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Which side are you on?
Why is button fly chad? It’s just more of a hassle.
Op is a faggot
Buttons aren’t that much of a hassle once you worn in the pants. They might be too tight in the beginning but i just rip the crotch open like i would with a zipper.

But the main pro is that buttons dont break as easily. A zipper will have to be replaced while buttons can be sewn back on once they start to fall off
Lol nerd
Yeah if you’re just taking off the pants yes but if you’re going to take a leak they suck. Also with buttons you have 5 different buttons that can each fall off while a zipper might break maybe once.
>A zipper will have to be replaced while buttons can be sewn back on once they start to fall off
im an "archive fashion" faggot retard so own stuff that's been heavily used by others for years, sometimes decades and then bought by me then used heavily at work and casual wear situations and I've literally never even seen my plastic zippers break from any of that
are you fat or something nigga
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4 small buttons is too many. 3 small + the top button is the best.
if you wear them a lot you stop noticing
i can undo the buttons, picc, and redo the buttons even while outrageously drunk now
A thread died for this bullshit. Button fly is the worst fly. No benefits at all. If you are breaking zipper flies then you are a fat fuck and need to lose weight.
button fly is the clear winner. zippers are for old guys with arthritis.
- can't get your pubes caught in it.
- doesn't make your crotch bulge all weird and false-boner you when you sit.
- does not break.

advantages to button flies right above.

>im an "archive fashion" faggot retard so own stuff that's been heavily used by others for years
>never had a broken zip before
>mentions plastic zips
you..... sure you're actually into archive fashion not larping? i'm not really convinced. just got into it maybe? you've NEVER seen a broken zip? /really/?
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Only women's jeans have button fly these days. I guess women are more chad then men now. Fucking feminist cucks.
You know what's better? One big button and a zipper to quickly open your fly in one straight motion, instead of fumbling with buttons like a woman. There's no reason to waste time on something as mundane as opening your fly.
>can't get your pubes caught in it.
Sir, it's called an underwear. Do the needful and wear them. It not only protects your precious pubes and benis, but also your jeans from your bodily discharges.
>One big button and a zipper to quickly open your fly in one straight motion, instead of fumbling with buttons like a woman.
you're so close to being right. but then you get it completely backwards.
button flies can be removed in a single tug at the top button once broken in. "rip and grip"
zip flies can sometimes do this if the zipper is loose enough. but most of the time you have to undo the top button then start the zipper before you tug. doing the 1 motion tug on zippers also damages them. jamming the zipper and having your fly stay half-done then needing to jiggle is also common.
double the amount of effort to remove a zip fly as a button fly unless you want to damage your zipper.
button fly is superior because it can be easily removed with a single tugging motion at the top button.

>like a woman
>posts pic of women's jeans
you know that's a stylistic nod to men's jeans right? https://youtu.be/ws4iMmt_pNg?t=22
dudes never thrown on a pair of jeans after fucking a bitch before lmao
Why would I leave my underwear behind after fucking a woman/women? Especially with my dick covered in women cooties that would soil my $500 raw selvedge denim jeans which got me this harem of birthing gender of the human species in the first place?
>you know that's a stylistic nod to men's jeans right?
Because women are always playing catch up to men, while we constantly advance to better and more efficient things.
>button fly is superior because it can be easily removed with a single tugging motion at the top button.
I don't want a fly with busted button holes that can open from just one tug. Zippers on the other hand can be locked in place.
>Because women are always playing catch up to men, while we constantly advance to better and more efficient things.
women's jeans overwhelmingly use zip flies. zip fly was invented for arthritis and women.

>Especially with my dick covered in women cooties that would soil my $500 raw selvedge denim jeans
wabi sabi my friend the discharge speeds up fades.

>I don't want a fly with busted button holes that can open from just one tug.
that's why they're hard to do the buttons up when they're brand new. specifically so the holes don't stretch too much.
But you can’t take a piss by just opening a button or two.
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not that anon but
your dick fits through zip flies without undoing the top button?
You morons need to try on some Wranglers 13mwz and get hip to the technological marvels of the mid twentieth century. The zippers are strong and smooth, with enough room for your schlong. They don't break, slide quick and easily so you don't have to yank them, yet stay closed securely when the tab is down. I don't know what kind of bullcrap pants you're wearing, but by the sounds of it you could do better.
13mwz is a 1950s cut your hog isn't fitting through the fly on anything newer i hope.
I don’t know what sort of dick or pants you have but yes of course it does. I can fit my arm up to my elbow through the fly.
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its pretty girthy
Zipper is superior in every single way unless your pants barely fit in which case doing a button one at a time helps get them closed between
Zippers became the default for a reason
Why would anyone wear anything newer when 13mwz already exists?
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heres some other gr8 jeans if you like 13mwz
key saddle kings (vintage)
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wrangler 11mw reproductions
(these are from tcb, various brands make them sufu has a thread covering wrangler and lee repro)
(wrangler japan https://wrangler-jeans.jp/ is nice too edwin owns the rights to use the wrangler brand there and make a ton of vintage wrangler stuff we don't get)
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round house cowboy cuts. underrated 100+ year old brand selling $30 made in usa + usa cotton jeans.
they also have a slim fit one and a relaxed fit jean with a vv tall rise.
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deadstock keys are hard to track down but even taller rise than 13mwz and a little slimmer up top.
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Button fly all day everyday.
If it's a zipper it's gotta be a proper locking zipper
Buttons are straight up faster to button and unbutton then a zipper once they are broken in. Also the fly folds better when you are seated and you don't get that ugly zipper bulge
those jeans dont fit him in literally any dimension
Yeah that's bullshit. There's no way buttons can be faster to close than a good zipper. At best they might be negligibly faster to open, but definitely not faster to close.
How many times are you guys dropping your pants a day that you need it to be "faster" to undo them?
came here to post this
beggars can't be choosers when stealing fit pics of rarer stuff. there's a subset of denimfags who purposely leave their jeans too long and also don't cuff because they think the fades look cool.
When you work and piss outdoors it's nice to be able to do your business as quickly as possible, and not have to fumble with some stupid anachronistic buttons when you're done.
i do home remodels, landscape and hardscape and used to do forest service this is a non issue and i've caught my dick skin and pubes in zippers before buttons never did that to me.
after you've experienced slicing up carolina reaper and ghost peppers then taking a piss, touching your dick and getting hot pepper juice on the tip of your urethra though nothing else really hurts anymore.
With a zipper you don’t have to drop them that’s the fucking point.
Hey, I uses to work for the forest service too. There's a difference between pissing in the forest where it's expected, and pissing in a client's commercial orchard where you never know when some nosey spick is going to unexpectedly pop out of a row.
fair point
>caught dick skin and pubes in zipper
What are you, 5? Wear underwear.
Literally a rip open fly for sex.
i guess you forgot because you've been wearing women's panties for the last 10 years but men's underwear has a hole to stick your dick through and piss in the front.
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So..... you don't tuck your dick back into your underwear once you're done peeing and try to pull the zipper up while it's still flopping around in your pants? How else can you get your dick skin stuck in the zipper despite wearing underwear?
have you ever tried just not shitting in your jeans?
Shit isn't the only thing that comes out of your bottom. Piss can fuck your outer clothes up and bleach the dye. There's also precum and coom stains, both of which can stain your clothes yellow over time.

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