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wagmi edition

prev >>18193607
What’s the plan for twink death ITT?
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just keep going till you can't anymore
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low dose HRT
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that would make you grow tits yuck
these are all terrible skinnyfat physiques. what's the point of starving yourself to look like an auschwitz faggot? do you guys suck dicks too? are you guys into little boys or something?
Auschwitz core is /fa/ unironically
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those are all fashion models lmao
>>>/fit/ is that way
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if you missed the memo its been in vogue to use grotesque models since the early 00's. forgot which designer started doing it first
starving yourself leads to bad hair, bad skin, bad lips, bad nails, brain fog, low energy, and you look like a underage boy. who are you realistically trying to appeal to, elderly gay pedophiles? women aren't into it once they're older than 20.
try working out and not starving yourself or eating junk food from doordash sometime.
i have a 25" waist and here's what i ate today:
>breakfast: 3 soft boiled eggs, 2 extra thick cut strips of bacon, leftover salad dressed w/ olive oil and apple cider vinegar loaded up with tomatoes and a cup of black coffee
>lunch: loaded half-tuna sandwich with full 5oz can and pickles with a 32oz blueberry & banana smoothie loaded up with as much peanut butter and plain skyr as i can palate with 2% milk sweetened a touch with local apiary honey & a cup of black tea with honey
>dinner: 10oz new york strip with leftover rice with a lil gochujang to keep things zesty and asparagus with parmesan
>snacks: brazil nuts, pistachios
you only gain fat in womanly places on HRT if you pig out, so thinspo keeps you from growing tits
you'll get gyno if you take hrt quit being a groomer you weird ass gay pedophile.
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k go back tho
the idea is to use non threatening not that good looking but not bad looking models to give the viewer the idea "i'd look even better than that guy in that jacket" and because stick physiques are the most agnostic to what clothing you wear and thus make good clothing hangers for brands.
its the only way to prevent twinkdeath tho, find me a 30yo femboy
grow the fuck up. if you didn't find a wife by the time you're 30 maybe being a twink was a shitty gameplan all along.
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30 is feasible nowadays with laser hair removal and sunscreen, look at the kpop idols
past 35-40 is when it gets rough

why are you here
so you're a faggot who's obsessed with and mentally fetishizes youth, once you get older and your looks fade you'll become like all the older gay pedophiles and the cycle repeats.
wear sunscreen, start having your hormones tested around 30 and go on fin before you go bald and its pretty easy.
40 i've met one or two people but its pretty rare. my dad looked 20 until he was 50. i'm close to 40 and most people peg me at about 15-20 when i ask and think i'm fucking with them.
Are you on the wrong board?
you fags think twink death is unavoidable because gp doctors are retarded when it comes to hormones. go to a men's health clinic. when you start balding either go on fin and get an extra 10yrs of twink or go on trt and chad up. telling dudes to take tranny medication and telling them they won't grow tits is insane groomer shit.
What does getting your hormones tested do if you're already on fin?
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fortunately the baldness gene isnt in my family thank GOD
/fit/ calls fin a tranny medication, you should probably go there and preach because people here are already on fin probably
tells you when to go on fin.
you should be getting semi regular blood work if you're taking endocrine affecting meds though.

same my dad just began thinning in his 80's. i get alopecia patches from immune problems but they always grow back.

never read /fit/ in my life. you don't need to be a gymcel to be in shape. autistic people always think in extremes but you can be in shape and not full on bodybuild. i used to fight so i stayed in shape for that. now i just stay in shape because it feels good and i'm not a couch potato. no excuse to look like these skeletors. its a mental disorder. i used to have it. i got over it. you can too. its unhealthy.
getting your hormone levels tested borders into the autistic body dysmorphic category you described, /fit/ posters do it because they think they don't have enough testosterone and /lgbt/ does it because they think they have too much, I've never seen any other group tell you to get your hormones tested.
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damn you guys are in too deep lmao
not really. you eat a bunch of endocrine disrupting foods out of plastic containers. if you're in you're around 30 and your t level is like 200-400ng/dL or some shit that isn't normal that's senile old man levels. a lot of my friends had t that low when they got tested. you can go bald and get no bitches and feel tired and depressed all the time or you can get a blood draw to know then follow up and monitor if your levels are low. its a no brainer once you know its an option. i don't need trt but its been life changing for several of my friends.
you're a dude who's starving himself like emo cutter bulimic girls used to do in the 2000s (even women don't do it anymore LOL imagine being smaller and more diminutive than most women as a man)
how can being low T make you bald though?
that sounds more like an endocrine problem

