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Why there's no hair thread general whenever I want advices?
Joel Osteen looking motherfucker
I'd like to know if my hair look messy/unclean?
And if it looks good in general. If it doesn't, can I get some hairstyle recommendation for curly hair.
I'm 32 so nothing too zoomer-like. I want to ask for >>18222765 but I don't know, my hair seem to be way more dry than his.
Dealing with the same issues unfortunately :/ There's this curly girl/ guy method. Haven't given it a try, might be worth a shot. Frizz isn't effay. It is just how us curly guys are, our hair is more prone to being dry and break easily.

Keep the curls going, just gotta find the right products and method.

Just don't ruin it with a fade
Messy, yes, unclean, no. More than good in general.
looks good. if your hair doesn't get super greasy, cut out shampoo and just use a good conditioner (no sulfates or parabens). helped me tame frizz with my curls
Thanks. I used to to chemical straightening and want to stop it and rock what mother nature gave me.
But honestly, I've tried every curling methods there is out there. I still have yet to try a leave in conditioner.
But I changed my combing, drying, washing methods. Same for products. And I still get this big frizzy spot on top of my head.
So you haven't used a curl defining cream at all? You won't regret trying out a leave in products for curls. Literally changed everything for me.

As for the frizzy spot, do you use silk/satin pillowcase?
This is not even a style... It's just guy with curly hair not styling it
Are you stupid
He has a fuck ton of leave in and probably uses nice shampoo and conditioner

what's a good leave-in? I've avoided hair products for years

my hair gets naturally curly if i swoosh it around in the shower and leave it alone

i use shampoo sparingly, like every two weeks

but i'm curious if i could get hair like OP, it looks so nice
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How tf do I prevent my long curly hair from tangling and matting (don't worry pictel aint me)? It is such a hassle to detangle and sonetimes I have to cut pieces out and it looks like I'm missing chunks of hair now (it's not obvious though, but if you really look you can tell). Do I just cut it short or keep growing? Never had long hair before so I dunno wtf is going on on my head
Oribe dark blue bottle
I use it its so nice
i used to have hair down to my waist, got catcalled and everything

just be running your fingers through it constantly like a princess, srs

>Oribe dark blue
i will check this out thank you anon
>flexing your 15 inch arm

God instagram normies should die
Should I comb through my curls at the end of my hair? I've been leaving them alone because I was afraid I might ruin them if I fuck around with them too much but I'm afraid the opposite might be true
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I'm going crazy researching hair products and I need input.

My hair is fine, mid/dense density, fairly straight like a 2a, oily scalp that requires I wash them every single day (will try salicyclic acid scalp rub soon). Current length is beatles tier and I'm aiming to have them like the slightly longer Jake Gyllenhaal cuts if that means anything.

The only thing I've gathered so far is I should shampoo regularly with something that doesn't have sodium lauryl sulfate (and then use those every few weeks to do a deep clean).

Conditioners seem infinite and super expensive and the only thing I know is it shouldn't be too oily/heavy for my fine hair and to avoid short chain alcohols.

I don't see any consensus on reddit threads except for maybe Verb Ghost products. I've seen a few mention baby hair products which I'm down to clown with if they do work as they're pretty cheap.
> curl defining cream
I have, it helped with the curls that are not part of that frizzy spot.
> leave in products for curls
I have yet to try a leave-in conditioner. I'll use what has been recommended in >>18224029
At least for how my hair was,

if i combed it out and let it dry it would get fluffy. when it was longer it was heavy enough to still curl

now that it's shorter I get it wet, run through it, then get it more wet and shake it out and it curls back up. if i dont rewet and shake it gets straight up puffy

