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Why is it that one of the most functional pieces of clothing is impossible to wear without seeming like a try hard fag? No one looks good with a hat, at least not any one who isn't rich, famous, or a chad.
Are hats truly relegated to the upper echelons of society?
the one or two times i've been told a hat i'm wearing looks goofy i said 'look how white i am' or 'sunlight ages you' and the discussion ended with an "oh"
goofy ass white ass bitch ass punk. you a busta
>No one looks good with a hat, at least not any one who isn't rich, famous, or a chad.
Your mental illness is show. I can't believe they removed the poster count from threads.
You can't wear... a hat?
lol. lmao even
Post a fit that isn't trash.
>hard mode no celebs or chads
The problem is that YOU look bad, and you are going to look bad no matter what you're wearing. You might as well just end it bro.
Post a fit that isn't trash.
>hard mode no celebs or chads
Nothing looks good on ugly people like you, what you are asking is impossible
File: 1700475656709024.webm (3.68 MB, 720x1080)
3.68 MB
3.68 MB WEBM
He looks pretty effa crawling around like that
>No one looks good with a hat, at least not any one who isn't rich, famous,
Name one that isn't
> a chad.
That looks good. You can't.
>Are hats truly relegated to the upper echelons of society?
Nice clothes are for pretty not ugly like you
Is this a gay thing or a gay pedo thing?
gay thing
here it is with audio: https://files.catbox.moe/4cudm6.mp4
what kind of hats can you actually wear with shoulder length hair that won't look stupid
Literally anything, just wear a hat

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