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I want to go somewhere and be listened to and given actual recommendations about what to wear and how to wear it. Do I need to pay a gorillion dollars for a personal stylist or just shop at higher end stores?

I want to be asked questions about what kind of look I'm going for, and given serious recommendations about how to achieve that, in a way that will actually look good and fit me and not just in a "let me upsell you as much as possible" kind of way. Does this exist?
It's called doing your own research
I guess what I'm asking is how much would it cost to not do that?
>I want to go somewhere and be listened to and given actual recommendations about what to wear and how to wear it
good proprietor owned boutiques do this. most people like to be left alone when they shop for the most part but the owners and employees of them are all hyper spergs. the one i get a lot of my shit from the owner goes as far as to keep me in mind when he's in japan shopping for his store and cops me shit tariff free with the garment allowance they let you bring back when you travel, half the time doesn't even make me pay for that shit.
Nice, that's a good tip, thank you.
It's impossible for people to tell you how to dress if you don't know your own tastes. They can make recommendations based on your build, hair and skin but if you don't know what you want other than 'looking good' you'll probably just end up frustrated
curated boutiques can because just walking in the door implies a lot about your taste.
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I don't know my tastes exactly but I have rough ideas. I want to do retro without looking like a cosplayer. I see so many of these guys online dressing in high waisted pants and wearing older styled suits that just look like dweebs. I want to dress like Pat Riley.
I like the retro look he's going for but this guy just looks like he's wearing a costume to me.
My man are you autistic ?
Just buy quality vintage styles and try to make it look casual
Alright but from where? Are there any retailers that make vintage styles or if I want a vintage styled suit do I need to get that custom made? I'm willing to invest in a suit but I don't have $3k+ to drop
I like Etsy and Ebay for online shopping. Suits look best custom made but if that’s not in your budget then buying an inexpensive suit and having it tailored will look good too
Thanks anon. I can find some local shops and look for one or two suits off the rack that I like for 700-1k and get it tailored. Build out the casual wear from there. I bet if I went to locally owned places for suits they'd have good recommendations on casual wear.
If it’s in your budget just show the suit guy the kinds of casual clothes you like and he’ll make them for you

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