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what are the best foods to eat and to avoid for clearer skin? general tips also appreciated
Cleanse a shit ton (cleanser, micellar water, and toner), use moisturizer and sunscreen, use retinal, use serums which would help your specific skin type, drink lots of water, avoid saturated fats, carbs, sugar, etc., take collagen and biotin supplements, and maybe even get into bone broth.
Avoid sugar and dairy
Drink water/green tea
i have better skin than your example. look at the hairline thread theres pics should be obvious which one is mine from my skin.
don't do this >>18189019 everyone i know who's overly into skincare looks haggard. the products they shill you will age you and ruin your skin.
the only things i do:
- shave with a safety razor not a disposable unless you want to scar and mangle your face
- moisturize after you shave i use coconut oil on dry nordic skin
- spf 50 MINERAL sunscreen on face when outside. don't put any sunscreen with a chemical mask on your face it will cause more damage than it prevents. they were invented to leave less white cast on black people's skin and became popular because they are so cheap to produce. you don't want that kind of sunscreen.
- always be hydrated. i drink 24oz of water every hour i'm awake. get a nice double wall tumbler. this guy isn't wrong >>18189401
- i eat total bullshit gross food and have amazing skin but diet has the most impact of anything you have control over.
>i have better skin than your example.
also over twice his age, living proof.
one last thing doing your day to day low effort don't care shaves with a high end foil razor. you won't get a close shave to show off your nice skin but its the least damaging way to shave day to day.
(pro tip vintage russian ones on ebay clap the fuck out of anything money can buy today and theres dudes who restore them, convert them to usa grid compatible electronics and they're not expensive)
There are no foods that'll help your skin. Wear sunscreen to avoid sunposts hyperpig all tha shit & exfoliate once in a while.The reason the kid in your OP has skin that good is because of youth and how the light hits him. The less/more diffuse shadows the less depth your face will have the less wrinkles & imperfections people will be able to see since there's nothing to to add depth to them.
Genetics and sunscreen. Skincare products are mostly a scam.
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> spf 50 MINERAL sunscreen on face when outside
do the sunscreens on this list still count?
everything on that list is shit and will damage your skin. if you're taking skincare advice from something that isn't even breaking it down by skin type and fitzpatrick level (how light/dark your skin is) its worthless and either made by a retard at best, paid shill at worst (wouldn't be surprised if all that shit is owned by the same parent conglomerate)
i would avoid all advice in general from that infographic on this basis. reddit is unironically good for skincare info. they know their shit the only problem is its a hugbox website so you have to memorize all their woman/sjw terminology they use as a proxy for just mentioning their race when they post about skincare/hair care/etc.
you want something that is mineral (zinc oxide usually) only and beyond that it depends on your skin type and how light your skin is whats best. just try a few things. avoid strong scents they irritate and damage skin too. asian sunscreens may be better for your skin than western brand ones even if you have light skin btw they're formulated and go on a little different its worth trying out both.
cheap shit will leave a casper mask on you and be greasy as shit its not worth.
and they will 'pill' and leave a gross texture on your face.

>La Roche-Posay
>The La Roche-Posay sun protection range combines both chemical and mineral sun filters

>Neutrogena Clear Face
>This formula contains the chemical sunscreens avobenzone, homosalate, octisalate, octocrylene, and oxybenzone

>Elta MD
>When it comes to sunscreens, there are two main types: physical sunscreens (also called mineral sunscreens) and chemical sunscreens. EltaMD UV Clear Broad-Spectrum SPF 46 includes both.

>Skin Aqua UV super moisture milk
>Skin Aqua UV Super Moisture Milk SPF 50+ PA++++ uses a combination of organic (“chemical”) and inorganic (“physical” or “mineral”)

>Biore UV Aqua Rich
>Biore UV sunscreen is a chemical sunscreen, and as such, it contains certain chemical filters.
>Asian sunscreens may be better for your skin than western brand ones even if you have light skin btw
the "milky" kind specifically.
only ever consider chemical or combined sunscreen if you're fitz 4+ as you probably won't find a mineral one that doesn't casper the friendly ghost you.
>mineral (zinc oxide usually) only
>depends on your skin type
>avoid strong scents
>asian sunscreens may be better
>cheap shit bad
Thank you smart anon. This is all good advice.
the pilling is the main thing that separates good ones from bad ones (for your skin everyone's a bit diff)
once you find one that doesn't pill and doesn't leave too much of a mask its all splitting hairs past that.
>There are no foods that'll help your skin.
true but there's plenty that will fuck your skin up. seed oils, high grain diet, etc cause inflammation. they also fuck your teeth up. going on 40 never had a cavity.
also many medicines can roach your skin.
can probably ignore any posts that aren't made by me unless they're also willing to prove they aged well.
there's a lot of really poorly aged people who go on forums and spew advice like its worth taking from them. reddit's a bit better about that than here cause you can profile stalk the people you take advice from.

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