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My friend got a tattoo on his arm with his birth date on it, like the one on the picture, and it's such a retarded concept I feel bad for him whenever I see it.

Worse thing is, I was there when he got it and couldn't help but watch as he ruined his arm with the tattoo.
I have one tattoo at the moment. on the left side of my back, under the shoulder blade. I have an idea for another tattoo, which I would place on my left pectoral; I am waiting to determine whether or not I really want that tattoo (will probably need to finish writing a paper prior to getting it for it to really mean as much as I want it to).
My tattoos will only ever be on the left side of my body, not visible even if wearing a t-shirt and shorts, and must be meaningful to me.
lmao getting ink on little bitch wrists like that is a silent admission you've given up and never plan on getting in basic healthy shape.
You aren’t his friend. If you were, you would’ve stopped him.
Being slim is perfectly healthy, gymcel.
If you aren't 6'+ you shouldn't be talking, you little skinny midget
nah i'm not a gymcel i'm a mma guy.
5'7, 4-6% bodyfat @ 120-135lbs and my forearms are bigger and have significantly more vascularity than that.
i can tell that's a soft bitch who does zero physical activity.
+10 ape index too so 99% chance my forearm muscles are longer than his (the shorter they are the more bulky they look)
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mfw haven't trained for 4 years and i'm still too fit for the navy body fat calculator and i have to do water displacement.
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Your friend is 11?
this is like the #1 tattoo for normie zoomer girls.
you aren't 4-6% you retard. whatever way you used to measure that was done wrong and totally inaccurate. you would feel absolutely terrible all the time. that's bb comp level lean. if you're natty, your dick stops working when you're that lean.
last time i did hydrostatic i was 8% and i'm noticably leaner and dont fit into asian xs or 27" non vanity size pants right now normally my waist is 29". my forearms are longer than op pic and around twice as thick toward the elbow. dick still works i guess i jacked off a couple days ago. definitely do feel like shit rn.

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