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When you're wearing a dress, how do you avoid your bottom jiggling visibly underneath it?
Why would you want to hide that?
It's nasty.
It's what every non-faggot man wants to see
>Small ass
No thanks
Do you think women only cares what men want to see?
Yes or you wouldn't wear uncomfortable, impractical clothes.
It's not that simple. The most important thing is to feel good.
It is that simple. Women care about what other women think because they like to pull each other down, but more than that they care about what men think. They thrive on men's attention. No straight, non-faggot man wants to see a hard non-jiggly ass. That's masculine and gay. A woman's ass should be soft and jiggly. So let your ass jiggle.
It just makes you sexy as fuck, chill.
>They thrive on men's attention.
Please stop watching manosphere videos on YouTube
this guy is getting his dick sucked RIGHT NOW by a woman appreciative of this post.
Please seek help
Just burn your clothes and buy a burka if this is how you intend to carry yourself, refusing to admit you wear uncomfortable sexy clothes for male attention.
wear shorts underneath
FINALLY a helpful reply! Would you recommend compression shorts or something else?
She'd look better with a blue dress
Sure, and flaunt the ugly outlines of your shorts poking through the fabric like a granny wearing granny panties or diapers.
Is that more ugly than a jiggly butt?
Firm up that flabby butt or stop wearing thongs underneath dresses. If you want to hide panty lines in tight dresses, go with seamless underwear.
Anon post ass and Ill tell you exactly what to do
Sometimes it's inevitable but usually tight spandex under help
i wear biker shorts.
sometimes i wear lularoe leggings underneath instead
Yea not like the men here that are so extremely supportive to each other and don’t drag each other down
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all the demoralization threads are made by paid shills who full time spam all the low traffic blue boards. they're lazy and spam the same exact posts and jpegs on other boards like /pol/.
if you're not aware there's several democrat superpacs that have massive budgets strictly for spamming 4chan and reddit. all the big subreddits like /r/news have official policies to ban actblue accounts on sight stated in their rules.
its not a "conspiracy theory" its been very well known and acknowledged by the people doing it and mainstream websites like the biggest subs on reddit for about 15 years. their training material is easily available on 4chan's archives. the kind of shilling we primarily get is called "dc shilling" or divide and conquer, which i'll post some examples of below.
the ones who shill /fa/ have gotten wiser since i started pointing this out so often and started slightly altering their jpegs and adding special characters swapped in for letters in their posts to make them harder to search archives.

sure you get some catty bitch anons who fall for the r9k tier demoralization shit and perpetuate it. those guys wouldn't exist without the paid shills putting the ideas in their head though.
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major think tank publication on how they do what i'm talking about and their tactics
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dc shilling examples
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more dc shilling examples
notice these threads simply did not exist before the 2016 election cycle archives and anons memories don't lie
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more divide and conquer shilling examples
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you will see this pic played out constantly on /fa/ in about a third of all threads
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obligatory inclusion
Be selective with materials and cut
All of this shit exists only because the US exist. Wipe anglo countries off the face of earth and this crap is canceled for ever.
The whole point is we can see the jiggle retard
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blackrock, vanguard, george soros (unironic i have friends who work at these shill companies) and the dnc...
what do they all have in common?
Yes. You're mentally ill if you think a jiggly butt is unattractive
They're all American and Jewish?
The problem is Israel
the problematic people are majority jews who came here from the soviet union to escape "persecution" aka justice for the evil shit they did over there.
the rest are largely anglo traitors who sold out their own race to jews for money and comfortable lives as elites.
hard to blame them when all the jews in organized crime like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucky_Luciano were wholesale murdering anyone in the wasp elite who didn't sell out to the jew.
this thread took a weird turn.
hope you figure out what you need, op!

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