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hyperborea edition
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What does /fa/ think of picrel?
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reminder: all these sneaker companies could easily sell you tanned calfskin leather uppers instead of plastic-coated suede for the same price and still have a MASSIVE profit margin but they don't because they hate you and they want you to stay running on an eternal hamster wheel of purchasing $200 sneakers that look like total ass after a few months of use.
basically every sneaker brand has done a collab with horween and it didn't cost anything more than normal ones.
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these retailed for $99
basically every brand's put out a collab of at least one silhouette at msrp
proving it can be done at the same retail price
they can make them colored no problem see: wallets, purses etc
looking for something normie how we feeling on nb 530s?
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I know, one of the reasons why I don't pay that ridiculous prices and only buy less known models and brands on sale, like 50€ for ASICS GEL PTG..
I wish more people wouldn't denigrate oneself and paying so much for trash materials, but I don't think they are motivated enough to care.
It doesn't look good if you have a fat head like E.Musk and wear skinny jeans. Skinny jeans look only good on slim people with slim heads.
Sneaker advice:
Clean them every day with baby wipes until they're completely clean. Take care of your shoes and you won't have to change them as frequently. They'll look better and you'll feel better about them
No that's not true, they make huge profits from plastic shoes. They wouldn't make the same huge profit if they sold leather sneakers.
yeah I bought these half a year ago and do exactly what you say because I paid 110 for them. I still don't like the fact that I spent this much, but it does force me to take care of them and not let them be destroyed and dirty.
Forgot picture image
lol picrel actually looks like the kolovrat or even more like the armenian swastika
used looking sneakers > clean sneakers
depends on the sneakers
beat up c85's or killshots look better
beat up stan smiths or cp's look like dogshit
Yes on the stan smiths, and I disagree with you >>18219385 sneakers are best cleaner. You're completely and infinitely wrong and there's nothing right about what you said.
Who's copping the Kobe 9 Halo's on Kobe Day?
Always thought Hyperborea when I see this symbol on shoes
Sieg heil to you too
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Too gay? Or just gay enough?
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the ol' reliable
the only pair i own
Off the scale
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the fear of being seen as a trend hopper is putting me off of sambas. the only pair of shoes i currently own are these mexico 66s so ive been looking a white and black pair of sneakers with some suede on them, but holy fuck literally everyone has sambas now. i thought i might be able to get away with it because they pretty easily fit what i was looking for, and i thought it mightve mostly been a tiktok thing, but i cant take a single tube without seeing 50 people wearing them
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i dont even want the shoes that badly, its just a pain in the ass knowing that i now need to actually put effort into finding a pair because the obvious option is somehow more prevalent than af1s were at their peak. its hard being a contrarian
regular busenitz and busenitz vulcs still last a long time though. even if you wear them every day in some labor job that wrecks shoes.
i got a pair of these for $60 on amazon a few weeks ago and thought i got so lucky. then a few days later they dropped to $35. bought those, did a return on the first order.
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these Asics Gel-1130 REs are super comfortable but ripped super easily, like the first week I got them - anyone know if the normal big-mesh 1130s are any better?
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copped these, already got some mires
take the dadpill
anons I need to get some sneakers ASAP
used to wear Stan Smiths a lot
What should I get now
Comfort and durability are important
Needs to be available in Europe
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you gotta get the leather ones if you're going for durability
those are gay fag shoes anon