also you don't really need to be told your hormone levels are low, low T will come with a non-existent libedo and depression.
Why are you so triggered by what someone else want to look like? Have you been to other thispo threads? Get a life.
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i don't think about women at all~

just eat whatever you want, count calories, stay under 18bmi
simple as
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must be a gym/musclebro, they get pissy when someone doesn't find their aesthetic attractive

as they say men actually do it for the approval of other men not even for women they don't care that much kek
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Counting calories works until it doesn’t
You need to know your BMR very well and count calories ‘out’ too
Also, most people don’t and can’t count food calories based on grams either
Just buy a scale? It's pretty simple as long as you're not literally retarded.
You’d be surprised
tl;dr blah blah i have zero willpower and can't stick to a low enough deficit to account for any minor discrepancies.
its fine if all you do is eat prepackaged slop and fast food
but if you cook your own meals, weighing ingredients and looking up calorie charts gets old real quick
If you can't handle the couple extra minutes it takes to weigh ingredients out as you prepare them and log them in mfp maybe weight loss just isn't that important to you.
abstaining from eating is much easier desu
this, fats wouldn't get it
We just cant know
Of course but high restriction and keeping track of macros is better long term if you want to avoid ugly side effects like hair loss.
lmao what
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that's fucking hilarious. he's very anti-thinspo. he said europeans should be fat because of cold weather and having abs makes you look like an african.
I feel I've reached a good enough goal (17 BMI) but the satisfaction of losing weight has given me a disorder. Feels harder to stop losing weight than to gain weight now.
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everyone here is trying to get to otter mode I don't get it. why not be strong and lean?
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My step tracker app tells me that i burn 300+ calories walking at work everyday.
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I can't get warm anymore. Just constant cold and it's summer.
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(My goal is not to be anorexic, sorry.)

Been on retatrutide for a month and lost 3-4kg. Now 76.5kg @193cm I will probably continue cutting to 73kg.

Maybe gonna do 3 weeks of clen for the lulz when I reach 73kg just to see what happens and to motivate myself to try training harder for my sport.
Also, the widest point of my hip/waist area is just my iliac crest. Gonna have to start spamming shoulder/lats best i can to compensate.
Skinnyfat desu

Not everyone here has access to olympic grade roids
i dont even like women but this is hot as shit
where i can watch the whole thing?
Look dude. I have some fat deposits sure but it is a frame issue primarily.
trolled hard
im a twink turned tranny
j..jannie take me home please I am scared
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One way I found to beat hunger is to simply take a walk, the immediate activity settles your stomach down and distracts you from hunger. If you're one of those people who need a destination walk to a park or a coffee shop , order a black coffee no sugar (zero calories) by the time you return home you won't be hungry anymore.
pretty sure you just have to emaciate till they disappear completely, and if they don’t disappear you have to get surgery
doesn’t that fuck up your heart?
Sad. Planned on going to bmi 5-7 anyways but was hoping for a shortcut </3
your man tits are incredibly attractive
Well. Thank you.
Walking is good for your heart. One cup of coffee isn't going to give you heart problems.
What are the implications of this general being here and not /fit/?
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It's here because in general clothing looks better on thin people. That's just an undisputed fact at this point in human history. This general is more about dieting and looking good in clothes, than it is about performance or building muscle.
i don't think he's going to diet away the big areolas and fat nipples
/fast/ or the fat loss general aren't nearly as extreme in their practices as /thinspo/, plus most people on /fit/ are looking to get bigger while on here it's the exact opposite
this is an eating disorder general and im tired of pretending that its not
the "da health" cult spam the thread there
what else would thinspo mean
lots of people just read it as a weight loss general
we dont want to lose weight, we want to be spooky skelly
So fucking gorgeous
Literally my dream physique, he's just perfect
>/fit/ calls fin a tranny medication
>What You Need to Know About Feminizing Hormone Therapy
>There are several options for androgen (testosterone) blockers. Most commonly used are spironolactone or finasteride.
Geez, I wonder why they do that.

