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is a good quality and/or designer wallet worth it? i lost mine and need a replacement
i lost my wallet a while ago and ever since ive just kept 2-3 cards wrapped in a rangerband as my 'wallet' and dont think ill go back to an actual wallet
I've lost my walled with all my shit countless times. I've stopped carrying wallets and now just have all my shit in my pockets. Not a single issue ever since
>is a designer wallet worth it?
NO especially not a leather one they are low low low quality, the bottom of the barrel.
info on how terrible they are here: https://www.youtube.com/@tanner.leatherstein
canvas and nylon designer wallets are fine but they will still be poorly constructed.

>is a good quality wallet worth it?
YES. get something from a small leatherworker. look around locally for a leatherworker failing that plebbit r/leatherclassifieds is unironically the best place to get good wallets if you don't want to pay an arm and a leg. post a commission with a pic of the type of wallet you want, say you want full lined + saddle stitched + handmade and say what kind of leather you want (my wallet's bridal leather, cxl is good, idk do some research) and someone will make it for you with minimal markup. you'll probably pay under 100, comparable wallets from a big brand will be like $500++ and designers just flat out won't make anything that high quality.
etsy is dogshit now too many fake chinese goods being sold as "hand made" because the website is poorly managed look it up.
ebay and such are alright.
if you're too lazy for that just look online for a wallet that meets all the criteria i just said.
>etsy is dogshit now
theres a ton of good stores/leatherworkers on there but also a lot of shady people pretending to be and selling chinese crap. research the store if buying there.
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anyways heres my wallet 17 years old never conditioned it or done any leather care to it and ive accidentally wound up swimming a few times with it in my pocket. bridal leather holds up. wouldn't rec it since the company got bought out and started outsourcing though.

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