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Whats the conservative aesthethic in your country?
Sister thread on /int/
Dude on the left is effay as fuck
that guy is Robatto from nationalist party Vox

he kinda got that "rich guy who cares about his looks" thing thats common among old money guys in south spain, and wears suspenders relatively often
He has that Gordon Ramsay look going, where he already looks old and weathered even at a young age.
Higher testosterone levels make you age faster i think

people with low testosterone can look like teens during their 20's
Working class genes ages you faster. You're bred to be dispensable after all
zoomers have a warped sense of aging because life has been nerfed
nobody smokes like they used to. starting young, smoking in the house, and in your car with your kids. also smoking isn't allowed indoors in public in most places. places with higher smoking rates still have 40 year olds who look 80
He's like 35
Holy shit spanish mediterranean gigachad saving europe while we are stuck with Giorgia Memoni and Salvenee holy fuck italy is so fucked im coming to spain if this dude wins the next elections
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Why are medchads always better dressed than norfcucks?
That shit going on since ancient times.
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sadly this in my country
i'm the best aged 30-40 year old poster on /fa/ by a long shot. hairline thread if you want pics. there's a guy in his mid 40's on here about on the same level as me but that's it. i still get pegged as a teenager all the time irl going on 40. even had a gas station take my id because they thought it was fake last year.
total bro science dude. i drank a half gal of whisky a day in college, gave no fucks about my health, i don't do skincare and i used to smoke 2 packs of cigs a day until pretty recently one pack regulars one menthol. every day.
most spaniards dont dress as well as italians though
t. Spaniard

just looking at random people on the street, the italians often have a better sense of fashion, picrel is Madrid where the rich neighborhoods have well dressed people but the rest is "average spanish"
literal only thing i've done to prevent aging is go on fin when i started losing hair. its all genetics.
>forgot picrel
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Nice conservative milkers
>Sister thread
Since when a "thread" is a female entity?
im Spanish
Is that a man?
Gayer than gay porn

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looks good
>Santiago Abascal
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