wtf, how do you manage to look skinnyfat at this BMI?
get some muscles, I look better with same weight @185 cm

were you estrogen?
those tits look really female-like
in the past 3 days i have eaten:
>a few bites of spaghetti
>half a bread roll with cheese
>a tomato and a lettuce leaf
>one of those hard sugar candies
am i at risk of becoming obese?
ewwww you pig
its so over
does it help that i puked a tiny bit?
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Oops the pic is actually from the first week of the cut, I just took the one I had on my phone already edited so I forgot. I can take another later when I get to the same mirror. I probably weighed 79kg ish.

Also I just have wide iliac crest like pic rel it makes me look fatter. I keep telling you it is also a pelvis problem.
You look like farfalle pasta my nigga
Some people just look like dis
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>I could've just played Minecraft instead.
Never took estrogen just have a horrid build and have 0 clue how to fix it
maybe try to get your hormones checked
but it's weird, it doesn't look like typical gyno, just female-like (even the fat distribution, not just breast tissue which is the typical case with gyno)
Why does his face still look fat? Unlucky genetics?
Teenager so he has baby buccal fat
i want to fuck an asian girl so bad
>can of tuna with a bit of non fat mayonnaise
>a few spoonfuls of white rice
>a couple of steamed plantain slices
>hardboiled egg
? That's Abbey Lee Kershaw, literally one of the world's most famous super models. But she does more acting than modeling these days.
NP she's one of my favorites
Using fin for hrt is outdated, it doesn't reduce testosterone at all , just a single pathway to produce the byproduct DHT which is the cause of male pattern hair loss and all of testosterone's negative effects on men.
wouldn't it be better if half of the thread was focused more on stopping an unhealthy obsession that doesn't even match the fashion or attraction ideal for the body
idk, i dont personally subscribe to the anotexic thing, the pics i post are of reasonably skinny guys, not unhealthy at all, im just a guy who likes to be skinny and likes other skinny guys
that being said i believe in freedom and people have the right to do whatever they want with their bodies, if this thread is the only one on 4chan that caters to them so be it, theyre welcome
/thinspo/ has always been about aesthetics first anyway, not health
if you’re uncomfortable with the aesthetics then this thread is not for you
i like freedom but i have an implicit feeling a lot of people here would feel better with less freedom over their bodies, even myself. how free is freedom when you're plagued with an eating disorder after all. and i understand you don't like anorexia but i worry a lot of people here do.
What is this condition called? It looks ridiculous.
i think he is doing stomach vacuum, and looks like that because he is holding his breath
I'm a cis f and I think it's hot as fuck
No actual self respecting woman refers to herself as cis.
i just trust everyone here is over 18 as it is a 18+ website and they know whats good and bad for their bodies
im not a mod so i and people in general dont have the right to police the thread, and if you feel like you need help anon you should seek it ASAP
good luck
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cute boy pic
Bulking makes me fat and starving makes me even more skinnyfat, I'm thinking it's not even worth trying.
lol imagine having such shitty genetics and such a shitty lifestyle that you have to count calories. I'm in my mid-30s, 6'1 and have never weighed more than 145 in my life, even when I've tried to gain weight.
>normal bmi
yuck imagine thinking this is skinny
My goal isn't to fit some mentally ill aesthetic due to body dysmorphia or childhood abuse or whatever like most of you faggots. My goal is to be healthy so that I can do the things in life that I want to do.
thats not skinny by any means anon
im 5’10 and anything more than 125 would look skinnyfat
see: >>18220306

