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Where can I find Hawaiian shirts with good prints that arent polyester?
Trying to make fits similar to picrel
Start with Ebay. The shirts should be made of 100% silk, be sure to check pictures of the garment tag for fiber composition. Brand to get you started on your searching: Tommy Bahama. Of course you can also still get these new if you don't like shopping second hand.
good aloha shirts no order:
if its not made in hawaii or maybe japan its total dogshit.

cotton aloha shirts are good too.
>Aren't made of polyester
Authentic aloha shirts are made out of rayon, there are some nice cotton ones too.
Plenty of good brands out there, even AliExpress has nice ones if you look specifically for rayon
>even AliExpress has nice ones if you look specifically for rayon
bob dong alohas are unironically decent.
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Silk aloha shirts are also authentic. Silk for the shirts goes back to when Japanese were entering Hawaii as laborers and bringing kimono fabrics with them. Anyone telling you rayon is the only correct fabric is trying to sell you cheap shit. Buy silk if you afford it.
Can confirm kona bay, avanti are nice. Adding
Tommy Bahama has some decent silk ones as >>18188946 mentioned. The idea that an aloha shirt can only be made in Hawaii is retarded and only faggot Hawaiians try to shill this lie.
some tommy bahama is nice i'll admit to being wrong. i'll add both to the copypasta list next time i spam it.
Be warned, after starting to wear silk shirts in the summer you won't be able to go back to cotton. The comfort in the heat is unreal, they feel cool to the touch even when it's stupid hot. Rayon isn't terrible but I would definitely opt for silk.
What other (non-aloha) silk brands are good?
I only buy vintage because that's where I can find the loud patterns I want and unfortunately I am not going to share the brands I search for aa the pickings are already slim as it is.
There's like 20 people on /fa/ bud, we aren't coming for your aloha shirts like some new trend on reddit.
Sounds like something someone trying to steal my future cops would say.

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