theyll make you look like a beta male

if you buy them you'll never get a girlfriend

quit being a god damn gay dweeb you nerd
Pretty decent SB Dunk. Definitely seen some good fits with them.
Anyone here recognize these shoes?
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i like them. even though theyre basic, and mostly chicks wear them, i think they look good on me. they make me feel like im back in the 2000s.
looks amazing
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Mesh shoes is the next trend cycle. We are going to enter peak heel holes again.
he really me
overrated as hell, its a shame cause i really like how sambas look but they feel awful. made for narrow footed malnourished europeans who simply know nothing better
I was SO close to buying a pair of club C 85s until I saw this picture a few weeks ago.
The only thing I don't like about them is how they cut into my heels and leave blisters
I have an old pair of Hoka shoes that are now completely worn out and nothing else I’ve tried to replace them with come close to the comfort they provide but they stopped making them a long time ago and now everything they have looks like it’s for urban youths. The ones I have are wool and very understated but now everything they do is super flashy and has a huge logo on them not to mention there’s not much reason to believe the newer models will fit me as well.
Rant over
I have these, they are great shoes
If I'm buying a pair of shoes off amazon and the brand says something like Nike/NB/Adiddas ect could they still be fake? I've noticed that they are sold by 3rd party sellers.
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muh sneakers, recommend some new shit for me to pick up
it's been over 10 years and still no sneaker has surpassed raf simons holo runners
hot damn
For me is the all white pair
sadly, only fags can pull them off
There are literally no shoes or sneakers out right now that appeal to me. I’m thinking about designing my own and paying a manufacturer to make them for me. That’s how desperate I am.
what do you wear right now?
post design
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Behold the GOAT.
pretty sure that's AI generated garbage bro
These are product photos from H&M. They're selling the pants though, not the shoes.
you could always email them and ask if youre that desperate
theres always a way anon
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spezials are so superior to sambas and yet sambas get all the love
the eyelet area especially is just much better looking
never had a pair of spezials, but i did have a pair of green gazelles about 4 years ago which i never wore. love me sambas though.
>I bought a decent pair of shoes once and now i only want to wear that identical shoe for the rest of my life any everything else is bad because it's different.
There are more comfortable shoes on the market today then ever before and they are extremely easy to find if you stop being autistic about only wanting the exact same thing.
What’s a good triple black sneaker? I’m looking at air max TNs but not totally sure. They might be too wild. I’m a white guy with a casual style btw.
Are lebron shoes /fa/ approved?
Was thinking of getting a pair of 16 or 17
sambas are neater, spezials look more nerdy/hooliganish
Are you supposed to size up in them?
Looking for a pair of comfortable leather (inside as well) sneakers for fairly wide feet, any recommendations?
middle one is goated really into those bone color shoes recently
ASICS Gel-Nandi Swamp Green / Smoke grey

buy or nah
how can it be both nerdy and hooliganish?
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Should I?
are you indian? these look like something an indian would wear
plus theyre just adidas shoes without the stripes, cmon now
these would go crazy with a checkered button down and ripped tight jeans
you can get nicer gats anon
they cute
Someone rec me some decent sneakers for wide feet (11cm). Nothing I've tried has been comfortable.
As of now only boots and Crocs are usable for me.
Lebron 8 and 9 are pretty comfy for large feet niggas
best sneaks under $100?
club C 85s
Stan Smiths work for me
what are Salomon shoes like?
i like tactical looking durable shoes, but are they good for city use and pavement or only for hiking?
People excited for the Brain Dead Stan Smiths?
only sneakers I've worn for probably 5 years
literally what the hell are you even talking about with this entire post
how so?
damn those nerdy hooligans wearing their untidy spezials
im a girl and i wanna go running. i generally wear converse and vans. i like darker clothes and neutral tones. im thinking of dadcore new balances. what should i get?
will you be my gf?
dude that was so fast. were you ctrl f ing girl in every thread u opened? are you a bot that targets women written by a nerd to get gf?
just answer the question you ugly cunt
my most worn shoes look like these btw, i dont work out so i dont have nice sneakers. i have dark grey autistic new balances that i dont really like...
... you will not get girls like this bro, i was just horsin around..
ugly time-wasting cunt
LOOOL ur mad as fuuuck this mad over asking for sneakers and not a boyfriend. youre NEVER getting a girl. no girl could stand you for more than a sentence. i thought you would be begging me to marry you like a cute puppy but youre some little raging demon chiuahua
yeah no shit that's why I only buy cheap chinese knockoffs from Amazon for like 20-30bux per pair. They're going to look like shit after a year or two whether you spend 20 or 200, might as well save your money
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Will I get heightmogged by someone wearing AF1s if I buy these?
i know who you are you fat little mexican
Didnt know you guys rate c85s
I had these a while ago and i absolutely loved them. I felt casual in them, they looked good for office, chilling with friends or a night out. I felt like they molded with me perfectly. I was thinking of getting new ones cuz my old ones are beat up but then i thought theyre kinda dated now so i got some adidas sneakers instead.
Should i still get them for good measure?
>order 574 ruggeds, have to buy weird color
>show up
>seem a bit narrow
>try to find 574 wide ruggeds
>can't find them
>try to find reg 574 wides
>like +50%-100% the cost of normal ones
post tits
my only pair of shoes ama
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Thoughts on this colorscheme?
Yeah, my issue too. They are the comfiest for me, but I just cant into trendy.
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>they make me feel like im back in the 2000s.
Actually was just watching Donnie Darko again and noticed he wears old school adidas. Probably these.
I love my white sambas but I always feel like I made the wrong choice when I see someone wearing a coloured pair.
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are regular or "deconstructed" sambas better? i don't understand the difference
did they stop making the gel saga? it's the comfiest shoe I own and I don't want to wear out my limited edition any further. what's the alternative? i like how loose the toebox is
based & redpilled
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>the sigma male energy sneakers
I bought a pair of asics runners recently and when my dad saw them he said "I used to have a pair of asics, but they were flat." I knew he was talking about these, and in the 80s, because I've never seen him wear asics in my life (born in 93).
Are AF1s a good option for a white 30 yo manlet? I want something versatile that goes with shorts, joggers, pants and is acceptable to wear on a casual date while still looking presentable
i have never owned a pair of jordans before but i think i might cop the black cement 3s that are coming out in november. i have always admired them from afar.
some images show them with a gray midsole, others white, i hope they are gray.
triple white AF1s are to me the most versatile shoe out there
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i am looking to buy those but cant find them anywhere locally, are the asics comfy? im also thinking about buying nike cortez but they seem like a bad quality shoe
I want to get those too, unfortunately that is one of the most popular colorway of the 3's which means they might sell out quickly.
from what i've read, apparently they're going to make a huge supply of them to try to avoid that
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Cop these y/n?

