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Also what haircut should I get
Varsity Hearts
Curtains are not working, slick it back.
Are you a middle class brit?
No , why
Your hair looks like mcdonalds
The middle part isnt working
How do I fix it or what haircut should I get
i'm loving it
>How to grow a beard
Stop shaving and boost your testosterone.
>Also what haircut should I get
Buzz cut. Women love that shit.
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Something like this wont look too bad bro
why the fuck is your middle part so thin but it looks incredibly thick literally everywhere else
His hair density is not very good. He should sidepart his curtains instead of middlepart.
Oral minoxidil or topical?
It just falls and splits naturally like that that when it gets too long
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why are your curtains spread wide open like the legs of a whore
are you making a joke of my hair?? fuck you sissy
This isn't me
It falls naturally and splits like that when it gets longer
I have tried , it looks neat but splits in half after 30 minutes
You have to work it consistently and train it to do otherwise. This looks awful as-is.
Shave your head, pierce your ears. Bitches love that shit.
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Actually just grown out the back more
you are balding
That actually looks pretty good
Mcdonalds haircut kek did you get a side part yet?
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good call anon
ayo das lit frfr nocap
how unfortunate
curtains look shit, your proportions aren't good for it
Let if go
Your lower third looks really bad. First and foremost, you have to leanmaxx and see if it makes your face looks more angular and less like this shit. After that you can decide on facial hair

If you still look like a potato when lean, only a longer beard might save you
your facial proportions are really bad
get better parents
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Very bad, boys. Very bad.
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laugh, nigga
Good thread
goofy looking aa nigga
>How to grow a beard
Some men don't get a proper beard until they're in their 40s. Stay patient, keep shaving that shit and for the love of god get a haircut that looks natural and not like a fucking letter
Hair transplant.
stop making edits of my face or else I will have to get the revelant authority involved
you already have a beard and a haircut?
>prepubescent estrogen face
Slight jaw filler.
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Not funny.
Stop it.
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>prey eyes
Curtains work for everyone if done correctly. It's the current meta in pussy acquisition.
yeah 4 years ago maybe, the current metas are "modern" mullets on curly hair and mod cuts
What the fuck is this hairstyle man, don't tell me you go out like this in public
lmao i was so distracted by the shit ugly hair i didn't notice the retarded nose piercing
Try bangs.
Bullying isn't cool
Same, desu.
Rob Pattinson!
But it is super fun!
Handsome boy
it’s fake

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