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Women just dress trashy these days, and men can also dress a lot better, at least some do class it up. Very rarely do you see women with some actual fashion sense beyond just showing skin, MAYBE a nice dress, but I think it'd be ideal if everyone started dressing like cavalry officers.
It's fucking peak.
just google "horse girl", you can find thousands of women who dress like this.
it might not be a proper riding jacket on top but they'll be wearing trousers and jodhpurs and larping with riding crops.
Why are low tier men always obsessed with the stupidest shit
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This could be current fashion. It would be a hard sell in its totality but with the way the alt scene is headed right now it's not impossible to adopt certain aspects of French cavalry officers.
Right now the mainstream alt scene been making a gradual shift towards folk and country aesthetics and has been ramping up fast as of late... if this change bleads over into mainstream culture/fashion then this could open the floodgate to whole host of vintage/historical fashion movement intersecting with the mainstream like it has a view times in the past.
If you really wanna see this change then be the change.
>Only compliment people if they are wearing clothing which fits your vague and undefined cavalry vibe
>Live in a major westcoast American city so no one will judge you for the fucking insane way you dress
>Discuss and promote alt media which feeds into this folk old world look
>Promote this fashion through making and promoting media which has cool sexy men and women wearing this crap >associate these aesthetics with abstract ideals to garner interest in this style as movement which ingrains itself as a part of a person's identity and more than a style
There's a million in one ways aspects of this style and in general higher class fashion creep back in. The husser jacket especially a short dreased down one like pic related could easily be normalized brought into fashion though I think a Bocskai jacket (which looks similar to the husser) could even work since they're dark and neutral colored with smaller frills.
But stuff like the boots, gloves, sash, and the tight fitting nature of the garment would be an impossible sell to modern westerners since comfort is priortized over fashionability, especially in America.
balmain used to do shit vaguely like this

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