How versatile are they?
you're brown so it doesn't really matter what you wear
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BK Kings breh
3's are cool but I like 4's gonna try and cop the A Ma Maniere 4's
are you mexican? they look like something a mexican edgar would wear
I need skate ish shoes that can pass as business casual because my picrel are wearing out.

and looking for skate shoes because they feel good driving
R8 my kicks
those are literally shoes designed to disguise the fact he has lifts in them
not bad overall design, I'd just pick a different colorway personally
i think about getting a pair, yes or no?
what for? theyre just a copy of gats/sambas
Nike is for poor people.
i already own sambas and like to rotate brands from time to time
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ID on the sneakers, sorry about the shit quality?
>i already own sambas
So you don't need the copycats
>like to rotate brands from time to time
What peak consumer shit is this? Do you also match brands like those weirdos I see wearing a total of five nike logos?
i dont match logos. i just like white gumsole sneakers and dont want to buy the same pair of shoes everytime i need new ones
just went to try these to see hoe comfortable they are and my size for them. Club C 85 vintage, exactyl the ones I like. Looks like they fall apart quick. Any other recs for someone who hates sneakers but need a comfy casual white-ish shoes that goes well with formal clothes? Some tennis shoe? Something more elegant and less juvenile maybe
stan smith
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opinions on the XL?
i own 3 pairs of thes mono cyan, mono maroon, and the yellow 3M collab. fucking best shoe ever made.
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thoughts on steve madden possess?
ugly, looks like something a black kid would wear
the "every white girl wearing washed jeans" shoes?
you asked for it
I was told you fuckers are super into shoes and knowledgeable so here is my question that I expect answered. Link me sneakers that are fully leather lined.
Depends on your foot strike and wear pattern on your shoes. Due you tend to land on the forefoot or the heel and where does your shoe typically wear out?
Yeah, though I see BAIT still has deadstock pairs. Also Ebay
Last Resort are good and I personally own a pair, but probably the most business casual are Globe. I also see a lot of office workers in NB Numberic, but that's leaning more sneaker/skate.
Honestly your best shot is to get the collabs labeled as premium. Got some SNS X Adidas sneaks with leather lining, but not sure if I can think of any models that are always leather lined.
i like the brown AMM 4s that came out a year or two ago, the whiteish ones they're dropping soon look shit and boring to me. literally black and white
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Ok I need a bit of help, I'm a /fa/let and I know jack about style I only wear things that feel comfortable and are good to move around with, I like sports but I'm also a true broken poorfag, I only have a pair of boots but managed to get the money to buy a pair of sneakers, what are some sneakers that look good with anything that are also durable and goot to move a lot in with?
I bought a pair of Cole Haan sneakers that were fully leather lined about 9 or 10 years ago. They were insanely uncomfortable and my foot kept slipping on the smooth leather lined insole. The sole had 2 small areas with actual rubber while the rest was just really hard foam so they slipped like crazy while walking. I would recommend not getting newer Cole haan shoes. When they were a part of Nike they would release some fairly good shoes but all the newer models suck.
Ikr they're as basic bitch as it gets, but I really like this colorway and they'd go well with everything
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>buy 4 pairs of these years ago
>finally put them on
>each pair has wrong sized laces
ignore this guy
They are red so not very versatile.
Good cop, one of the best on the thread.
Also don’t listen to the racist retard.
Well, at least they look really good.
Im not a big sneaker fan but I saw these Onitsuka shoes in an article about cleaning suede and they fascinate me. The bizarre shape and cozy materials look so cool. What do you guys think of these? Is it a unique style of shoe or do other brands make ones like it?
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Just bought these, for weekends/vacation :^)
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pls help me decide
the green ones are obviously more pleasant and appealing
I'm looking for a pair of sneakers, what's trendign rn? Are jordans still cool?
ugly shoe in general but i'd go left
Dunno about the shoes. Leather toe cups with minimal stitching is usually a good sign for quality.