Something you mentally ill retards are missing is that people who are athletic and have high T levels are naturally lean and muscular. You don't look skinnyfat if you're physically active and eat the right foods, regardless of how much you weigh. Skinnyfat is caused by poor lifestyle. Staving yourself so that you don't look skinnyfat just makes you look like a famine victim. It's just a different type of repulsive.
lets agree to disagree, fat
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>calling someone with an 18 BMI and <10% bodyfat fat
actual mental illness
>webm and everything
wow you really care
hope youre not a neet anon
been awhile how have all you been doing, fresca guy here.
Last year i allowed my family to let me get to bmi 20+ for their sake and avoid more being locked up but i feel it is time to return to what i like as i hate living in this body. desu the food doesn't even taste good the vodka is the only way i actually gained the weight they wanted kek
when i was bmi 13 my t levels were very high they were surprised but i did spend like 8 hrs a day doing exercise, then 14 hours 'fast' walking that they cannot deny you when locked up.
i'm glad fall is coming
walking in the summer is awful, feeling myself sweat and feeling it on my body knowing the fat is there
disgusting stuff
fall and winter are best for losing weight you can push yourself and dont have to shower after every time you exercise. it gets to 114f here in the summer so just running you feel like dying and ruin the clothing then have to shower due to bacteria
a funny thing i've seen is people think my bmi 22 body is stronger than the one i built at 15 just because there is fat on my body kek

t. BMI 15. (7% bf per BIA. 0.0% per Navy method.)
post body i'll post my pre-lockup stuff kek
the good thing about people like you is that you're likely infertile so you'll never reproduce
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male anorexics tend to be able to breed since they are desired i mean i had no issues finding girls to like me in the countries i traveled in and my home country kek
women anorexics can just have a kid whenever they want
6'1 hazel eyes so yea it was easy for me
>women anorexics can just have a kid whenever they want
if they regain their menstruation cycle and don't die first
they can you are dub to think abou your desire
you are dumb their egggs were saved but you act as if otherwise
so i should talk here about how i am so such a person and yet their'
funny you make it that
let's be fucking real man, unless you're a woman theyre right
Feel like the lost menstrual cycle thing is a myth. Even at bmi 14 im still bleeding 7+ days per cycle. Shit is hopeless.
That’s one thing I noticed on edtwt my friends desired bmi warned about loss of cycle but every girl even at 14 bmi had a period. Inpatient every girl had to deal with their period kek. Must suck passing out from standing too fast and the excess loss of iron. I’d pass out as a guy even though I ran a few miles in the morning funny thing
When you get into 12 bmi and such of course it mostly stops but you’re already out of most fat by then
I guess it depends, even at BMI 16 i lose mine
Were you the fasting/starvation type or over exercise type? Every girl there burned their calories not avoided them
I did both I found the meme style 500-750 a day with 2+ hours of cardio works best for me
You need like 5g fat for vitamins anyways
I rarely exercised, just fasting
yeah thats most likely why, as fasting is easier to lose weight imo but the lack of vitamins and minerals caused me to pass out standing etc and was a tell that i was on my shit again so welcome to 5150 into 52 into the 2+ week one.
i was doing 50 pullups and 25 pushups easily but they said my weight allowed the doctors to force it anyways kek
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I ate an apple but I wanted ice cream so I made a shitty sorbet with honey and too much ice, I think it melted and I ended up drinking a really sad apple slushy for breakfast. (170cal)
how did you make a sorbet?
I feel funny
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On day 4 of a fast ngl feeling hungry
Supposed to fast till Sunday but idk
mix apples, water, honey and corn starch in a blender with ice cubes and hope for the best!
Im impressed when others manage to exercise despite such a low weight. I guess it is a question of determination
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10/10 he is a fat pig with no discipline to stop his binge eating.
I hate fat ppl so much...
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I assume trolling as that pic is neither fat or skinny
For me, its steamed sweet potato and hard boiled egg
sweet potato is such a lovely food
i could live off them if i wanted to
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I hope these are edits
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I have been too depressed to eat and too stressed to have an appetite lately. I lost 7 lb in the last 2 weeks and hit my lowest weight of the year. How do I keep this streak while being less miserable?
keep being depressed

