polyester can be the most airy and best performing warm weather fabric, and also a terrible one because its a good insulator.
it all depends how its woven.
>polyester anything
How does that sound fake? I have the exact same problem.
Still crazy to me that menswear places are STILL selling shitty slim suits with skinny lapels
I went to Men's Wearhouse last month to get an emergency suit for an interview, something cheap I would just return after
They literally did not sell anything but slim fit skinny lapel STRETCH suits
i'm glad that i'm not chronically online enough to understand what you are trying to communicate
kys retard

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