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would like to have one. what are your recommendations as far as quality of construction/leather and how to spot crap
Do your own research,/fa/ isn't your personal stylist or spoon feeding central. Request threads are against the rules
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I really want one of these but I feel like late 90s early 00s hip hop revival is dead
Anything less than $500 brand is probably crap, but you can get a very high quality Schott nyc vintage jacket on eBay for cheap and it will look as good as a far more expensive jacket and still be good for years.
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*less than $500 brand new
Get a cognac brown leather jacket. You don't see a lot of people wearing them but they look amazing.
those look like a 54 year old who just got divorced and is trying hard to look "hip", get anything but those
You shut the fuck up stupid nigger bitch piece of shit before I kill you motherfucker
this its a very good color but 99% of them you see on the street are cheap garbo so it gets associated with that sort of thing.
dude at the weed store i shop at has a very pornographic to look at horsehide one otherwise most of the times i've encountered them in the wild have been shit jackets worn by dudes who don't know leather.

unironically good advice.
Sizing should be numerical like 34, 36, 38, 40 etc. Jackets in alphabetical sizing S, M, L may not be fitted as they need to fit a variety of people within those sizes.

Avoid terms like "Genuine leather" "Real leather" etc.. these are very low quality and most of the time are constructed of artificially bonded leather.

Hardware like zippers should be branded and YKK is about the lowest tier you should consider buying.

If possible try it on first, even if you are looking at buying a used example, go to the store and try on the brand new one before you buy it.
there's different levels to ykk. lampo's the only zip thats objectively better than ykk's excella line imo the rest is apples and oranges. people like to say riri is better but they're wrong. to be fair i haven't had much stuff with opti zips as i'm american.
It's all about tallon and gripper zippers
>B-but they haven't been made in 50 years and the japs stockpiled any that were left
Then buy japshit
No the new made tallon zippers made by ykk don't count
Came to say Schott. It's a very well-regarded brand but without the crazy markups that more recognizable luxury brands get away with. Pretty much the best price-to-quality you can ask for.

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