What did you learn about cleaning suede?
Jordan 4
Not sure exactly but try Reebok Club C Double or Club C Extra
i wish more sneakers had full leather midsoles. there's something about having my footsteps have that commanding auditory presence of a well made pair of boots. one of my pairs doesn't have a slip sole and it sounds like i'm walking in snow loud enough that other people can hear it.
i want my presence to be known. look at me. draw your attention here. actually tilt your head down a bit. see that? its my huge veiny mushroom head cock.
i don't want to "sneaker" around like some beta cuck blends into the background wallflower.
jordans are out the hype colorways aren't even selling out anymore. zoomers and alphas discovered that they're plastic garbage and you can get 1:1 clones from china for pennies on the dollar. all the hypebeast shoe stores are going out of business.
in general people are moving away from nike/adidas for other brands more than usual right now but adidas managed to recover the fumble by dumping a ton of money into shilling sambas on tiktok.

you know they make shoes that aren't qasas right?
if you want adidas silhouettes in better quality leather than fake plastic garbage you go to y-3 or hender scheme.
>what's trendign rn?
all the shit trending right now like sambas and birkenstocks are at the end of their trend cycles. wait a while for new trends. wrong time to buy sneakers if you want to be trendy for longer than another month. season's about to change bro.
if theyre taller than u, retard (no affance)
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>each pair has wrong sized laces
they're plastic aglets right?
you can fix that easily if they're too long not too short.
just cut them and put new aglets on them. measure the aglets and it'll look factory.
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Thanks for the help, disappointed that they are women shoes.
Also, great fucking eye, I have a second picture, and they match up perfectly to the Club C Extra
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i was wearing onitsuka tigers for 10 years and then they caught on and now they don't make em in the US.
what are good alternatives? i was trying to look for german army trainers but i guess no one makes those anymore either.
some other things that piqued my interest while looking for new shoes because my onitsuka have massive holes in them
are the 90s coming back in swing? is that why most of this thread is chunky bullshit? i've been out of the game too long
are nike cortez's cool again yet?
>now they don't make em in the US.
they JUST discontinued them too, like earlier this year or late last year
they should start it up again
is there any difference between asics and onitsuka tiger?
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which one?
i like the upper laces more but the lower have better mesh
What are the most durable sneakers?
Any examples of sneaker manufacturers and varieties of this quality?
What's the current "cool" basketball shoe for kids? My oldest is turning 12 and wants a new pair of basketball shoes, I'd like to be able to surprise him with something nice and not embarrass him by fucking up.
jordan 4's
Here's a surprise, take him to Footlocker and let him choose a pair that fits his foot and his liking, grab a coffee/ hot chocolate together, that's how you do it.
I'm divorced so I don't get to see him that often, I had other plans set up for the next time I have my kids but you're right, that is a good idea.
hes 6'3 why would he wear lifts? What the fuck is wrong with you people
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Now I become twink, the destroyer of worlds
common projects but they're dork shoes.
hender scheme is a good example of ones that aren't dork shoes.
and most designer sneakers are built this way. a lot of my stuff's old mainline yohji.
I have this issue, even walking I end up wearing out the outside of my heel, especially since I tend to walk pretty quickly. I also probate more heavily in my left foot, and have heard that something basic like 574s will help me, but I was considering the Asics gel 1130 as well. All I really care about is the longest lasting sole and ankle stability with arch support.
what's the cross section of these look like? I know the sambas have a relatively thin but resistant outsole, and I'm worried these are just gonna have more of the lattice structure instead of a better sole
the color way's pretty neat and the shoe's a classic, go for it
top laces will wear through faster, bottom is your best bet
What are some dos and don'ts with all black sneakers?
