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Hygiene/skincare General #12 post your routine edition (again)

Previous >>18191053

Post your routine, holy grails and strategies to shave balls. Share experience about skincare products and your skin issues

Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips: http://pastebin.com/5QEQgMUp
How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads: http://pastebin.com/MufDiSfy
Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face: http://pastebin.com/Ujf2x9M6
How to improve your skin tone through diet: http://pastebin.com/epLqSbEQ
Studies on how diary and sugars create acne: http://pastebin.com/0H5gag01
Dark circles around the eyes: http://pastebin.com/t796eKvr
Soap, pH, irritants and synthetic detergents: http://pastebin.com/51yse1NE
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH): http://pastebin.com/GXYPdwMf

Skin care basics: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
Acne treatment: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Acne_Treatment

Skinacea Links:
Ridding dark eye circles:
>prominent sebaceous glands (chicken skin) under eyes
My plan to reverse this:
>do a gentle pass over when cleansing since aggression won't help and the skin is sensitive
>do a second pass with moisturizer on the area after letting my first, full-face pass set a bit

Would exfoliation help? I'm thinking of incorporating AHAs.
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did you know?
That lotion sucks though
At least for me... it doesn't work
what should i look for in a daily sunscreen?
1. Full UVA/UVB protection (goes without saying)

2. AVOID irritating filters such as Oxybenzone and Octocrylene. I'm also not a fan of Homosalate.

3. LOOK FOR modern, non-irritating, highly stable filters such as:
>Tinosorb S, Tinosorb M (both broad-spectrum, M is broader but flatter, S utterly obliterates UVB and has good UVA protection),
>Uvinul A (what avobenzone wishes it could be, obliterates UVA
>Uvinul T (obliterates UVB but almost nothing for UVA)
>Mexoryl SX, Mexoryl SM (UVA and UVB respectively, though both have some broad-spectrum action). These are patented by L'Oreal, so if you don't like L'Oreal for whatever reason, take note.

4. Finally, look for moisturizing and nourishing ingredients. I personally use the Round Lab Birch Juice moisturizing sunscreen. I has good stuff such as:
>Hyaluronic Acid
>Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
>Vitamin E (Tocopherol)
It also has a decent mix of emollients so it works well as a moisturizer.

