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File: jeans2.jpg (492 KB, 986x2040)
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Made for women with too much fat in the abdomen
No thanks
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looks like shit on women, looks kino on men especially skinny svelte or muscular guys.
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chad frame example
DESU it looks good on fat guys too as long as they're all around fat not beer belly mfs.
Why the fuck is her ass so huge? Of course it looks bad
Fucking retarded zoomer. That's where your waist/hips begin, so that's where your pants should rest. All pants throughout human history were high waisted because they're more comfortable and natural. The difference was, the top of your pants were almost never visible. You always had a tunic, a jacket or a cloak covering them. Women especially never walked around in pants with their asses showing. That's a very recent trend (since like the 1970's).
counterpoint: when girls used to be skinny and wear low rise you could see their panties and butt crack sometimes
countercounterpoint: the big ones did it too though
All healthy women have huge asses, retard. Their hips are wider and set higher than in men, to accommodate the uterus and allow the baby to pass through easier during birth. They also store fat mainly in the hips, unlike men who store it around their waist. So they are predisposed to have huge asses.
Women wear them because they can’t stop eating
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I disagree
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I agree with this photograph and post. If you are not into women wearing jeans that accentuate their wide childbearing hips, then I am afraid you might have strong propensity towards homosexuality.
This, though OP pic is an example of a woman for whom high waisted just won't be flattering.
as opposed to low rise jeans and crop tops of yesteryear where you could actually see their hips and if they're actually shaped that way or being stuffed like a turkey into jeans?
No, low rise jeans and crop tops elongate the torso by blending it into the hips and only highlighting things from the crotch and below. They make women's bodies look like that of teenage boys.
Those aren't low rise, i can't see her hip bones peeking out
i mean yeah if you're trying to make a 35bmi woman look feminine stuffing it into an hourglass shape pair of pants and putting her in a baggy top will do it

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