The soles are often so stiff (for hiking) that your calves will be on fire and your ankles will turn to mush after a long day in them on pavement. They look cool though, and are indisputably “art dad”
Not nearly as comfy as they should be. I bought mine because I’m a big foot 6’2” top heavy (yeah, fat, w/e lol) guy and the thicker sole height adds visual mass down low and mostly contains my wide foot from bending the sole out at the front. There’s so much room there I figured surely they would throw some cloudfoam down to make ‘em cushier, but no. Still, a bit better than OG sambas. The leather on the black ones is top tier, so much that I returned the Samba Golf’s because the leather was paper thin and felt stiff and not quality.
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latest additions
>are the 90s coming back in swing? is that why most of this thread is chunky bullshit? i've been out of the game too long

That already happened, we're in the 00's revival now, /fa/ will say that is old too.
is this 2016?
Unless something changed in the last few months you can still buy them imported from Japan. The value proposition is just gone now and they’re overpriced like everything else. But if you’re a fanatic they still exist
Sambas are easily the most uncomfortable shoe I've ever worn. Which is a shame, because I really like the look of them when I'm wearing them.
Nike fucking sucks
Could someone give me an honest rundown of whether Converse Addicts or standard Converse.jp is worth the money compared to Chuck 70s? I’ve been wearing my Chuck 70s for three years and don’t really have any complaints. They’re certainly beat up and some of the canvas on the tongue is frayed, but they’re still kicking for another year probably.
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puma suede
the quality is not good enough to justify the price hike from their popularity, let alone warrant importing them. they only lasted me one or two years each
Left is over the top, right is right.
>obnoxious visible branding
No, I don't want to look like an illegal immigrant. I'd rather wear these.
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new cop
i couldnt find the vintage ones with the green lettering in my cunt but oh well
what do you guys coordinate with a pair like these?
There isn't that much difference between the 70s and the made in jp. The jps ones have less foam but feel more firm. The canvas is slimmer but seems a bit higher quality. They are slimmer profile too, the rubber sides don't go as high and I believe they fit similiar to moonstars since they are made in kurume.
You can get chuck 70s for like 50 bucks or a bit more. The JPs are only worth the price if you are in japan since no tax and the yen is weak right now.
There is also the 80s version in the jp made ones. Don't ask me about those ones, the only difference I see is the extra sidewall stitching.
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How do I actually know if I need new shoes? I've had these Repostos since fucking 10th grade and they seem to be fine, albeit worn pretty badly.
they look like shit
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Are these cool?
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what are university sneakers anyway? it's a collection name for PA, but a colour for Nike
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university blue is that light blue color
aka unc blue
unc standing for both university of north carolina (whose color is that color) and uncs, who are drawn to that shade
unc got that shit on fr
Thread saved by Uncs UNC 574s
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Gazelle or Sambas?
Or which other white shoe should I get ?
Club c 85 or sambas ?
Yes, we all know you're a nigger. Sneakers are nigger shoes. The only sneakers any self-respecting, non-negrified man should wear are basic leather sneakers in monochrome black or brown. Running shoes are fine only when you're actually out running or working out at the gym.
Also, the reason why Elon wore those nigger shoes is because that was his PR strategy. He knows most men these days are pathetically negrified and shamelessly wear these gaudy sneakers everywhere, so he needs to wear them in order to look relatable.
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heres my shoe collection with some sneakers in there.
comically bad
nike revolution 7
Most comfortable shoes i ever had
What are these?
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I am in the market for a pair of New Balances, hit me with your freshest pair.

