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How can I get my gf to wear these types of clothes in public so I can do this pose?
tie her down to a sybian until she verbally agrees to wear the outfit
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>smiles are swapped
this is why I hate media, it's never like reality
why does the "IRL" pic look AI generated?
nvm it is AI, just reverse searched it.
shit thread, shit OP, shit question. good bye.
Have you tried asking? Of course not, you don't have a gf.
Just skip all these pointless steps and hand her over to Tyrone.
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I've been trying to get my titcow gf to wear more revealing shit in public for over 10 years now and no joy

Some women have the bodies, but are just joyless and hate fun
They're socialized to be more modest. As soon as puberty hits and their bodies begin to develop, family members begin to critique their body, slut shaming, creepy family members, religion, etc.
>10 years
Why are all you amershits mentally ill.
That's never been a real thing though. No women would do that for free accept like the 00.1% who are just ugly or very mentally ill with a fetish from all the American brainwashing. It's always only been a fantasy but not a good one the pathetic ill people worse than pdfilez that have the fetish use the cuck fetish in the same way zooshit exists. It's a degradation fetish. They like seeing their ugly gf fucked by Tyrone who is equivalent to a dog in their eyes or a better more accurate equivalent a monkey. So you see not even the lowest common denominator a cuck, likes niggers
Sweatie, OP is the mentally ill subhuman here who wants to make his girlfriend parade around dress like a whore and enact exhibitionist cuckold play. So I'm telling him to skip the bullshit and just hand her over to Tyrone, since she's going to leave a cuck like him for someone masculine and alpha anyway.
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Well yes but there's been much improvement over that decade

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