so depends how yours acts and how heavy
What product to use to get hair like pic?
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how to get my hair to look like this?
Last time I have waist long curly hair I would just cut 3-4 cm at the end every 1-2 months, seems to help the split ends and the dried out ends from matting and tangling further.Might also want to get a silk (or non snagging) pillowcase and bun your hair nicely but not too tight when sleeping.My matting problem was mostly at the 1.5/4 length of the hair rather than the end. Might want to check out your hair type whether you need extra moisturizing or not, extra oil (from product or your own scalp) can also contribute to tangling, matting mess.Water quality in your location is also another thing stripping and drying out if its too hard.
I don't even think there's product in that hair. Just some blowdry + asian genetics.
Oil + brushing them with a cream/leave in conditioner on after showers.
I'm getting my first hair dryer. What features/model should I be looking for?
>Just some blowdry + asian genetics.
There’s definitely a hair wax, especially Japanese ones makes your hair lightweight and shines
Wish I knew the names and where to get them easily shipped worldwide
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dye inspo
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One of the worst glow down in rap history.
Depends on your hair type. I'd have to use hair straighteners, sea salt spray, keratin hairspray and wax to achieve this
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I wish I could do this hair. But I look skinny fat and wierd.
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How do I look bros
would what
kill you behind the bowling alley
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I’m sort of going for the Episode 3 Anakin look. I got layers
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The back:
loved you in A Quiet Place
bumping the hairstyle recommendation request.
guys I need help
I'm balding in the front
I know that I'm not supposed to wash my hair every day, but whenever I skip a day My head feels super itchy and I have a ton of dandruff. What am I supposed to do?
I get extremely offended if people just praise my hair and never mention my face, clothes, body fit etc
What’s the point, somehow I prefer being completely ignored
Does anyone else suffer from this
I can somehow just feel that you're autistic just from seeing your face. You look cute though, aside from the acne. The hair is nice, although too short to really look like Anakin
I fucking hate my hair. I'm a man and my hair is super fucking fine, thin and straight. I can't literally rock any haircut. And I don't know what products to use either to make them better. Do you have any recommendations or haircuts or products to use? Can't have them short either because I have a giant forehead. I usually keep them mid long with a fringe, that's the only fucking thing which seems to work.
Are you Russian
Close. French.
I was just wondering because I noticed a lot of Russians have very fine and very straight hair.
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Asked the hairdresser to remove everything not broken, ended up with mid length like this. Am I in the mid-length uncanny valley of curly hair or can I do anything with it
Hair is the easiest and least intimate thing to compliment someone about (besides clothes) which is why they're telling you that. They most likely mean it too. Most people aren't just gonna go "wow nice face" to you unless they're your girlfriend or your grandma. Stop being a bitch, you have nice hair.
lmao at that hairline
enjoy it while you've still got it, brother
Handsome and cool get different reaction, I am just bitter for not being good looking I guess and started to question if you need to take care of hair that much if you aren’t high on looks bar
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anyone got a really ugly headshape here? Mine looks sort of like picrel tho not really as bad. How do I tell my barber to leave the hair at the sides of the top of my head longer then in the middle cause it's not exactly visible when my hair is fully grown out
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How to ask for this haircut?
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Closest irl example I can think of is the Mad Max 2 haircut. Although that was kinda meant to be a fucked up haircut
I want to take finasteride but I’m worried about the sides, mainly gyno.
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this shit right here is driving me insane
the hair along my hairline tends to break and then it starts waving like that
granted this pic is me an hour after waking up and having showered yesterday
it doesnt look quite as bad if i just freshly washed my hair but still
i dont use a hairdryer and i dont rub my hair dry either
sometimes i will tie it into a man bun but i dont do it ultra tight
i noticed that when i use my hair conditioner i seem to lose extra many hairs when showering not sure if thats normal...
any tips something i can do to remedy this? or is it over?
I cut my own hair for the first time today. It really opened my eyes to my balding pattern. Still have a decent hairline but everything above my crown-ring is very thin, so time is short. What do?
I’ll shampoo and condition one day and then just use conditioner the next. But if my hair is actually dirty (like if it has hairspray or dust/dirt) I’ll still use shampoo even if I did the day before.
You could also try mixing a little bit of shampoo into the conditioner if just conditioner isn’t working. Or maybe try different brands
Wishing you bountiful top advices sir! All the best from Bangalore!
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Boys I've always had a bowl cut. I wanna change it up but don't know what else to get? illuminate my retard ass on some good haircuts.
>illuminate my retard ass on some good haircuts.
Send a picture of your hair please. I need to know more about your hair before I can answer that.

