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In the United States, nose piercings may have negative connotations. For example, in a 2006 survey done in the hospitality industry, 81% of hiring managers stated that piercings and tattoos affect their perception of the candidate negatively
2006 was nearly 20 years ago you tard. Perceptions have changed since then. As long as you dont go apeshit and tat your whole body or pierce every inch of your skin, people are not going to care.
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durrr i am human cattle
>be in job interview
>have zero skills
>complete degenerate
>multiple piercings and tattoos
>meme degree from low tier school and bad GPA
>put "he/they" on resume
>get job 100% of the time
work smarter not harder anon they let you do anything now if you have pronouns
Why do young people nowadays focus on looking as unattractive as possible? I'm 23 in PNW and all the guys/girls I work with have really unflattering tattoos and piercings that don't fit them at all.
spotted the unemployable mongoloid
if somebody came to my work with tattoos and nose piercings i wouldn't hire them
they think it's makes them "quirky" and unique and therefore gives them personality
Tattoos and piercings are a sign of rebellion, which means you're most likeley gonna be a pain in the ass to work with.

You need to be a conformist ass kissing corporate slave.
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seattle/portland too its grim they're all on multiple psych meds and narcotic medications all day long too.
I have yet to see you actually refute what I said
Normies have zero aesthetic sense.
I used to manage a sunglass hut and if anyone showed up with tattoos or piercings for an interview I would just cut it short and send them on their way. No fucking way I'm having your trashy ass selling luxury items.
Yeah every minimum wage dead end job has tattooed excons and face piercing wearing teens working there because nobody wants to work anymore and they can't afford to be picky.
I would not
is that a man or a woman? why moustache
white people lmao
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indian women have the worst moustaches. i live around a lot of indians the girls have moustaches by the time they're in kindergarten. grim.
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only time i've seen a white girl with a moustache was some trogdolyte eastern european immigrant.
i see mexican women with them every day though.
kek even vogue edited out frida kahlo's moustache on their cover.
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>find the studio in montreal that did this piercing
>find the girl's socials
>she's half hispanic
KEKd and REKt
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not gonna doxx her socials (rules, mean) but here's another pic as prof i found about 40 of them
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one parent's white one's castizo found their socials
antiwhites rekt its a mutt
>Thinking she's white
>A recent study found that face blindness affects 36 percent of adults with autism. Another hypothesis asserts that the inability to recognize faces may stem from a relatively low social interest in others and the avoidance of eye contact.
>half hispanic
You can't be half hispanic, it is an ethnicity not a race. She could be hispanic and half latino or half latino and non-hispanic.
i always fuck that up good catch.
either way this bitch is about as white as charli xcx lmao
autism face blindness/10 in this thread
also for the record i'm only posting pics from the guy who pierced her's website (public) i'm not sharing any doxx before anyone spergs/reports. should be plainly obvious she's not white just looking at her.
these days, not being a serf-tier indian thats willing to work unpaid overtime is the negative connotation
I don't really like to see anyone with any piercing except on their earlobe. It just doesn't look good, and a lot of them also feel very unhygienic. Sorry if you keep your nose or lip piercing hygienic, but it will always have that impression.
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wild how they're trying to re-brand indian men as smart hard working tech guys who are good at math by making them the figureheads of all the big tech companies.
when reality is they average 78 iq, google makes them take a 4 month course on using the toilet and they're some of the most EVIL golems out there https://www.youtube.com/@KitbogaShow

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