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Aluminium or leather for an attache case?
Paired with a suit. Prefer the metal but not sure if it looks weird.
I'm an attorney. Trust me when I tell you briefcases are a thing of the past and you look weird as hell if you have one.
I personally haven't seen once since I was a little kid, and, like I said, I work in a profession where it was common.
How do you carry papers/laptop?
He probably carries a gay backpack like a little schoolboy.
Zero haliburton briefcases are dank. Some great quality used ones on ebay shipping out of japan
God that looks like shit
that's honestly a shame
imagine hiring a lawyer and he pulls up with a gay satchel or god forbid a backpack with a fucking macbook inside
this country has gone to shit
No backpack, although it's common for attorneys to have them nowadays. Classy guys like me use messenger bags.
b a l l i s t i c nylon...looks sharp, wears well.
Not OP, but get a canvas or a leather messenger bag.
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why? just the look? i have higher end bags made of both and don't see one as better than the other just apples and oranges.
>nylon canvas is much stronger, can be made thicker, and is a bit longer lasting
>cotton canvas gets a cool patina over time, and wear/tear improves the look
>both are widely available with leather hardware picrel a nylon bag
nylon can be woven into a canvas too the only difference really is its way way way stronger.
Backpack if you also need to carry stationery, notebooks, equipment, and a packed lunch. Courier bag if you don't.
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Gonna have to doubt your judgement on that.
Leather - with a top flap as opposed to a hinges opening at the bottom - is more versatile and imo generally looks both a bit more relaxed and more upper-class (if that's something you care about). Also generally wears better over time. But really your personal tastes should guide you more than anything else.

Also, feel free to ignore >>18188852 . Many professions still have folks carrying briefcases, and even if they don't nobody's going to look askance at you carrying a briefcase unless you're in manual labor or something like that.
Man now carry giant women's bags.
so you're saying no briefcase I can carry will ever look as dorky as a normoid?
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Aluminum would look a little outdated. Like the other guy said.
I have a leather briefcase that's kind of like this without the two vertical straps. I'm in finance.

No ones going to judge you (in a way that would impact you) for wearing a backpack though.
>Many professions still have folks carrying briefcases
This is false.
Differences in the prevalence of briefcases are probably more based on regional norms than different jobs. A blanket statement that nobody anywhere carries briefcases anymore is simply wrong.
I'm an attorney and use a black leather briefcase. Not in US though
I got myself a Filson Rugged Twill Original Briefcase for the office. Usually use it as a briefcase most of the time, in deep winter I use it as a messenger bag
Did anyone ever actually use aluminium cases outside of movies?
I kind of dig them but can't imagine anyone ever using them.
Rimowa is one of the most prestigious brands in the world so yes.
if you see somebody with a briefcase chanses are they are carrying a collection of dildos

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