I have been currently wearing these, comfiest dailys I have ever had.
no, leather shoes slapped on sneaker soles look always off
thanks i didn't know that
Gazelle imo. The full suede makes for more interesting texture.
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i bought these
£5 below retail inc shipping off ebay
are these for peasant-maxxing?
what fit would these look good in besides literal dirty rags
it is interesting though
They're based off classic espardilles, so basically meant to wear with loose linen/beach type fits. Definitely not the most general or throw on with anything type shoe, but could hit really hard in the right context.
reading that like it's an ancient greek name
great looking shoes. but a little tight.
Thursday boot low top old english. Rocking these for work for a few years, holding up good and comfy.
Bought these, feel nicer than AF1 and to me the main pro is that they're not sport brand sneakers
Eventually I'd like to replace all sneakers that I have (not that much pairs, guess about 4 adidas and 2 Nikes) with some of these: Off-White Out Of Office and Be Right Back, Margiela Replica, McQueen Oversize and Balenciaga Runner, any other ideas of non-sport daily sneakers?
[spoiler]I don't wear zip tie though[/spoiler]
I admit, those look pretty neat.
But, I'm a size 13 guy who prefers pants, so they just don't fit my in my closet. I need wide-as-fuck shoes to be happy.

I can't claim these are tennis shoes, but they're durable as all Hell.
would eat phenobarb pudding again
i need new normie shoes are white af1s still the best choice?
Looks like you murdered someone with them
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just got these af1s for just under retail
needed an olive pair for the winter
undefeated af1 ballistic
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hello bros, I'm looking for some casual shoes with as little branding as possible, preferably canvas but not necessarily. For example, I like a few of the gravis shoes like picrel, but they're impossible to find. I also like these ben shermans a lot, but not the colors they come in. I wish they had like a black/white or navy or dark gray: https://www.bensherman.com/products/hawthorn. Other ones I liked are these seavees, I just wish they didn't have the logos. I thought about rubbing them off with acetone or something but it would probably look weird with a blank white rectangle cutting off the line: https://www.seavees.com/products/mens-hermosa-sneaker-classic-black
What are some similar styles that I can find in stock?