you suck anon, you’re human trash
Thanks anon. Drinking a rum and (diet) coke rn instead of dinner.
Gastritis city here we GO
It's just cursed desu
>visible ribs, because no chest
>non-defined ABS
>all the body hair migrating to his forearms kek
i wonder, why does he look so shitty?
he's skinny obviously but still looks wide and his skin looks gross, also no muscle definition but no fat either, how does that happen?
Hopefully just a weird focal length on that camera.
Unlucky if not.
Is there a a way to fix anorexia out side of booze since i haven’t found it
Yeah I’m not gay. Again that body can run 10 miles a day and 50 pullups 25 push ups but not faggot aesthetic
>50 pullups 25 push ups
unless you can do that in one serie (and you can't do 50 pull ups in one go), it's nothing to boast about. basically anyone (anyone who can do at least 2 pull ups, precisely) can do it when split over a day
10 miles too, but that one would take quite significant time investment
who cares, it looks like shit
You look like shit
t. female
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honestly, goals
Can I ask what made you guys anorexic? Men seem to get it later in life than women.
is this the /thinspo/ meetup party?
(20M) I was fat growing up and never got to experience being attractive, I was bullied and never experienced romantic relationships with my peers, now I associate being desirable with being skinny.
Being a fashion student and constantly on social media also makes it worse, because I'm surrounded by models and people online who are extremely attractive and skinny, and a lot of people now expect that to be what a normal guy should look like. Tall, skinny men are very understandably attractive and it feels like people who look like me are just not wanted.
I'm not extremely anorexic and I don't believe I've ever had any real eating disorders (definitely not compared to some other people here), but I am obsessed with my weight and my appearance, and I feel like I need to eat less in order to be more skinny/be more attractive.
Thanks for sharing anon.

I get the model thing making you a bit like, man i need to work out but a lot of models at least from a glance don't look SUPER skinny or anything. Lot of twinks look skinny but undressed got a bit of a tummy.
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5'6 167 cm
132 lbs 59 kg
How many posters here actually have anorexia?
You're not wrong, although the presence of super skinny (in my case male) models is still there.
For example, anything by Hedi Slimane is super tight and skinny, and since his clothes are pretty popular right now, in order to make them look good you really have to match the builds of the models.
Another example is the popularity of Japanese archive fashion right now which is making a lot of the people my age trying to get as skinny as people for the Ryuk from Death Note look. (Though I'm sure that specific trend is dying)

Of course this is all from my perspective so my environment and reasonings is gonna be different to everyone else's here. At the end of the day I think it's just a lot of people who needed more love growing up.
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not me
Destroyed a really good run with a two week long binge session. So fucked up how this is going to cost me like two months of dieting now
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im not anotexic, but in my case it has been my normal since i was little, i wouldn’t eat much as a kid and i was super skinny all of my chilldhood and teenage years, even to the point that the doctors used to nag my mom constantly about my weight
also swam all my life which makes you skinny if you dont do other training outside of it

then i became attracted to guys with the same physique, its just what i like i guess
anorexic* fuck

seems like its either you were fat and bullied for it, or you just always have been like this
Can we get some female thinspo as well, I need to be reminded just how much of me is just unnecessary
I agree with you in spirit here, but there is no capacity for any of us here nor any right of any of us here to control what other anons can access online or what they'll do with what they access

TLDR nothing can be done about people seeing images on their computer
I'm so so sorry to hear that :'( yesterday was my first day and now this morning I wake up to my heart beating rapidly and wanting to eat. Your post is definitely inspiration to keep the fast going though. I hope you're able to recover well <3
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oops didn’t mean to quote
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not to fuel but u asked so
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what do you do when you look like picrel despite low bmi
Yeah, I actually tried to go skinnymaxxing a while back just to see if I could pull it off, but I started looking like a scrawny bitch in every t'l-shirt I wore. My chest definition disappearing was the final straw. Now I just try to find that fine balance between lean and buff.

