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90% of my wardrobe consists of superhero t-shirts, but I feel like they are bordering on no longer being hipster ironic & alternatively fashionable.
once you're out of the womb
Marvel themed clothing is never appropriate. It is peak søyboy behavior.
Once you're old enough to start buying your own wardrobe. You don't have to dress like a fucking supermodel but it helps in many situations to notnlook like an emotionally stunted manchild. Hover if you enjoy wearing these articles of clothing and feel like they have no serious negative impacts on your life, keep on wearing them.
Real answer is probably between 5 and 10 years old.
>At what age
Any age
All kids ages can wear it.
But the caveat for adults is you HAVE to have a body that looks like the superhero.
You wanna wear a spiderman shirt as an adult, fine, but you better be as lean and as jacked as spiderman otherwise it's cringe.
depends on what's on the graphic tee and if your face/beard/body looks the part of a basedboy
if you're /fit/ or even relatively average and groom your beard/hair fine, i'd say it's fine.
like 11 years old
Mainly the assorted main Marvel figures, like Captain America, Iron Man, Spiderman, some X-Men etc. The majority being in that retro comic cover style from the 70's, which I feel differentiates it from the mass-produced line that you gift to certain family members.

I definitely feel I am handsome for my age: I make a point of always being clean shaven, and I have my hair styled with gel, and my blond streaks touched up every two months.
Yeah great, but are you below 15%bf and able to at least bench your bodyweight?
Depends on context, like where its worn.
For instance, no one would bat an eye at a marvel shirt at the gym. But a bar? You would look childish.
Past elementary school
I'm not a superhero fan but two similar superhero t-shirt designs are appealing to me: Captain America's shield on a blue t-shirt, and Flash's logo on a red t-shirt. It looks better if they're scratched.
Nobody on this board is going to make it
It just doesn’t make sense for any adult unless you worked for the company or have some other presentable connection to the brand you can talk about like that. Even then anything above Walmart/hot topic levels of graphics would look sharper (such as anything aforementioned as an employee only design)
It's mainly if I'm going to the shops on the weekend, to grab some dinner and maybe catch a movie.

I feel like I pair them well, not just with a pair of cargo shorts and joggers, but instead, I might wear a nice sports jacket with it, and some chinos with boots.

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