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/fa/'s thoughts on brutalmaxxing?
always a zoomer cope of some sort
Retarded. Pretty boys objectively attract the most fertile women. The trick is to be a pretty boy in your teens and early 20s, get the best girl you can and get her pregnant, marry her and then build muscle. Otherwise you'll just become another lonely gymcel
Women don't give a shit about muscles unless you already are tall and good looking ,then it's a small bonus
im a prettyboy turning 40 this year
hey what's up, did you get your weekly shipment of hot bitches in? mine was ok this week, last week's was better
what a fucking downgrade holy shit
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Based Based Based
I'm a millennial boomer, zoomers need to go brutal maxxing. The Antichrist fears us.
Must have taken you a while to write that post one-handed
thats supposed to he the plan but im getting rejected in twinkmode
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because that anon posted some retard tier cope bullshit. women over 15 aren't attracted to "twinks" that's a gay man or a transsexual trying to groom you into their cult.
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>has success when underage and other male competition is children
>falls off gets zero pussy and becomes a prison gay catboy homosexual
many such cases
When did this cope start when we treated the gym like it was some sort of prison despite it being a pretty cool place where you can get fit and meet other people? It's such a retarded superficial attitude I mean what the fuck am I supposed to think? AHHHH OH MY GOD I'M LIFTING MANUFACTURED IRON FOR ABOUT 5 HOURS IN A SERVICE THAT I PAID FOR LOOK AT HOW HARD I'M WORKING AAAAAAAHHHHH.
when people started getting office jobs and being uber sedentary making any kind of physical activity feel like a chore to their withered aching desk job bodies.
>don't be a well adjusted attractive guy that girls flock to, you need to turn into a roid tranny gymcel so that other failed men on tiktok can jerk off to gay edits of you flexing your roid-acne pocked back in the gym.
He looks like shit in both pictures desu
i go to the gym to train for things i do that require physical conditioning like martial arts, backpacking, building houses etc.
if my twink turns into a gym rat i'm leaving him.
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>be mid 30 millennial boomer
>have kids and lived through family life like tradcucks shill for
>realise that having an everloving wife is a myth
>attraction always fade away over time
>divorced, now life goal is to be a role model for younger generation
>even dating again always the same pattern reveals again:
>fall in love(best time), everyday life kicks in, almost sudden other guys are more attractive
>realise i never can fall in love to a women again
Lifting weight should be every mans goal, tradcuck lifestyle is the path to destruction. Not blaming zoomers to not know it better, soon or later every guy go through the redpill rage.
>friday evening
>every simp and thot going clubbing
>me pushing 200kilos leg press in the gym
>while listening to this:
No worries brutalmaxx bros, we all gonna make it.
French kissed and did petting with a ice blue eyed german women yesterday, and i was your typical Steve Urkel in college.
you're a gay man or tranny though not a woman.
He went from a twink who fucks pussies, to a mutant lab experiment whose bussy gets probed by mad scientists.
Wrong. As a brutalmaxxer i got more opportunities to get laid. Stop grooming zoomers into your tranny fantasy.
Suddenly women say they want to be feminine and hate feminism in my presence. When i was a skinny beta bitchboi women switched to they masculine energy.
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The mistake here is making the gym and muscles your personality.
Being physically active is good for your body your soul and your confidence. If you do it for sports for women or men or because you want to look like an anime character is irrelevant. If you go boxing swimming or just pumping gym bro routines in the gym is irrelevant as long as you like doing it. But like everything you do it shouldn’t consume you or become your obsession. It should compliment you and add to your style your lifestyle and personality. Otherwise you are one of these people who got nothing else going for them and make being muscular or fit their whole being. A nice style a good body good food and healthy social life everything should add to your being and not take it. Also yes sex core is fun sometimes but if you are built as fuck drapey styles can accentuate your look without coming too strong
Sorry for the long rambling and btw the poor fella in the video really ruined his looks

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