Only thing nice about being skinny is hlw light you feel and the added flexibility.
Looks like a porn actor
Kys tranny
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oh no, the freaks are here…
Less sunscreen to waste, you get to dress more effay.
But yeah I had cartoonish teeth rattle for an hour after swimming at night.
Is purposefully being cold all day a good strategy to burn more calories?
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is this true
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Starting fast
what if one craves pickles?
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this is a good one
tf is this random ass bullshit? anyway, carnivore diet. you'll lose fat easily, while still being healthy. just stay away from dairy.
Would be like fucking a bag of hoseshoes.
fucking kek
sit ups
with my horse dick
for how long
About an hour, before i ate some fruit
finally starting to loose some weight after going to rehab. i wanna start heroin again because it made me so skinny. did any of you faggots ever do cocaine for a long time? is it true it burns fat?
What is the ideal female BMI range?
This thread is a week old and i am tired of seeing the op picture. The thumbnail looks like a very skinny person with a very saggy tit
Go eat something, get actice and gain some muscles for fucks sake
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on ep 71
Based show of extreme bodies,
NEED to look like monkey(noseman)
The redhead has my goal body.
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buitiful romnaian pricesse
She'd actually be pretty cute if she got her teeth fixed.
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im a brat
looking for a guy BMI 15 or lower, where u at
You better be the one to start a new thread and pic a good picture when this one ends, then
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I just wish being irl thinspo didn't affect my fertility :'( i can never be my gw of 97 lbs...
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thin and sexy > having kids
Might have eaten 1000 calories of potato chips today
Underweight women have less miscarriages than overweight women, though.
Please don't tell me this is one of those shows where she gains weight in the name of "health". She's perfect. Skinny, but not to the point of being bony.
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Anons why dont you guys just do prolonged fasts with electrolytes or just rolling fasts of 72h/96h? I lost like 10kg since I started in July. You don't need to put food in your mouth every day, you can go several days without with no problems. Take multivitamins, take electrolytes, drink black coffee/tea and water only, fuck what other people say, this works. I rarely ever even get hungry anymore, I'm so glad.
family>>>anything else
If you post here you'd be a terrible mother anyways
God you're perfect... NEED to IMPREGNATE YOU!!!!!! RAAAAHHHHH
this is my achilles heel
that and coke zero, no calories but it makes you hungry
Prep some bags of cut fruits to freeze ahead for those cravings.
Don't just cut and put into a bag though, because then they will annoyingly stick together in clumps with lots of ice chunks yk ?
Spread them seperated on a baking sheet and freeze them like that for a bit, THEN bag them.
Good for smoothies and sorbets. Personally I really enjoy eating frozen fruit as is, especially grapes and mango, the textures are great and I only eat a few because the cold is powerful.
damn your standards are low...
No she looks great, I need a wife like her
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>be me
>move to korea
>date korean girl
>she's anorexic (they all are)
>bond over thinspo
>move back, we break up
>move on from thinspo
>weigh myself again
>gained 15 pounds and struggling to take it off

