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File: GTNms1pXMAAIayn.jpg (658 KB, 2048x2048)
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Which is the more effay Olympic athlete uniform, Canada or USA?
The Canadian uniform is amazing, would definitely date this guy
Oh Canada,that lupmy piece of land!
From those smelly swamps
To those ugly plains
I really cherish theee
Canada's looks tropical. Like their leaf more resembles a palm tree than maple leaf.
Maple? It's a panjab tree leaf, sir.
Twitter seems to hate the Canadian one

The USA one is AI generated btw not actual models so yeah there's that
both look kind of shit desu
It pisses me off to think how much money some retarded nepo babies got paid to design that stinking pile of shit.
I'm surprised the Canadian is white at all.
>The USA one is AI generated btw

those are both famous olympians, retard
Mongolia's uniforms mogg both
Where's your proof? Have you met this so called "person" irl? Regardless of what you believe USA looks terrible and yes it is AI generated there are apps that tell you wheter or not an image is AI
Boring. Canada's has soul, I'd wear it any day
No it doesn't. It is trashy looking goyslop and you know it.
The USA one makes them look like they are pit stop workers. Canada one makes them look like a star.
>Canada one makes them look like a star.
retarded take
It looks like a child's pajamas.
Why do you think so?

Could you show me some pajamas that look similar? I'm not sure I agree.
File: sar.png (874 KB, 495x859)
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Here's the REAL canadian uniform
File: 1716075679448666.png (550 KB, 887x614)
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best fit

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