What's your hair type (straight, wavy, curly, kinky) and hair texture (fine, medium, coarse)?

How long is your hair right now and when was the last time you got a haircut?

What's your head shape? How does your hairline look?

All of these factors matter when determining what a good haircut would be for you. A haircut that could look really good on someone with wavy/curly hair could look really bad on someone with straight hair, and vice-versa.
how long should my hair be to get an edgar?
i hate having curly hair, i always research haircuts for my type, but i always come up with zoomer shit
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What the fuck do I do with this hair.
Also should I push the cheek line on my beard further down? Been just letting it fill in where it wants.
just gotta let it grow out longer until it's able to lay flat
use some product to keep it down
im bald
how do y'all suppose I ask for this haircut without showing my hairdresser a photo of a bunny femboy??
I would legit stick my dick in that and cum inside and cuddle after. Reminds me of this skinny Brazilian girl I used to smash.
That’s a man tho?
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I have curly hair already, what styling product do I have to use to get it like those? Is a diffuser needed?
Any non-guetto haircuts for kinky hair
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Same problem as me
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I need help, I've decided that I don't want to cover my face with hair anymore and tried to branch into more combed back styles. Problem is I have thinn Asian hair. Because it's still sunny out with my hair combed back is looks awful... Now I know why so many have the bowlcut/fringe hair at 30+. Should I be putting something in my hair to make it look thicker? I know celebrities are always photographed nicely and put all sorts of stuff in their hair to stop balding, but my hairline is fine and it's thin all around (I can't grow sideburns to save my life), I've since noticed all my family members male and female are the same. My dad is no help because he is mildly autistic and shaved his head after getting married, saying it didn't matter anymore kekeke. Natural/homeopathic preferred, not because I'm hippie but I'm God's biggest big pharma hater, a bad prescription took away some good years from my life.
Anything I can do or is this joever for my dreams?

He's probably got some wax to keep it from moving during shooting, but if you don't mind the wind shampoo with warm water every 2-3 days works, ask me how I know kekeke
shoulder length hair due to schizo shit (leads to not taking care of myself yadayada)
been here before - will get better, in my 30s so some hairline recession but no bald spots

problem is it's hit that length / lack of care where there's lots of curling (without being curly in general - more wavy?) and split ends

might just go nuts and buzz / shave it but i also might as well wait until (actual) episodes cease and then i can go to a barber IN THE MEANTIME i can get stuff delivered what's a go-to solution for frizzy / damaged hair that means i can go outside? mad scientist modo at the minute but what can i do 'indoors'?
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What face shape do I have? Any general advice I should follow for haircuts?
Bumping this question. Really need some kind of cut that isn't just a shit fade that grows back out in 2 days but I am retarded.