currently in grad school and this retarded CICO counting is distracting me from my work, but my 20 BMI is disgusting and i need to get it down. should i just take addy? my doctor is willing to prescribe it. just want to move on and maintain 18.5 or something
my waist is actually awful
its doable but somewhat dangerous. fasting too much can give you an electrolyte imbalance which can make your brain swell up or kill you which you might not notice in time because you will probably expect to feel sluggish. you can't just swallow a bunch of salt in an emergency either it has to be administered back gradually and slowly
you can get all your sodium from pickled vegetables
you can get most or all of your potassium and magnesium from prime hydration drinks which are sugar less
a multivitamin will cover the rest
Big tip on fasting, have a bouillon cube in a couple cups of hot water before bed. Really helps with the sleep aspect of fasting. Good for salt too.
How the fuck do you guys manage to get all your vitamins and nutrients without eating food? balding at 22 is fucking terrifying

charli is chubby, get that slag out of the thread
Not to me, you look amazing, I mean it, and I'm sure many other people would agree
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>fasting too much can give you an electrolyte imbalance which can make your brain swell up or kill you which you might not notice in time because you will probably expect to feel sluggish
Yes thats why I take electrolytes like I said lol, and I don't drink it in one go either, slowly over the course of a few hours in a 0.5L bottle
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>Things people with good families say for $400, Alex.
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After 2 weeks vacations my mom said "you gained some weight".
I was only being a little careful and generally ate freely, including desserts, so I thought I probably gained a little bit.

Weighed myself the next morning. Completely flat, no change whatsoever from before vacations. She was just being a cunt.

I will never get used to people doing that ever since I lost the weight.
What's a good weight for a 5'4" female?
kikes in auschwitz were definitely not skinnyfat you mongoloid
whatre some thinspo films
apart from fallen angels
ive seen that
>doesnt even include iron
it sucks, probably the most common deficiency that would actually induce cravings and has some pretty serious health impacts
I love your mom, such a queen. Tell her to text me sometime <3

103 lb is 17.5 BMI, which is my goal at your same height. How much do you weigh now?
the machinist
>why doesn't an adult man look like a 16yo model
not about looking young, its about looking like shit
>no muscle
>no fat either so just no definition and thin skin
>shitty skin and hair
>ill fitting underwear
its everything, and im sure he’s one of the posters judging people in here, looking like that
back at it again.
It depends on your frame size and how you carry weight but I feel I look best around 90 lbs at the same height.
Yeah, I agree. If you're a woman I'd marry you on the spot.
Fuck your mom. Dickhead thing to say to somebody who worked hard.
Ki。ll the rac,ist wh,ite p.ig co,ckroaches
I think i had cold sweats from hunger for the first time ever last night holy frickin crap lois dieting is so interesting.

Its like puberty discovering these changes in your body and mind. Some days after a long time fasting my muscles will weirdly relax when I had no idea they were tense, theres like a weird lower level of muscle relaxation I didnt know I had in my biceps and quads and hips.
Im also getting endorphin rushes and buzzing feelings in the front of my brain.

I suspect whats going on is that, as much as my body desires calories, by fasting I'm depriving it of all the simple sugars, sodium, and saturated fats that give it so much pain so it has mixed feelings about whats going on
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Just do four times the amount of pushups or weighted ones to escape the cursed climber physique and maybe trim the hair on your forearms just a bit.
>How much do you weigh now?
120 lbs.
I was 120 a couple weeks ago, now I'm 114. I restrict to 1000 cals every day but I often go off the rails on weekends so it's not that hard. Maybe try what I'm doing and you'll see results soon. Hope to hear about you doing good anonette
>I was 120 a couple weeks ago, now I'm 114. I restrict to 1000 cals every day but I often go off the rails on weekends so it's not that hard.
Congrats on your weight loss. I've been eating similarly(+/- 300 calories, depending on the day) for the past two months, which has helped me lose 10 lbs. My goal is to weigh 108 or less by Halloween, for which I'll probably have to completely avoid snacks and also do some cardio for good measure.
>Hope to hear about you doing good anonette
Thank you. May we both reach our goal weights soon.
I think that dude might be trans
Sorry that's happening to you anon. I think it really depends on the person. You can try taking the pill continuously to stop your periods if you want to. I lost mine around bmi 15/16 when I was younger. But nowadays I'm post hysterectomy so no idea if my ovaries are still working or not and idc.
The superskinnies on SS vs SS rarely end up gaining weight. Basically just people getting lectured on their unhealthy eating habits and swapping diets between overweight and underweight people.
Sorry to hear that anon. I've heard similar stuff. Granted my family want me to gain weight so they probably think of it as a positive thing but it's annoying as hell.
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i prefer my luckies or gold marlboros, thanks
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we are all going to make it brehs.
3kg to go but been helluva year
looking good, anon
How do I avoid feeling low-energy and dizzy?
Impressive change, m8
Really cool how almost every fat fuck can transform into something attractive, given enough motivation.
The machinist is peak thinspo
eat protein (without getting over the calories you want)
peanuts and eggs are good snacks
Joke is I posted the hair version for bait
I know if I want such bodies I have to eat 2500 calories doing the routine
But honestly no girl irl has cared only gays here kek
You won’t build muscle eating 400 cals a day
well done brother
why are you a woman
so lickable i want to lick everything
Nah, peanuts and other nuts in general are very calorie dense it's almost like eating solid butter.
I'd recommend Cherry tomatoes as the go to snack.
i eat a small pack of peanut almost daily, that has 200 cal, its like 4 spoonfuls, and its fine, it asures me im not losing muscle

