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male piercings? /fa/ or /fa/g?
Ears are ok.
This guy looks like he makes a ton of bad decisions.
honestly a lot of piercings look good on men with sharp facial aesthetics, mostly bc they look good without them too like op picrel.
But most guys who wear piercings are kinda ugly and use them to be "a type", it's pretty obvious when you see them.
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no you fucking ftm pooner you'll never pass for male if you cover your face in piercings and wear makeup. real life isn't your cringe ass shotacon mangas. go look around you. virtually no men have facial piercings. the ones who do are feminine/bottom gays or social outcasts not in the cool edgy way. ears are ok but only normal lobe piercings (both ears) or small gauges if you're a dubstep dj i guess. cartilage piercings will out you as a ftm right away. any face piercing will out you. so few men have piercings like this that i can tell you're a female to male transsexual just from the fact you asked this question. everyone who had them took theirs out in 2005. i have piercings and i haven't worn them in centuries. all the dudes with gauges got surgery.
my city is full of ftms like this who center their whole identity around how evil white men are keeping them down and ;_; woe is me no one will take me serious as a man when its like: "bro" you have makeup and woman face piercings on.

>op pic
imagine getting a cattle piercing hoooooooooooly fuck cringe.
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if you're a dude with facial piercings and you live in a major city i and many others are going to assume you were born female.
>i have piercings
so the pooner was you all along?
it was a trend in the 90s.
its not now.
>and many others
this is where you're wrong, chuddo
/fa/g for sure. Don't do it.
can be cool
often is cringe
age is a huge factor
>as with all things it doesnt work if you are fat or ugly

i had my nose pierced for a while and still have earrings
>be pooner
>acquire infinite government funded steroids
>get fat
why are they like this bros?
I have my ears and nose pierced. I’m starting to think I’d look less gay with more piercings. Maybe you have to have a lot or none at all
if you're not in a flyover city everyone knows what ftms are and loathe having to deal with you. if you sometimes get gendered male its out of pity. hope this helps! t. portland resident.
Why are you this mentally ill? Why do trannies live rent-free in your head?
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>The only guy who made piercings look cool
>Isn't even real
Seems like a hard thing to do.
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its the trannies who are mentally ill, friend.
Well, this obsession with bringing them up every time there’s a thread about make piercings isn’t the sign of a sound mind.
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its the only time i've brought them up in a thread about piercings. if you're going to go with the "durr internet rotted your brain trannies don't exist in real life" bullshit i already said i've lived in portland where 1/3 of people are some kind of transcreature. so fuck off.
>its the only time i've brought them up in a thread about piercings
Are you sure about that?

>i already said i've lived in portland
Yeah, I can tell because you’re such an insufferable little bitch. Oh yeah, “keep Portland weird XDD”. Fucking faggot.
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You’re the one with pictures of trannies saved onto your hard drive. Just saying, pal.
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Well, you live in Portland and you have an untold amount of pics of trannies on your PC, so yeah, I think I am implying that.
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oh no i have hideous troons saved to my pc to make fun of them
how will i ever recover from this bro's ;_;
You fill your life with the ugliness you want in it.
Hard to pull off and generally look very feminine. But you can look pretty effay
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scree ook
i dont see pooners often just regular troons
>t. other portland resident

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