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>full lips
>perfect hairline
>designer stubble
>equal facial thirds

I get that she is model tier, but he isn't really ugly.
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His eyes are the epitome of what people mean by "ugly eyes".
Those teeth are a sin just to have.
He's an actor. He keeps them like than on purpose.

more proof a strong chin is all you need as a man. I have seen actors with bug eyes, downward turned eyes, eyelid exposure, fucked up teeth, pockmarked skin, but NEVER did I ever saw someone with that weak jawline where the chin melts into their neck EVER.
He looks like Lovecrafts description of the residents of Innsmouth. Sickly and alien.
is that the same guy even?
subhuman eye area
eye area pill is the most brutal
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He was considered attractive at this time, but modern tastes are different.

No, OPs pic is Serge Gainsbourg and that other pic is Marcello Fonte.
>double eyelid
>monke ears
>short chin
>manicured nails
Serge was a known womaniser and charismatic.
He was blessed with perfect Yugo genes too.
Why did you skip the Innsmouth eyes??
>full lips
That's a feminine and negro trait. Then there's the big jew nose, puffy bulging frog eyes, a stupid drug addict expression on his face, overly bushy eyebrows.
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>He was considered attractive at this time, but modern tastes are different.


10 years ago all I needed to be considered very attractive to some women was a striking trait or two, like I had a horseface with a bulbous nose, but it was compensated with my high cheekbones and nice teeth that were a instant deal maker for some girls. Some women liked me just because of one good feature I had. In the age of the smartphone you need to look good on a selfie, you need to be the whole package, so even though I look preserved and zoomettes mistake me for being younger none of them finds me attractive. My face just doesn't fit the era where the male beauty standard is a small pointy nosed Chad with compact midface.

In 2013 I switched high schools and in my first week one arthoe girl called me "the finest dude at our school" (I was rail thin, pectu exavacum, with a, narrow jaw) merely because I had a aesthetic smile. She was so into me she was afraid to approach and made her friends to the bidding for her. I nevr imagined I would be living the life of a leper.
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People also thought this was attractive 10 years ago too. People are fucking weird, it seems like being ugly wasn't an issue back then.
>He was considered attractive at this time
He was called "l'homme à la tête de chou", which isn't a compliment.
Adam Driver was never considered attractive tho.
So did you fuck the art hoe or what?

Oh he was, people were fucking cooming when Star Wars came out. Even a girl I was seeing was so into him too and I told her I thought he looked like a horse with a melted face.
Ok, I always thought he looked like a mix between a horse and monke.
He was nicknamed ’’Hunchback of Notre Dame’’ during his peak.
he still looks good with the shitty eyes
Average subumano calabrese
Good actor tho

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