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you WILL wear the plastic and you WILL be happy
get your basics from curated boutiques that stock 100 year old family owned small businesses who make 9,0001x better shit for maybe 2x the cost of the trash tier basics you're used to.
Bylt for BBC
I'm not a redditor thanks
neither am i. i've been shopping at blueowl since jay was running out of his apartment in 2009. the reddit denim board didn't exist until 2012.
why would you ever even look at low tier shit like this
way way way over priced and trash bin looking quality with outdated rick/fear of god ripoff scoop hem 2010s fits.
>55 to 95 USD for a t-shirt
might as well buy a loopwheel t-shirt if you want to spend more than 20 anywherebucks for a Fruit of the Loom 5-pack
most of those are loopwheel tees. the ones that aren't are on the same level of quality as the loopwheel stuff. have tried on all of them.
jay was one of the first people importing japanese loopwheel tees into the states. he doesn't stock bullshit in his store.
reigning champ's a slight step down in quality compared to the other stuff but they have a very athletic gymbro fit other high end brands don't do.
would you rather have 3 paper thin fear of god knockoff looking tees in 2024 with collars that get stretched out in 4 washes?
or a heavyweight loopwheel tee made of the best cotton in the world from warehouse & co comissioned from loopwheeler that will out live you?
the choice is obvious if you have >100iq person low time preference.

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