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Despite how cool is it, it just looks so fucking evil and why?

My theory is that, it has to do with money. Fashion, specifically those runway fashion, is pretty much made for rich people. In order to participate in this activity (I'm not talking about just fashion in general but those so called "high" fashion) you have to be rich. And if you aren't rich? you're nothing but a fucking peasants to them.
Is my theory just a poor man yelling at the sky? Maybe? I don't know. But holy shit does this thing look so evil.
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bunch of rich assholes sucking each other off and trying to out cool each other, shit can be so lame and pretentious and beautiful at the same time.
Nice to know all the Mexicans with $30 bucks are effay.
at least that model isn't a guy wearing a dress i guess because that is TRULY evil fashion
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wild that only balenciaga got in trouble when over half of major fashion houses and most retailers host gray area child model cp on their websites. some of them hide it so if you browse the pages hosting it normally through their website they only show the clothing items, but if you go through special google referral links it shows dark shit.
proven: https://www.bitchute.com/video/TVKc3y4yfKEH/
because you're a poltard about to scream about the devil or pedos, while ignoring that you suck off genocidal loons
This gets factually true when you have brands calling themselves Enfant Riches Deprimes lmao.
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leftist sweeping for pedo's who's surprised?
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>while ignoring that you suck off genocidal loons
obama/clinton's government started more wars than any president in us history and introduced drone striking children to the paradigm.
biden's government blew up the nord stream pipeline and started ww3 that just so happens to be where they film the majority of cp and do all their money laundering shit.
here's obama dressed up as moloch, the cope that its another guy who looks like him is unbelievably schizophrenic considering that's his friend artur davis standing next to him in the photo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artur_Davis
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The Los Angeles fetus disposal scandal was the 1982 discovery of over 16,000 aborted fetuses being improperly stored at Malvin Weisberg's Woodland Hills, California, home
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I love this shit
I'm a based apolitical fence sitter who does his wagie job then sometimes buys cool & often rare shit
and many of my friends have gotten into it. And while if you pushed me into picking a side I'd be slightly left leaning, most of my friends are very hard right leaning and talk about how Rick Owens is a satanic pedo
like nigga shut up lol I don't care about what Rick Owens and his retarded wife are doing on the same mall of america runway
doesn't help I do modeling for small brands and I also hear the "you know you models are sex trafficked by satanic pedos right" like yea except I'm 28 yrs old and I model for tiny brands across my state once every few months at best
good stuff bro
rick's one of the designers who doesn't have child modeling bullshit on his website.
you're beyond mentally insane if you can read something about how many designers host literal gray area child porn shit on their websites with evidence provided and interpret it the way you are. indicates you're lying about being a fence sitting centrist and actually do have strongly held pre-conceived biases -- normal people don't sweep for pedo's.
you know what
you got me
I'll go pay attention to pedo bait designers and be perpetually worried about shit I can do nothing about instead of just buying the chill good vibes stuff I currently do lol
i'm not going to post instructions on how to find this shit on google but its not very hard, its not a big secret or mystery or conspiracy theory. you can just go on google and find it in seconds using very generic and unassuming search terms.

>instead of just buying the chill good vibes stuff I currently do lol
its the retailers not the designers who host the majority of it. brands ranging from billabong to decathlon and retailers like target do it.
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>good vibes stuff
you think brands with "good vibes" don't do it? if anything they're probably the worst.
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mr pedo sweeper has supposedly never heard of a wolf in sheep's clothing before. naivety and ignorance is how dark triad demons survive.
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notice the attempts (probably the same guy desu) to paint me as an unhinged schizo rambling about conspiracy theories when its clearly not the case as everything i'm saying is not only salient but evidence is provided (which they didn't even watch)

