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Do you dress better then labor kid from 1912?
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do you dress better than the kids at orphanages during the great depression?
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even the jews in concentration camps were better dressed than most of this board
and they look better fed than the shit i see in /thinspo/
Well yeah, because that's all they had. Suits and trench coats were their casual street wear because they didn't have 20 different kinds of clothing. For the negrified consoomers in 2024 who are used to wearing t-shirts, sweatpants/shorts and hoodies, wearing a regular button up shirt, dark wash jeans, and a denim jacket is the definition of "dressing up". What was considered to be casual a few decades back is today's formal.
This won't make suits normal either, drop your fetish already.
Number 1 legal horse betting company.
But at what cost, Tom?
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who said anything about suits?
literally any photo of 1950s children MOGS zoomers with their cheap plastic shoes and their cheap made in bangladesh clothes today.
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1950s teenager
better version of the tall haircut
jacket costs more than zoomers entire wardrobes
fit is well composed
pants fit properly
no zoomers meet this standard
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>jacket costs more than zoomers entire wardrobes
whoops i thought i posted one with a leather jacket.
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wayyyyyyyy more masculine than the gay/effeminate shit kids wear today.
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no plastic shoes
no hip hugger pants
tees aren't paper thin
their belts aren't cheap corrected grain glued together bullshit
pants fit better
shirts aren't gay and slim
what's are those things in the buttonholes? they look like those flip tops on glass bottles.
that's what they look like to me too.
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oh yeah its all coming back to me now. that's exactly what they are. wearing those was a micro trend in the 50s then had a little revival in the 80s as well.

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