What did he mean by this
Unless you are fully jacked my bro the Viking look isn't for you.
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What do you call the bit that hangs down in those greaser cuts? I want to get something similar, sidepart with everything pushed back without showing a picture of Perry King.
I just made my own sea salt spray by mixing Himalayan sea seal, water and a few drops of peppermint oil in a spray bottle. I just tried it. Smells very nice and pepper-minty. The oil is supposed to promote growth as an added benefit. Waiting for it to dry now. Anybody ever experiment with custom concoctions?
You should try a middle part or less exaggerated side part. Letting some of the hair you’ve got parted over the right side fall more to the left will weigh down those fly always.
>have loose curls
>wide tooth comb
>medium shine clay or pomade
>air dry
This is more in the styling than the cut.
shire bagginses looking ass
Is long-medium hair a no-go then?
What’s a good place to get just topical finasteride online? I’ve found XYON but that’s significantly more expensive than the 3-in-1 available elsewhere.
>I want to get something similar, sidepart with everything pushed back without showing a picture of Perry King.
why are you niggas so deathly afraid of showing a picture of the haircut you want you fucking faggots
Your hair is the most inoffensive unremarkable style you could possibly choose.
And don't shape your beards boarders, it looks fucking stupid.
Hope this helps.
Recommend me some shampoo + conditioner for dandruff.
i have a wide tooth comb that i use for detangling on wet hair whenever i'm in the shower, i either use it before applying conditioner or while i'm applying it if my shit is really tangled. do this everytime because if you let the tangle accumulate it'll get rly ugly.
get on finasteride
The chart is for the standard "professtional" men's cuts and styles, and to get an idea what silhouettes work, if you got an eye for that. I'd say medium and long works for every face shape. What can be a problem with longer hair besides the care to keep a groomed look is you have to be on the leaner side ideally, and in case of round and oval face shapes it quickly shows if you're not lean.
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>I've since noticed all my family members male and female are the same. My dad is no help because he is mildly autistic and shaved his head after getting married, saying it didn't matter anymore kekeke
Based. I have noticed this with several asian types, the very thin hair that shows scalp very easily for boys and girls. I guess why you have 40 year old Jap niggas with hair like pic related.
>Natural/homeopathic preferred
Idk anon, I know where I come from people will cut a potato in half and rub the inside on their scalp, I've never done it but I'm told it works. If it's the starch maybe using the water you wash your rice in may work. Otherwise there are the essential oils people use as conditioners like rosemary, argan etc. Once again I've never used them. Good luck Japanon.
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I need help
I'm going to the salon next week and I have no clue what to tell them, I prefer low maintenance but I'm also looking for socially acceptable femme styles. I rather be recommended a style based on how well it would look on me, the salons seem to recommend what costs the most for profit.
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This is embarrassing but how do I stop looking like a fucking faggot? I let it grow out because it hides my protruding ears and now I look like this.
Was initially considering a buzzcut until I remembered my ears would make me look like a monkey with one.
I'm 5'11 and very thin, slightly in the underweight range. My clothes are awful but that's not my main focus right now.
Anyone has a clear guide on how to have a wet style on curly hair? What kind of fucking products give that look? Or it purely a matter of blow dry + applying pomade? Something similar to pic related but on longer hair
are u black or asian
damn i was hoping just cutting those broken parts off could be a solution but i guess it would look weird
letting it grow again is going to take years and im not sure how long they can grow before they break again
might have to try experimenting with some hair product though
i kind of hate the look of a middle part
actually im always having trouble to decide where to do the part
but trying a less exaggerated side part sounds like the most promising option
will try tomorrow
thanks for the tips
My hair has waves but they only really come out once it gets pretty long, at which point the ends of the hair forms into ringlets. How do I force the waves into being a thing when I'm at a short-medium length?
I don't necessarily have an answer for you but I am in a similar position. Is your hair fine? Mine is pretty silky. I get waves and even some ringlets but only when it gets past a certain length. The hair on top of my head just lays completely flat and limp, at least when its long and therefore weighed down, so I wear a hat every day. Outside of getting a perm I don't know that there's anything you can do that's just how your hair is. You can make existing waves/curls more defined but you can't make waves out of nothing
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Is this haircut possible with a norwood 3 and very thick hair?
Also what would this be called so i dont have to show my barber a picture of rockabilly ryan gosling?
Barbers don't give a fat shit. Stop being an insecure and frail little human and show the photo.
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Wtf am I supposed to do at nw3?
My hairline kind of looks like Ryan reynolds' but I don't have a personal hairstylist to do my hair

WTF do I do?
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Thats not a 3 man, this is a three
That's exactly what mine looks like I'm pretty sure Ryan's looks like that too but he's doing a combover from the center down the side to hide it.