>That didn't happen.
>And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
>And if it was, that's not a big deal.
>And if it is, that's not my fault.
>And if it was, I didn't mean it.
>And if I did, you deserved it.
>The Narcissist's Prayer (by Dayna Craig)
can we not turn it into /pol/ fucking shit please?
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i answered the op question.
you spammed worthless white noise then tried to discredit (can't silence) the guy answering the question.
not my fault your political worldview requires constant pedophile sweeping to satiate your cognitive dissonance, sick puppy.
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how is not liking pedophiles /pol/ shit? your brains are scrambled by the internet, that's why you find yourself defending pedo's despite probably not being one yourself. more likely a combination of political expedience and normalcy bias.
i even posted nick fuentes with his child molester buddy ali alexander to show you i'm not even slightly politically biased in my hate for pedo's.
It's a cultivated image. High fashion wants to be mysterious and untouchable to set itself apart as an artform.
>cultivated image
I fucking hate that, because if anything it make fashion as an art form even more and more pretentious. I suppose Fashion are meant to sell to the rich folks so they have to do that. but fuck them man.
it's rooted in multiple wicked forces at one: narcissism, capitalism, homosexuality, image > substance, arrogance, psychological manipulation tactics...
spot on.
Capitalism is wicked lol no
how dare you criticize capitalism like that
>Why do are my fee fees hurt
You are a retarded conservative
What does this even mean? Why would they host that on their website? That logically doesn’t make any sense
I'm an actual schizo and the "muh evil fashion industry" shit drives me fucking crazy. It's just 89 iq retards who got into schizo shit through YouTube after it went mainstream. DOOD RICK OWENS PUTS PENTAGRAMS ON EVERYTHING HE'S GOTTA BE HECKIN EVIL DOOD! Go back to watching Wendigoon you fucking illiterates.

The funniest part is Rick Owens literally had the ideal trad right wing conservative American upbringing. He grew up in rural California next to a national park. His dad was a preacher who married a God-fearing Mexican women. His dad literally forced him to read classical Greek literature growing up and they didn't own a TV. Rick Owens straight up, had the based trad upbringing that all the guys on right wing Twitter are trying to pursue for themselves and give to their kids. Right down to being racist and marrying a brown chick.

It's so fucking retarded to then claim Rick has to be part of an elite cabal of Satanic pedophiles. At the end of the day he's a guy from Porterville. I guarantee you he is probably one of the most normal well adjusted people in the entire fashion industry.

The actual Satanic Pedophile Elites don't fucking drape themselves in Pentagrams and black. They come from generational banking families in Lichtenstein and dress like schlubby office drones. They work for NGO's in Belgium and know absolutely fuck all about clothes. I have literally never in my entire fucking life heard of a pedophile with drip.
Rick Owens deliberately went against his upbringing, being a faggot saturn worshipper.

No, and he's actually talked about this in interviews before. He rebelled in his teenage years and young adulthood like everyone does. Then as he got older he began to reconcile a lot with his upbringing and especially after his father died, who he didn't have an amazing relationship with. He began to really understand where his father was coming from. They might have disagreed on stuff like gay rights but fundamentally Rick has followed in his father's footsteps of basically being an upstanding and productive member of society with a Protestant work ethic.

He runs a multimillion dollar fashion empire and himself lives a pretty ascetic lifestyle where basically all he does is lift weights and make clothes. He's literally living the life of a sigma grindset dude.

Calling him a faggot saturn worshipper is totally off the mark and shows you know nothing about the guy besides the fact that he dresses in all black. Like I said, he's probably one of the most normal well adjusted people in fashion. Mostly because he's so insular. He owns his own company and runs it with his wife and family. He's not a part of the wider fashion system and all the fucked up stuff that goes on there.

More importantly the only reason 89 iq retards like you even zero in on people like Rick is because they're fantastical larger than life figures. YouTube watching schizos heckin love their pop stars and fashion designer conspiracies.

Meanwhile people like Tracy Twyman get murdered in obscurity because the subjects they investigated were totally banal (NYC Finance Guys) and there's no interest in making YouTube videos about them rebuilding temples to Mithras. Like I said, actual Satanic Pedophile Elites dress and act incredibly banal in public. No one's ever going to make a YouTube series for you to binge about them but they're the ones actually out there raping kids.
>Why does Fashion industry feel so "evil"?

2. Korinther 4,4 — King James Version

4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

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