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File: Marc Jacobs Panther Print.jpg (170 KB, 1280x1280)
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What designers or brands can I look to in order to find refined yet playful button-down shirts?
This shirt is an old Marc Jacobs. Love the panther print but incredibly rare and I'm finding it difficult to find anything that matches that style.
dries van noten
also old navy and kohls if you insist on bricks & mortar
File: l_25153.jpg (73 KB, 800x800)
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>old navy and kohls
Guide london.
I don't know if they sell them wherever you live but they cost between £80 - 150
but they are worth it in terms of quality and design.
they also do a number of animal themed shirts.
poorfag clothes
I hope your children are raped and get cancer
those look horrible, like a fag
this is great tho, unique design but subtle
that shirt is not a button down. i like it but what kind of shirt are you actually trying to ask about? what's your budget?
Looks terrible and cheap and childish like a kid tryiing to play dress up with his goofy Walmart clothes. You know the shitty short sleeve version of what you're wearing Walmart sells
hahaha holy shit its dan flashes
Robert Graham

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