I figured out that a moderately short haircut hides it well while long hair just makes it look fucked but I have no idea how people get their hair to stand up so perfectly. What fucking products are they using?
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need serious help /fa/

V05 just discontinued their hot oil product that was an absolute lifesaver for my hair.

my hair is dry/curly and this was the best thing that helps my hair stay moisturized and not so brittle.

does anyone know any good alternatives to this godsend of a product, I'm on my last bottle and I'm fucking freaking out
Gain weight and do neck exercises. You look like a faggot because you’re a skinny pencil neck and the hair isn’t helping. If you have big ears a thicker neck and more mass will make them stand out less.
Na it's thick as fuck. Hairdresser always complains about how much thinning they need to do to it just to get it into some sort of shape.
Undercut middle part
Straight bangs, buzzed sides, cropped back
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How should I go about asking for this cut from a barber? Low taper fade, but leave it longer in front and messy?

Also will it look good on a rectangular face with a really strong jawline
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How do you achieve a hairdo that flows and changes and is messy but is still candidly great
Find a similar hairstyle from a real person and just tell him exactly what you just said.
Know you'll never look like a Manga character though.
is this a meme
how sloppy are you to let your hair turn into that lmfao
dildo bagginsthem
your hair is thin and simply touching it is enough to reshape it
>This is embarrassing but how do I stop looking like a fucking faggot?
Just stop sucking so much cock
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Is my hair good?

This is the look that I want. I don't look like this though.
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Why are all of you Transgender queer whores
Why tf you going to a salon for a "femme" style when you have no damn hair. Cancel your app and call them back in 3 months


Head and shoulders. Also good for fungal acne and ass boils
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bros will it be retarded if i ask for the bully maguire cut? i kinda like it.
Fucking degenerate. If you're going to grow your hair out then have the decency to comb/brush your hair everyday at least once.
bad facial hair vs no facial hair and having a baby face?
Yes, but what are you trying to do with it? Grow it longer or open to anything?>>18241691
If you're cute then pretty boymaxx, if not then grow facial hair but it depends on just how horrible it really is and what styles you can possibly do with it
>still have full head of hair
>let it grow out
>people are less friendly and approachable with me
>get it cut
>everyone is nice to me again
Feels pretty good.
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Don't want to post a pic but am told I look a lot like a young Christopher Waltz. Hair is relatively fine, 2a, and norwood 2 at 25.

Recs on a hairstyle? Both for now and when i get my future transplant
Baggins phenotype
Is my hairline too high to pull of pushed back hair? I just hate the feeling of having hair on my forehead.
Second view
Well, I know for sure I'm not balding. I've had this harline for 5+ years with no change.
Is your point that it just looks shit?
It depends on your lower third. Strong jaw + narrow philtrum means you can pull it off. But you need something to counteract your high forehead.
Same here, I went outside with family for dinner and there’s one relative friend that came with us, he’s an old man in some high power position in finance department who supposedly gonna help me with connections to find job
He kept being passive aggressive the whole night and saying stuff like " he can’t find job with hair that long “ and “ did you know long hair cause baldness “ when we were alone
Honestly it’s been weighting on my mind, didn’t except people to attack you this way cause of hair
What is a good medium length hairstyle for straight full thin hair that doesn't require styling? I've been parting and geling my hair for my entire adult life and I'm sick of it. I want to go back to how I used to be but maybe somehow make it look good
That's my unironic hairstyle
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thoughts on the scrutrim?
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How do I get my my hair to poof up like pic related instead of falling flat on the sides if I have a curtain cut?
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His hair is thick, which is essentially the difference. It poofs up because he has hair under the hair on top supporting it.
You're like me and have thin hair. You can still do this with some good product (Hans de Fuko's Sponge Wax) and then trying your damndest to at least make the hair you have thicker with minoxodil and finasteride (topical, both).
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I don't want long hair, it's too much of a hassle. I just want something different.
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Anons, I don't know shit about hair but:

my hair looks infinitely better when I don't wash it with shampoo for like 3-4 days; I do use conditioner everyday. The days I do use shampoo, I end up looking like picrel.

