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Greyman general #1 post your cloak of invisibility fits ITT

The term 'gray man' (or 'grey man' in British English) describes someone who looks unassuming and who doesn't stand out from the crowd, but is in fact well equipped for an emergency situation. In crisis situations, there are benefits to going unnoticed and blending in.
Gray man is a navy blue suit and solid color tie, black oxfords, clean shaven and a side part
rule # 1, all grey, all the time.
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Jeans in the color navy is IMO the most grayman trousers
more like gay man HA

but in all seriousness, just wear athletlesiure. i literally wear shorts all year round just because i found them more comfortable and i can literally go anywhere in the world and not draw attention to myself. everyone just assumes you're either one of two things: 1. someone out for a run or going to/from the gym 2. some yuppie whos too good for pants.

if you get cold, wear those merino wool thermal underwear. you can really accomplish the look of 'i just got back from the track and field'.
But then cringe DYELs from that sub-culture would be keen on socializing with you which defeats the whole purpose of being gray.

You need to wear fits that are agnostic and normative.
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Dark colored baseball caps are a must. That's what rich people use to blend in with the normalfags
Is there something to be said for wearing environmental colours to blend in? ie: wearing greys/blacks in urban environments, wearing greens/browns/reds in natural environments?
Pro tip, if you are purchasing stuff that's specifically marketed as grey man stuff or trying to look like you're concealed carrying, you're doing it wrong. Real grey man is nike adidas puma etc
No, you need to find the median of the fits people around you have.
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Shia LaBeouf graymaxxing

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