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Idk no one ever approaches me besides girls telling me I’m pretty or just complimenting anything, but how do I dress to catch the male eye more? (Ignore how scary I look I was doing that purposely)
You seem cool but the guys you’re likely to attract probably don’t have the courage to talk to you. It also depends on your dating market and how much you’re putting yourself out there at places with likeminded people. Your fits are more likely to get positive attention on one of the coasts vs the Midwest or the south, for example. I don’t think style is your limiting factor
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picrel cheat codes for black girls if you're serious about actually trying
So like go for a more alternative vibe? lol idk if I have the face for it, or body but I’ll try and be a bit more alt with my fashion sense
if you don't have the body get it, that's easy.
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You’ve inspired me :)!
I’ll be more alt, already got the bangs for it unfortunately
your fashion isn't super eyecatching and you're also not dressed very sexy so I think you're just not standing out enough.
l o n d o n
Okay so more revealing too? :)
First outfit is bad
Second one is cute but a bit weird, you look like a victorian age doll
You could get something more revealing that accentuates the shape of your body (decide which parts are your strength and show them, hide your weaknesses) and im not necessarily talking about showing skin, EG a nice dress that shows your cleavage and exhalts your breast while hiding your legs, or a sweater that hides your upper body paired with some shorts that highlight your leg if you wanna go the other way around
Also I think brown/black girls are pretty effay when it comes to alt/goth/punk fashion so you can use that to your advantage.
You can go with something along your second outfit which looks pretty good on you, maybe going for a gothic-victorian-floral pattern instead of the usual and 0-personality leather boots with fishnets and metallica tanktop.
Youre really cute tho do guys really never approach you? Maybe they are too shy
Honestly you're dressed like a whole basket of personality disorders. You look like you'd cheat and steal, then make baseless rape accusations.
wood berry, you cute but dress like you found your clothes in the dumpster behind the goodwill.
First outfit is bad, second one is good. I dig alt/goth shit of course. Agree with >>18190423 very much.
T. Straight male
Thank u so much! :)! And yes I was being so for real, like it NEVER happens, closest I got was like a guy complimenting my hair in a grocery store
Okay well uhhhh, I’ve never done any of those things beside steak when I was 8 so ima take it this means change my wardrobe
Not gonna lie the only negress I could go for is one of those baptists from the deep south who think trannies are possessed by demons. I can't get with an uncle Tom, if you can't even be faithful to your race how could you be faithful to me?
Uhh not sure what this has to do with upgrading my fashion sense but okay! :)
you ate steak when you were 8? Unforgivable

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