How can I achieve the look I get with conditioner-only without my hair smelling like shit?
I just trimmed my hair and it looks ok
I took 2 inches off
product recs for hair that gets insanely dry and frizzy in the heat? its somewhere between curly and wavy with thick strands
cba to maintain my curly hair so will keep it simple with st like pic rel
You look like a black woman here but a very feminine Asian male >>18242635
I'm extremely confused, what the hell is going on?
it's blasian
Try putting a few droplets of peppermint oil in your hair. You can mix it with water in a spray bottle and spray your head a few times. It smells refreshing as fuck.
stop being brown
trashy as fuck
why do you want to look like that
you want to look like a prostitute? this is an incredibly common haircut, stop being such a fucking coomer
what do you guys suggest for norwood 2? would something like this but with shorter sides be good? i always see something like faux hawk recommended but i feel too old for that.
My condolences
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I need a haircut. My hair looks like shit. I look like shit. And yes, I am balding. How do I get a haircut that doesn't suck?

I've never known what to ask for at the haircut place. I tell them to keep what I have but make it shorter and this invariably makes them mad. I don't know the names of any haircut, and if I look them up they're always on gigachads with full heads of hair. I know they won't look right on my misshapen head and face. I'm 5'8" and skinnyfat with a face that looks like older, saggier Jack White. Gnarly dark circles under eyes, shit skin, and upturned nose.

Please advise.
Anyone cut their own hair? How do you do the area around the ears and back? Yes with a mirror but is there an easier method than just eyeballing it?
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Been growing for some time and I enjoy having it but don't really know what to do with it. Suggestions?
I wear a beanie or baseball cap 24/7, because it's low effort, keeps it out of the way and I have no other options. It's pretty fine and silky which seems to be a curse when trying to do anything with it and I have zero volume or texture on top of my head, I guess because it's easily weighed down. So concealing that is another benefit that hats provide.
All I really do is use a lil gel serum and scrunch it dry with a t-shirt to get the waves going. I wash pretty frequently and I recently have stopped brushing/combing it altogether (I used to use a wide tooth comb in the shower with conditioner applied) and I think that has been positive
every time i get my haircut it looks like shit for the first two or 3 weeks. then as it grows out, it looks fucking awesome for a few weeks, before getting a tad too long and unruly to style correctly

whenever i go to the barber i don't know how to describe my the hairstyle that i have at that 2-3 week mark, and so i always leave with this weird bowl-y fringe that looks too short and too long at the same time.

is there a place i can scroll through hairstyles to find the one that actually looks like what i want?

inb4 someone replies with >>18236454; the hairstyle i like is not there
I thought it was common knowledge that they cut it shorter so that it grows into the ideal cut and stays that way for longer
Take a picture of yourself when it's how you like it?????????
I kinda want a more modern take of this. Does anyone have any recommendations?
Reject modernity, embrace tradition.
whats this haircut called?
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grow it out then use some sea salt spray to give it a messy touch
Cut your hair into a short mohawk.
(bit grown out) undercut with a longer back/ drop fade that's almost a mullet, loosely/ messily combed back
There’s no fade there.
Why get a fade and wait for it to grow out to achieve a certain hairstyle when you can get that hairstyle from the beginning?
It looks like a normal slick back with shorter sides and back.
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How to get this hair?
After a couple years worth of attempts of going to high-end stylists and experimenting with different styles, I've realized that I'm just plain ugly.
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26, starting a new job and moving to NYC soon.
Want to get my haircut to look more masculine, and more professional.
Can anyone recommend me anything they'd think would look good?
>More masculine
Are you trans? Nothing about you looks masculine. Any haircut that exposes your hairline will make you look more feminine.
You look like a woman that has been abused.
You will never be a man.
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Maybe i'm autismo but you remind me of Richard Horne from Twin Peaks a bit
Like I'm not saying you look identical but there seems to be some kind of resemblance
That's just what white zoomers boys look like in 2024. That's why zoomer girls go for millennial men.
Zoomer girls like twinks though
Just get a good trim and a shorter fringe.
you guys have never had sex consensually
I personally don't don't see it but thanks he looks good.
ty for the actual advice
I think you have a similar jawline and also a strong brow + nose bridge.
Your face is very much centred towards your brow, it's a unique look.
idk what that really means but thanks man I appreciate it
>you guys have never had sex consensually
Anyone who would want to have sex with you is a closeted pedo. You look like a feminine little boy at 26.
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i got a haircut
You look fine and cute just keep it that way
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I had this hair style about 2 years ago, since then I had a buzzcut and a growback mullet what do I tell my barber to get it again bros
This is better but you still look incredibly androgynous. Thanks for keeping me updated though.
Don't ever hold your phone like that ever again.
So you're Indian. Noted.
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What do you think about this hairstyle? (I will dye my hair black or leave it brown, not dye it cringe purple like the pic)
These are all beautiful hairstyles, it is important that you are confident

