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What are you wearing this fall?
white skin
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Shoes on the right are awful
definitely not skinny chinos or dress sneakers with a slim fit orphaned suit jacket
I love fall when it’s starting to get chilly and the wind is blowing and the ground is moist and the trees are full of all shades of yellow, orange and red leaves. But anyway I’m going to wear
>rain mac
>icelandic sweaters
>flannel shirts
>desert boots
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Something like this.
poorly put together business casual dork-core.
left hand pic looks fine
right hand pic is AI generated and is total garbage, just post actual clothing articles or actual models
How is right AI generated?
remember when mfa and /fa/ told guys to dress like this unironically and peacoats were the most popular thing on here?
What I always do probably, henleys, polos and blank tees. Maybe I'll wear a graphic tee outside for the first time
It's as if styles change with time
>reddit snark
You're on the internet, you don't need to be passive-aggressive
it never looked good, i was telling people on here that all the way back in 2009.
Ever since I became a remote worker my daily get up is t-shirt/sweatshirt with shorts/sweatpants.
Never been on reddit try again nigger.
Do you still dress in Goth Ninja?
nah i've always recognized arcteryx and the likes as entry level low tier gear because i actually backpack. that shit is goofy.
>soulless cow-eyed faggots
seems legit
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My parents used to have 80s jackets like pic rel. Anyone have any idea what it is? I want one so bad.
picked up some cheap rings & jewelry. tryna get a nice pair of tassel loafers & have been wearing patterned rayon short sleeve button-downs. going for that alt-grunge fuckboy shit.
ol costume jewelry in the club lookin ass
companies do this all the time now so they don't have to pay human meat models you can tell by the woke character of it or just run it through an app that detects AI generation
post fit
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>he doesn't 90s celebrity at the airport core
Why do they have estrogen eyes
Any recommendations for where to get decent cotton sweaters like in OP?
Right is real. That black man is everywhere in the UK because he featured by every UK brand because he looks acceptable despite being black so they get the black ESG credit without bringing in straight out of Somalia type of blacks that other European brands do.

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