Also for reference these are what I'm wearing currently. https://www.lacoste.com/us/lacoste-men-shoes-low-rise-sneakers/33CAM1033.html
I've bought them a couple times but I find the quality is not that great since the sole always starts separating pretty quick. I do like the basic design though (other than the crocodile logos).
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>spend 200 dollars on a sneaker
>nobody even notices
>except my mom who just tells me I buy too many shoes
>reminder: all these sneaker companies could easily sell you tanned calfskin leather uppers instead of plastic-coated suede for the same price and still have a MASSIVE profit margin
Yeah except all the “soft calfskin leather” shoes start at 400 dollars, even “handcrafted from good materials” is 300+
I know this post is three weeks old, but dont buy those, those are teen girl shoes
All lifted sneakers are for girls
snekaers are gay bro get some nice boots
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Lems shoes are "barefoot" (not super really) sneakers with extremely little branding. Their Chillum looks like what you posted in about 6 different colorways.
>dont buy 200 dollar shoe
>buy 500 dollar shoe
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I've been rocking these this Summer.
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>are you indian?
Hello dear how are you
Drops tomorrow on SNKRS. Cop or not?
if you want to go running, buy functional modern running shoes not lifestyle shoes. new balance fresh foam is fine from a function standpoint (had a pair for two years). don't be like my fa-obsessed ex who ran exclusively in onitsuka tigers and managed to injure herself twice a month.
Overpriced but one of the best 4 colors. I’d say cop
I want durable sneakers
same. apparently even expensive brands are cheap shit though, so I'm thinking it might better to just start buying cheap shit for cheap and just replace it when it wears out and not care
if the black was the browny purply maroony colour i'd probably have gone for them. the black honestly looks like a mistake to me. obviously they decided that looks best but it just makes them look off imo. would like to see a mock up with the colour changed
i have the other a ma maniere 4s and they're one of my favourite shoes ever but these were a pass. resale looks very weak as well
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If that's the meta then I don't want to play, I'll just stick to boots
1.) how can you be racist and wear sneakers lol
go wear boots and loafers
2.) they look white af
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its over
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What are your reccs for a comfortable shoe for people with wider feet? I don't need em to look super nice as long as they don't make my feet hurt
Pic unrelated, just muh gats
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Holy nostalgia
Asics and New Balance make comfortable shoes available in wide, extra wide, and sometimes extra extra wide.
Dude I've been wearing spezials for over 10 years now, but I recently get irritated by the fact they the heel is raised. Are there shoes with a similar feel but with a flat sole?
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Anyone know anything about these? No experience with muh barefoot shit but I have wide feet and to go up at least a full size when trying out gat-type shoes and they still aren't all that comfortable. Figured I could give the barefoot a try as well as have a gat-type shoe that doesn't hurt after a few hours.
I've got some fleeters, which is a similar brand of barefoot shoes and they are quite good. A nice middle ground between sneakers and autistic toe shoes
what should I buy to replace my stan smiths was thinking some gat thing curious about your thoughts chat
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Last Resort has some good canvas shoes
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I really, REALLY hope these don't cost a gorillion dollars.
i'm not a travis scott fan but those are quite cool, a shame they sold out basically instantly and are reselling for 3.5x the retail amount kek
have they fixed bots buying up all the stock on these kinds of sites? i've never tried to get a pair of jordan's as soon as they release.
if those are gum soles, be aware that they become stiff and brittle after some years
Which shoes to buy this fall?
>what do you guys coordinate with a pair like these?
Look like an Aliexpress creation.
Gonna buy me a boot. Didnt see any good sneaks
Need boots too
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muh AliExpress is le bad!!! it needs to be an expensive brand!!
mono baby blue, mono brown/green, revenge blue, revenge green, revenge baby blue, brown suede. other than 2 converses only sneakers i wear
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Why do basketball shoes gots ta be so ugly?

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yep, the whole middle-class and lower-class market is totally cornered in and they have no clue how corralled into a corner like cattle they truly are

i don't touch these big "name" brands anymore, it's been so long, when i see them again it feels like im going back in time or to a developing country or something

and all of them are like this, from your basic skechers to the balciengas of the world, they're all low grade trash catering to the consoomer mass market, so much pollution and waste from these npcs too
Their entire audience has become neuve-riche low class people who just want to flaunt their wealth. They can sell a calfskin rhino boot for the same price as a fake leather mesh runner, and the latter will sell out in a day and the former will go 50% off, because only one has a big balenciaga logo on it
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These are the best sneakers and best shoes I've ever owned. God I wish I had chosen Hogan earlier when I first heard about it, absolutely worth the money. Fuck Americanochink-made-to-replace shit shoes.
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>2 inch platform sneakers
>made in Italy
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How did I do, fellas?
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Any better rugged sneaker than the LF1?
cop or not? I have a penchant for weird shoes but im on the fence about these
I am not a Police officer, no.
anyone going for the nigo air force 3s?
stop seething someone doesn't like your chink shoes
Which are considered more premium, Nike Adidas or New Balance? Clean white sneakers
Pic rel is the type of shoes I'm looking for
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i have those and they're falling apart
i need white sneaker recommendation
flat sole preferably because i lift in thbose
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might buy these
>love you forever
those are pretty gay
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these are probably my favorite shoes ever. Bought them in 2018 as they're still wearable, although reaching their end. Sadly I think they're discontinued (continental 80)
Adidas originals response CL sneakers maybe?
Instantly judge you as being shallow, egoistic and suffering from anxiety.
All are true
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between the three brands, NB would be considered the most premium generally, but it would vary depending on the specific model of shoe
if you want AF1s then just get AF1s
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Copped but not sure
Stan smiths are overpriced and are fucking hideous
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wtf is up with balenciaga shoelaces?
new bread

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