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Left or right?

right is ruined by the collar

Buttons are cool
You are making it even more difficult, bros
Im thinking left. Clean, minimal.
Im thinking right. Stylish, timeless.
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For reference, the one on the left (no buttons) looks like this
The one on the right (buttoned) looks like this but black.
Right. More classy.
I change my vote to right, collar looks much better being worn
Thanks, i was leaning towards it, it's a Barbour
Go for it, anon. It's good.
Have a link by chance?
The model is Ashby (winter version), they sell it everywhere
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a nigga on /fa/ is asking a legitimate fashion question and it's about which two products he should pick from.....and both are good
I don't understand
I like the left one, but the collar on the right looks cool
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Dubz is the winner

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