its all about quantity, you could lose weight by eating big macs you know
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saw this on leddit, damn
I see your point, but 200cal of peanuts is like 9g of protein.
You'd be much better off eating 200cal worth of chicken breast, if you intend to keep your muscle.
sure but then you can't eat chicken on the go/as a snack and you need to cook
i was answering to anon asking what to do when they feel dizzy, but I just realized i messed up the quote
She's still fat
Thank you for all the motivation anons, I must get back on track.
No idea how her chest bones are visible with what seems like relatively high body fat.
left better
silly coomer
whats with heterobros liking fat women so much, I don't get it
Anyone dry fast to get here? I just did way too and 5 day plus dry fasts over 2 and a half years
my current body
trying to gain more musculature and perhaps a little bit of weight. getting my eating in order. I've always been underweight.
Have horrific hormonal cystic acne my whole life. Tried everything including 2 years of accutaine and nothing fixed it. Never wore makeup until my late 20s and even before then I was trying the strictest skin care routines with no changes. Birth control makes it so so much worse.
Everyone told me it’ll go away when I’m older but I’m in my 30s now and its still as bad as it was in my teens.
Figured out that calorie restricting / fasting makes my breakouts more bearable and last much less longer than they used to.
After 6 years of heavy restricting, I actually have forgotten that thats why I started. huh.
Men who know they're not able to score a thin chick(especially with the obesity rate increasing and body positivity telling women that it's okay to be hambeasts) cope by saying that real men prefer fatties. Rich men, who have options, prefer skinny women.
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Guess her BMI.
Who was the OG thinspo?
How? Just Starve?
>Birth control makes it so so much worse
No shit if your acne is hormonal related
You could just stop taking the pills
It’s over for female skinnymaxxers
All men have fat gfs
>start physical job
>can't stop eating now and need the energy
>getting muscles but also a lil chub
what do skinny twinks?
what the fuck
i look like this and say this
How the hell am I fat?
eat more protein, it will fill you up more
fat with pepperoni nipple moobs and living in filth, they're not missing out.
>zero definition
>some rolls and folds here and there
>flabby arms
>bit of a gut
yes baby.
What's the best way to go from skinny fat to skinny without looking like a tranny with horrible hairloss at the end?
obviously i don’t. I guess I only specified that because most doctors cock their head slackjawwed every time i mention acne and then suggest “have you tried birth control?”
Yes I have a general flabbiness, rolls and folds. I went from 150 lbs to 130 over last year. Maybe that played a role idk. Do you know how that can be fixed?
so whats the verdict on alcohol
Nice tits, bro.
go to a high balcony and throw yourself out of it
there’s a lot of methods, you can choose one you like

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