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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: STK_SILKROAD_28_MOCK.png (1.93 MB, 1181x1156)
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1.93 MB PNG
Get any cool shirts lately? What are your go-to places to find vintage or unique tshirts?
I can never seem to find good shirts. All the thrift stores near me just have shitty colors and graphics
Yeah i see lots of polo and "mall" store brands like American Eagle and Aeropostal at stores like That.
I have a silk road shirt i bought on the silk road. Just has the logo, no text
>facebook tier ad selling shitting fake repro
my second biggest regret from SR days is not getting a shirt. first being that I thought I would just withdraw my remaining btc some other day lol
It's just a picture of a shirt for the thread you redditor
>have no personal taste
>out of tshirts of all things

and youre not the tranny redditor that would prob just post twit screencaps
Here's a real one. Damn these are not cheap
They sat for ages before the Grailed cartel and archivebeasts memed them into popularity. Fortunately China is here to save us and is producing fake ones.
I don't see too much of an issue with fake shirts desu

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