INCIDecoder is your friend if you're ever not sure about a given product or ingredient.
Maybe try doing that thing where you put a damp warm towel on the area you're gonna shave before you begin.
I forgot to mention that when I shave, it's immediately after taking a shower. Your tip is great too though.
Guys, best sunscreens?
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i took the jewpill and bought this amazon version of round lab birch juice because i'm a poor
>assumed you said "jewpill" because "Solimo" sounds like "Schlomo"
>took me like 15 minutes to realize you were just making a cheap jew joke
Am I redpilled or bluepilled?
I have seb derm and probably undiagnosed Rosacea and on top of that I'm a ginger, so my skin is often splotchy and ruddy, always looks kind of inflamed like I just got out of the shower and I'd just really like it to be an even tone and white instead of reddish. What can I do? Is the answer azelaic acid?
Should everyone be double-cleansing?
>don't wear makeup but do wear moisturizer and sunscreen on top
>slightly dry skin, do have some areas where pores are quite visible
Also this is a retarded question but can a cleanser still be "oil based" if the first ingredient is water?
Example product I am looking at: Glow Recipe Avocado Ceramide Barrier Cleanser.
The first ingredient is water, but its texture is creamy and it contains avocado oil, ceramides, and a few other emollients. Would this be a good first-pass cleanser for a double cleanse?
looking for a serum to replace this one. any reccs?
In the hype about this product legit
i've been using for a couple yrs and it does make your skin glow. basically all it does is make your skin hold moisture more
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This accutane isn't working, brehs. I need to go back to salicylic acid + retinoid cream
You could try vitamin C (antioxidant, skin-brightening) serum plus moisturizer. Look for ingredients in your moisturizer like Hyaluronic Acid to moisturize intensely, and look for occlusive ingredients to trap that moisture (if there's not enough moisture in the atmosphere, moisturizer can pull moisture from lower skin layers and lose it to evaporation if you don't use a moisturizer that forms a good enough barrier). Look for stuff like Shea Butter and Jojoba Oil.
>go on camping trip
>get tan
>skin is still noticeably more tan than pre-camping, weeks later, despite making sure to apply copious amounts of SPF 50+ daily
Bros... am I going to be Clint Eastwood mode by 30?
should double cleanse only at night to get rid of the sunscreen. Twice a day will dry out your face i think
That's what I'm thinking.
I think I might actually get micellar water for my double-cleanse and use the Glow Recipe as my daily driver cleanser.
Ultimately my plan is longevity. I don't want to stress my skin out.
>This accutane isn't working, brehs
Doesn't it take like a month or more to clear out the shit that's already started in your skin?
is adapalene a viable alternative to tretinoin? its alot easier for me to access than tret so im considering just trying it instead
high percentage AHA stimulates collagen production
or maybe it was just glycolic acid, dont remember
nta but this lotion even though is fragrance free it smells really bad
whatever other anon said + no aclohol and 50spf minimum
the ones that fit your skin best
for me its some by mi (chemical one)
boj relief rice was okay too
didnt know amazon makes kbeauty skincare dupes
>Is the answer azelaic acid?
usually yes but i would visit a derm
>Should everyone be double-cleansing
not really
i do before exfoliating or when i feel extra greasy with sunscreen on
>Also this is a retarded question but can a cleanser still be "oil based" if the first ingredient is water?
not an expert on oil based cleansers but they are usually oil mostly + surfactant and whenever they enocunter water they start foaming a little
so probably no unless there is some magical formulation but i doubt that
>Glow Recipe Avocado Ceramide Barrier Cleanser.
definetely not
>texture is creamy
yeah thats not oil
it contains avocado oil for moisturizing and nourishing properties
good luck anon
wear a hat
probs true and if it wont dry you out your skin will overproduce sebum to compensate -> you will get oily quicker
yes it is
many people will say no because "muh tret is superior" but adapalene works
Will 5% benzoyl peroxide applied for 5 minutes every evening bleach my eyebrows over time?
I use picrel and i'm mostly happy with it, it doesn't feel like a sunscreen, very light.

I'd like your expert advice on it.
>not an expert on oil based cleansers but they are usually oil mostly + surfactant and whenever they enocunter water they start foaming a little
Yeah I did a bit more research. I post questions here because it's unironically often faster and more useful than a google search lol.
For anyone retarded like me: oil-based cleansers will be marketed as "cleansing oils". Its primary medium for holding the ingredients is oil rather than water, hence the name. Stuff like the Glow Recipe is just a hydrating water-based cleanser. Water-based is a broad term including lotion and "milk" cleansers.
I cleanse and moisturize twice a day with just some basic Cetaphil, but I'm always shiny come mid day. Should I be using toner or something?
maybe that's just your personality you crazy diamond, don't fight it
Is there a reason you're moving off of it then?
Try getting a cleanser with 2% salicylic acid and using that in the morning.
Or get a 2% salicylic acid toner (make sure it's free of alcohol) and put some on a cotton pad and rub your face in the morning after washing with your regular Cetaphil and before you put on moisturizer
Anyone have advice on electric shavers for your face?
I generally use a hair trimmer to get the bulk of it off then a disposable razor, but I once used a rotary razor and loved the convince of not having to use shaving cream. The problem is it almost always cut up my neck.
I don't have my old rotary razor anymore so I am looking to buy a new one. From what I have read and watched I might try a foil razor.
My budget is under $60.
>post routine & products
I shave before showering, using "gillette moisturizing shave gel"
(I don't think this is the issue, since I get pimples in areas I don't shave, and I've also used other products with no difference)
I use the "cerave renewing sa cleanser" in the shower some days
I moisturize with "cerave moisturizing cream for normal to dry skin" afterwards (right after toweling off). I've also tried "cetaphil moisturizing lotion" with the same acne result, but that stuff felt too greasy.
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I've got this CeraVe cream too, works fine except for my oily areas where I use pic rel.
Got pic rel because the UV protector (bemotrizinol) molecule is so large that it doesn't get absorbed by the skin. I plan to eventually start using CeraVe PM cream + pic rel for all of my face when my CeraVe AM cream runs out.

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