who even is it? carti? trav?
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how do you get your hair like this if you have straight flat hair
I trimmed my hair and now the rest of my hair looks different, it looks wavier now
Am I just imagining it or does this happen?
The ends of my hair used to be extremely dry and damaged
bro (female) looks like he (she) died from licking too many envelopes
barbers have spent so long doing fades they've forgotten how to actually cut and style hair
truth brother.
I went to a barber instead of a salon for the first time in years the other day and I had to fight the guy to get him to not give me a fade, and he still pretty much just gave me a fade but kinda longer, more of an undercut.
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what hair type is this
First haircut in a year and retard barber fucks me up
Obviously I will rape and kill him but how can I save this in the meantime
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>you're watching WAINGRO on The CW!!!
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What's this hairstyle and how do I get it?
>pitiful weak twink
>"I will rape and kill him"
Lmao it's always hilarious to see these impotent outrages of violence coming from people like you
sounds about right
I asked for a medium length cut like you would get in the 90s and he went straight for the clippers
it looks good
Nigga I have a glock with a switch on it I’ll really walk him down and eliminate the barbershop in retribution
I look like tremilk bro
I can't tell what you are.
bump bum bu b
you could bump by answering me question
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What is this hairstyle called?
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Abosutely based taste.
Roger Scruton has a great look, he has that nerdy yet intelectual appeal with fun fluffy hair. He looks sophisticated but the hair signifies aloof and wild side. Got some serious Doctor Who vibes. I've thought about getting my hair cut a similar way.
Pair it with some bookish clothing and make to get the right volume and wave in your hair. It should look thick, fluffy and wavy, not thin messy and curly. Roger Scruton's haircut is similar to the zoomer moptops and spaghetti puke styles but its subtly distinct. I don't know the name but a lot of older Brits had this style.
chin/neck length with feathered ends and side bob
Show him the pic?
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Fuck do I do with this hair? Going to the salon tomorrow and have no idea what I want
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I typed neck length feathered shag and this came up
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Does this shit work?
you look retarded, like actually, like if you had a missing chromosome
Does being out in the sun cause your hair to turn lighter? And if so how much would you have to do it for to notice results?
what do you know, maybe he has more chromosomes than you
yeah maybe he has an extra chromosome ;)
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does my hair look good? i think it suits me well.
How do I get my hair to look like this?
How do yall take care of your hair when it gets sweaty? I dont wanna wash it with shampoo every time I work out but itll feel a little bit weak and brittle if I just wash it with water. I cant get all of my hair into a bun yet unfortunately
pretty cool!

consume 1000 souls
try to grow em out first
I think I'm going to get the scrutim soon. I'm tired of my gay curly mullet.
asking here too : >>18258714

Tl;dr I have hair loss thin hair on my head. With short hair it looks fine, but I want to have a buzzcut again. Had it once and it was not soo good, reason was that the sides were longer than the top (grows much faster). And my hair on top is thin so you don't have that look many others have with buzz cut.

How to solve this? should try a specific length? Should I go with a boxer cut? Should I just cut the sides much everytime it grows a little bit?
comb twice a day
+use a conditioner or a shampoo that prevents ends to split
+you can tie your hair
bumping for this

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